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Dear Lorelei,

I spoke to Snuffles about your letter since I was the one to receive it. Moody was an excellent Auror. Half the cells in Azkaban are filled because of him. Knowing your last name, however, is rather odd. No one knew of your existence. No one.

I would speak to Dumbledore if it gets rather uncomfortable. I will try and speak to Arthur about it to see if anyone at the Ministry had ever let it slip that Snuffle's brother had a child. Try not to draw too much attention to yourself. If he calls you Black out loud, ignore it. Try to at least. Don't get detention over it.

Try to be calm, dear. It won't do you well to stress. Snuffles and I miss you terribly. I've been to see Amatheia more, and she misses you as well.

Please write to me or Snuffles at any time, okay? We love you a lot.

Love, Moony

Lorelei sighed as she stirred her cereal with a spoon. She read and reread the letter a bunch of times, but she couldn't find a real piece of advice besides speaking to Dumbledore.

She was ignoring the twins and Lee as they discussed aging potions to bluff themselves into the tournament. She was aggravated with their decision to try to join because she knew it would be dangerous, and she was irritated with the new Defense teacher already. This school year began in a rough manner for the mermaid. George groaned to himself when he saw her stressed-out appearance. It was the first day back, and she already looked like she did at the end of last year during O.W.L. exams.

He excused himself from his twin and Lee to scoot down toward Lorelei. Lorelei glanced up at the approaching red-head and scowled.

"Oh, that's not a pretty face," he teased as he pinched her cheek. She swatted his hand away and gave him a glare. "Good Godric, what's got your knickers in a twist, love?"

"I just have an awful feeling about this year," she mumbled while reading a letter over again. That was an understatement.

"Who's that from?" George questioned trying to look over her shoulder. She quickly folded the letter and placed it in her robes.

"Remus. Asking me if I made it all right," she mumbled hastily before pushing her cereal back. She stood up abruptly and smiled tightly at the wizard. He grabbed her hand before she could walk away.

"Okay, let's pretend I believe that was all it was about. You looked like you wanted to cry while reading it. When are you going to be honest with me?" he said with a scowl forming on his face. She had been keeping secrets all summer. "To be frank, I wouldn't be surprised if you and Lupin were--"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence, Weasley," she hissed as her eyes darkened and her hand was roughly pulled from his. Now, the pair had managed to get the attention of the Gryffindors surrounding them. Fred stood up in case he had to pull the mermaid back. "You know nothing."

"Exactly! The entire summer we waited, Fred and I, for some sort of honesty! You won't tell us who've you been writing to non-stop, you won't tell--"

Lorelei didn't let him finish. She shoved passed him and began to leave. Passing McGonagall who hastily handed the angry mermaid her timetable with a worried expression, Lorelei left the now quiet hall.

She huffed in annoyance when she saw she had Defense again first. "Mother fu--"

"Now, Lor. That's not a very nice word," she heard a voice tease from behind her. She turned to glare at the boy, but Harry only grinned further. Lorelei sat at one of the window seats with a frown on her face. Harry quietly sat next to her when he noticed something was wrong. "What's up?"

"Moody gives me the creeps. Remus says to talk to Dumbledore about it, but I don't want to seem like a scared child. I just need to ignore it for now. And George," she trailed off with a scowl. Harry didn't know what to say because he agreed with her about Mad-Eye Moody. The Defense teacher gave him the creeps, too. "He called me Miss Black, Moody did," she whispered after a moment.

Harry's eyes widened. "H-How does he--What do you think--Huh?"

"Exactly. Remus says he'll talk to Arthur to see if someone at the Ministry knows, but no one is supposed to." Harry and Hermione knew Sirius was her uncle, so it came to no surprise that Regulus was her father. Ron probably knew too because they tell him everything, but it was still raw--finding out everything. So, how could Moody know?

Footsteps approached and she saw Fred, George, Angelina, and Lee walking by. They were talking in harsh whispers as they walked to their first lesson. George saw Harry sitting near the girl and scowled further than he already was. Lorelei let her eyes darken as she glared right back at him.

Harry noticed the interaction and flinched when George stormed off leaving his friends behind.

"He's miffed that I won't tell him what I've been keeping from them about my father and Sirius," she said sharply as she watched his retreating figure.

"Why haven't you told them?" Harry questioned.

"I will. I-I just need to get used to the idea of knowing my father...having a bit of family. You know? The Weasleys will always be family, but knowing I have actual family out there like Si-Snuffles and Andromeda is wonderful."

Harry nodded. Lorelei bid him goodbye after a while because she didn't want to be late for her first lesson with Moody. When she approached the classroom that used to be fun and full of life from Remus, she frowned at how dark it appeared to be.

"Ah, Miss Black. I had a feeling I'd be seeing you bright and early," Moody grumbled from his spot by the door.

"Professor, could you please call me by my real last name?" she asked as nice as she could.

"Black is your real last name. In you get."

Lorelei frowned and walked in. Seeing her friends sitting in pairs, Lee with Angie and Fred with George, she sat at an empty table. The class was filling with Slytherins, much to Lorelei's displeasure. It became even worse when Adrian Pucey smirked and took a seat next to her. Brizo finched away from the nasty Slytherin who threw him a few years ago and settled on Lorelei's lap.

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