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THE HOGWARTS FEAST WAS THE BEST THE TWINS HAD EVER BEEN TO. Everyone was in light spirits as each petrified person was slowly making their way to the Great Hall. Lorelei was nowhere to be seen, but George and Fred weren't worried. After all, Harry had saved the school yet again.

The whole school knew of Harry and Ron's quest to find the Chamber of Secrets, where the twins didn't know until now that Ginny had been taken into it to be killed. Harry had saved Ginny and the school by killing the basilisk and the young Tom Riddle.

Harry was getting congratulations and pats on the backs from mostly everyone. Justin, from Hufflepuff, waved dramatically at the boy who lived. He was grateful just like all the petrified beings. It wasn't like Harry had saved them, but he had put a stopping to anymore. He had put a stopping to someone dying.

Hermione Granger ran through the hall next as she jumped onto Harry in a tight hug saying he had solved it. Penelope Clearwater was near Percy as he had recounted everything that had happened since she had been petrified. Colin Creevy was snapping photos of everything that had to do with Harry, and even Sir Nicholas was floating around waving at all of the students. Mrs. Norris was safely in Mr. Filch's arms as he danced around with her.

Yes, the feast was rather odd but it was so enjoyable and lighthearted. Gryffindor had won the House Cup again, but everyone was in good spirits. Even some Slytherins seemed to be having a good time (only some).

Nonetheless, George tapped his foot impatiently. Where was she?

Fred only smirked at his younger brother and tapped his shoulder with a grin. "I think she's taking her time. Probably went for a swim or something. She has a thing for theatrics, doesn't she?"

George snorted as he wrung his hands nervously. Even Brizo was staring at the door waiting.

Dumbledore hadn't wanted to start the actual feast until the mermaid had gotten there, but even he was beginning to worry. What if it hadn't worked?

Of course, after waiting another five minutes, students began to worry as well. Harry glanced up nervously at Dumbledore. He couldn't help but think the Mandrakes wouldn't work on the mermaid. What if there was nothing they could do?

It was only a few more minutes before the Great Hall's doors opened. All eyes had gone to the person standing there wide-eyed at all the attention on her. She stood there for a moment before shivering because of all the stares.

"Oi, why is everyone staring?" she whispered with a curious gleam in her eyes as she took in the quiet hall. Relieved gasps and laughter was heard as the chatter began again.

Dumbledore chuckled. "We were beginning to think you'd lost your way, Miss Calypso," he said over the hall quieting it down again.

She walked forward to the Gryffindor table. "Well, you see. When I woke up, I don't think my skin had ever felt that terrible. I quickly took a dip in the lake," she muttered, trailing off sheepishly not realizing everyone had been waiting on her.

Fred snorted loudly and banged George's back with his hand. "I told you!"

Lorelei grinned at the twins as chatter started up again. She hugged her friends, giving extra long ones to Harry and Ron. Both received sloppy kisses on the forehead and pinches on their cheeks.

When she got to Fred, he hugged her tightly. But nothing could have prepared her for George's hug. He seemed to not want to let her go. "Been worrying all night, and you've decided to take a nice dip in the lake," he muttered.

Lorelei grinned on his shoulder. When they released, she barely had a moment to breathe before the crab lunged at her. He was squeaking like he was scolding her but the cries were heard as he held on to her for dear life. Brizo loved Lorelei too damn much for that heartache he felt.

Dumbledore coughed a bit making Lorelei grin timidly again. "Sorry! Proceed. I'm sure there are many hungry children here."

"Got t'at right," Seamus mumbled causing her to smirk at him.

Dumbledore congratulated Madam Pomfrey, Professor Sprout, and the rest of the staff for their diligent work that year. Apparently, Dumbledore had been sacked for a few months and Hagrid was sent to Azkaban. Hagrid sat happily at the staff table, now. (It wasn't Hogwarts without Hagrid) Harry had saved Ginny Weasley from dying (Lorelei pulled Ginny close to her after that was said), and Professor Lockhart was a fluke.

"HA! I knew it!" Lorelei yelled out causing many people to laugh, mostly boys as girls were too in love with him.

The best news was that exams were canceled. Lorelei had already begun panicking in her mind about exams, but it was all washed away when they said it was a school treat. School treat or not, Lorelei was glad to have no exams after spending months petrified.

On the train ride home, Ginny let slip of Percy and Penelope snogging in a compartment making Fred drop a stack of books on George's head.


Ginny paled. "That's who he was writing to all summer. He missed her terribly when she was attacked. Oh, no! You won't tease him, will you?"

Lorelei played with Ginny's hair and smiled. "I won't let them," she said as Fred grinned mischievously and said, "Wouldn't dream of it."

"Definitely not," George commented with his own grin matching his brother's. He had sat very close to Lorelei. He hadn't wanted to be too far away from her. He was worried she would disappear if he had let her leave his sights for too long.

Back at the Burrow, the Weasleys had announced they won a fair bit of gold for a trip to Egypt, but Lorelei had spent too much time out of the water. She needed a good summer of just sunbathing and swimming with Brizo and her mum. George and Fred deflated at her decision, but she gave them both swift kisses on the cheek before going to see her mother who had definitely heard the news by now. It was only five days until the full moon, so Lorelei wouldn't mind being alone when the Weasley's left.

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