- 1 7 4 - TO MEET AGAIN

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EMBRY WAS SILENT SINCE THE DEATH OF HIS PARENTS. Lorelei spent most of February forcing the boy to eat in between taking care of Ophelia. George was gone again, this time stating he and Fred were going to salvage what they could of the shop. Fred was fine from the attack, but the twins sent off Verity for good until the war was over. Lorelei knew the shop was of most importance, but she couldn't help missing the red-heads again.

It was the beginning of March when Embry finally broke down again, knowing it had been a month since the murder. Lorelei watched as he and Ophelia sat on the couch together, the baby laying on his chest as he muttered things to her. Lorelei vaguely heard, "You're going to be the luckiest baby out there. You've got such a loving Mummy." Lorelei had to hurry to wipe the tear from her face as Ophelia only giggled at the boy. Embry smiled for the first time in weeks.

George and Fred appeared a few days later, both with worn expression but smiling, nonetheless. Fred walked over to Embry, pulling Ophelia from his chest, and with a stern expression, he said, "Get up. Go get dressed, both of you." Lorelei had just finished hugging George as she stared at the other twin with a look of 'are you actually insane?' He grinned and patted Embry's head. "Now, little fishy."

Embry rolled his eyes, but he got up to do as he said while muttering things under his breath. George grinned at Lorelei. "You, too. Get an outfit for Lia."

Lorelei eyed the twins wearily, Fred now making cooing noises at Ophelia. Rolling her eyes, she turned to walk to her room. She caught Embry throwing a shirt over his head. He mumbled, "Do you know where we are going?" It was the first full sentence he had spoken to her. "Lor?"

Lorelei shook her head, smiling slightly. "Hopefully somewhere safe."

"That'll be hard to find, then," muttered Embry as he pulled on some shoes. "Hey. Thanks for everything this past month. I know I haven't been... the easiest to be around. If we survive this war crap, I'll go back to America to leave you be--"

"What?" Lorelei said, hating the dejection in his tone. She placed her clothing that she was going to change into on the bed. Walking up to him, she put her hands on his shoulders. "You listen to me, Embry. We ARE going to survive this. And when we do, we'll be a family. Me, you, George, Fred, Harry, and Ophelia, okay? You aren't leaving me that easy." She saw the corner of his lips twitch as she pulled him into a hug. "Now," she said as he pulled away, "leave so I can change."

Embry rolled his eyes, grabbing Ophelia an outfit before leaving the girl in the room.

When Lorelei came out of the room in the first real 'going out' outfit in months, she smiled at the three boys--her three boys--trying to fight off Ophelia's kicks as they tried to get her dressed. Snorting, she caught George glare her way as she walked up and Ophelia immediately stop kicking. "Lia loves when Mummy changes her," Lorelei cooed, easily changing the girl and putting a beautiful dress Fleur had bought her on. "Where're we going, boys?"

"You said you wanted to be apart of the broadcast of Potterwatch, so Fred and I are going to get you out of the house for once. Lee found a new place to hideout. It'll be completely safe since it's the first one in months. Ready?" George said, moving to grab Lorelei's hand. "Hold onto her," he said with a smile as Fred and Embry disappeared from the cottage. Lorelei hesitated. "Fleur and Bill know where you'll be. Come on."

Lorelei felt the unfamiliar feeling of Apparating, a feeling she hadn't felt since October. When they appeared in front of a building that was worn down, Lorelei frowned. George pointed his wand at the mailbox on the outside, a new door forming that seemed shiny and new.

Furrowing her eyebrows, she shushed Ophelia as the girl looked around curiously and babbled nonsense. George opened the door, closing it quickly and muttering the countercurse to make the wall lose the door. Fred and Embry were waiting on the other side with matching smirks. The five walked down a hallway until they turned into another one. When they reached a door with the number 156, Fred knocked in a pattern that was obviously memorized. After a second, Fred knocked a single time, which the door seemed to open as soon as he did.

Lorelei stared into the eyes of someone she hadn't seen in years.

"Well, isn't this a surprise. I'd even say my Chaser instincts almost kicked in for a second," Lorelei teased as the man smiled brightly at her.

"What would you have done, Calypso? Thrown the baby?" he teased back, eyes zeroing in on Ophelia, he smiled softly at her. "You look good, Lor."

"Thanks, Oliver. This your place?" she asked as they were ushered in. George grinned as Oliver watched Ophelia.

"Dad's old place. He's in hiding--too old for the fighting. How'd you create such a precious child, Weasley? Ouch!" Oliver was hit by George, but the pair were grinning at the scene. It felt so good to have some form of happiness. Oliver then went to shake hands with the twins and introducing himself to Embry. "Oliver W--"

"Wood, yeah I know. You're a right good Quidditch player," Embry gushed, coughing after a second to compose himself. "Embry Hilton."

Lee yelled suddenly, "EMBRY! LORELEI!"

Ophelia screamed back as if it was a game.

Lee stopped in his tracks, grinning at the baby. "Hello, oh, Lor... she's so perfect," Lee gushed just as three more people made themselves known. Bethany gave a small wave and smile.

Lorelei smiled brightly at the tired werewolf. "Remus."

"Lorelei," Remus breathed, walking forward to pull her into a hug, Ophelia smashed in between. He grinned when the baby pulled on his hair. "Ophelia, how are you, beautiful girl?" Lorelei allowed Remus to pick her up, Ophelia loving all of the attention of every man in the room.

Lorelei noticed Kingsley smiling at the scene softly. He bowed slightly. "Lorelei."

"Kingsley, how are you?"

Kingsley muttered, "Been better, but I'm glad to see Ophelia and yourself well. Was Lorelei going to speak today?" The question was directed toward Lee.

Lee grinned. "What should we call her?"

Fred snorted at Lorelei's confused face. "Lee's River. Kingsley is Royal. Remus is Romulus. I'm Rapier. George is Rodent." George hit his brother but shrugged in response. Fred snapped his fingers as if he had gotten the greatest idea. "I've got it."

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