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AFTER DEFEATING HUFFLEPUFF, THE GRYFFINDORS HAD TO PLAY SLYTHERIN FOR THE QUIDDITCH CUP. It was a brutal match, but there was more eyes on the field watching for fouls. Lorelei was glad to see Fred and George hitting their Bludgers at the Chasers around her as she scored another goal.

"Another ten points for Gryffindor by Calypso! What a wonderful girl she is! Right bloody smart when it comes to Transfigurations! She--Ow, Professor! Alright! Ten points to Montague for Slytherin, woo."

The game had been close, but the Slytherin Seeker caught the Snitch in time. Slytherins had done it. Gryffindor's lost.

Oliver hugged Jordan the longest saying he was the best Seeker even if he didn't win. Jordan beat himself up pretty bad about it, but there was nothing to do. Fred and George were gloomy, but Lorelei tried to be encouraging. The lot had five more years to win the cup. They were sure to get an amazing Seeker next year.

The year seemed to fly by after that. Examinations were getting closer and closer, so the twins, Lee, Angelina, Alicia, and Lorelei spent a lot of time studying. The twins held better respect after that Howler from their mum; however, Lorelei did not think it would last. She almost didn't see the twins ever being happy in a classroom during their life.

They were in the library when Montague and his little group of Slytherins decided to make a mess of things. Literally.

They took Lorelei, Angelina, and Alicia's books and threw them on the ground. George and Fred immediately drew out their wands while Lee did so hesitantly. "Back off, Montague," George said.

Angelina glared at the nasty boys while Alicia looked away from them. Lorelei was fed up.

She stood up angrily and drew out her own wand. Pointing it at his neck, much to his surprise and the surprise of everyone around them, she hissed with so much anger, "Why can't you just leave us alone, huh!?"

"Watch it, fish. Don't want detention," Pucey snarled out trying to help Montague back away from the wand.

"Flipendo!" The group of Slytherins was knocked back like dominos into shelves behind them.

"Miss Calypso!" Madam Pince screamed out once she had made it to where the noise was. "Go to Professor McGonagall immediately!"

"Happily," Lorelei muttered while quickly picking up her things and stomping out of the library.

The Slytherins were falling over each other to get away from the Gryffindors making them laugh. Angelina looked where Lorelei had gone with worry. "Will she be alright?"

"Probably a night's worth of detention. She'll be fine," Lee said with a grin once they retrieved the girl's books off the ground.

Fred grinned. "That was brilliant!"

"Bloody hell, I didn't think she would ever curse a student," George said with an equal grin to his brother.

Lorelei was seething with anger. She knew she had to calm down, but she was so aggravated by those nasty Slytherin. She had managed to make it to the Gryffindor's Head of House's office without cursing another student, which was great in her opinion. Professor McGonagall looked at Lorelei in question when she knocked and entered her office.

"What's wrong, Miss Calypso?"

"I hexed Montague in the library. Madam Pince sent me here for my detention sentence," Lorelei muttered as she took a seat in front of McGonagall's desk.

McGonagall looked at the girl in surprise. Lorelei was the last person McGonagall would think would purposefully duel someone. There had to be a reason. "What did Mr. Montague do to provoke you, Miss Calypso?"

"Knocked over me and my friend's things. Called me a fish," Lorelei murmured now realizing she should've just kept her temper in check.

Professor McGonagall smirked. "You may go. Let this be a warning. Off to dinner."

Lorelei looked up in surprise. Nodding, not arguing and demanding detention, she quickly left to find her friends. When she told them what McGonagall said, they are cheered. She was glad to not have detention on her own. She hated them, but with the twins, as they usually were, they were fun.

The examinations were harder than last year. Lorelei felt like she wasn't going to do well on the History of Magic exam because quite frankly, she didn't care much. Fred and George were excited that they would do okay on their exams thanks to Lorelei. Lee was still sour about Astronomy, but he thought he did okay.

The train ride back home started with Fred and George setting off another explosion like the one in the library, but it was in the Slytherin's compartment. Lorelei laughed and pointed out, "It's funny when it's not me." Fred only grinned in response.

Percy sat with his friends, and he took Brizo for a while. Before the end of ride, he had brought Brizo back saying Brizo missed her. His eyes were only fixed on George. She muttered something about Brizo liking George more when Percy left and Brizo sat happily on George's lap.

The Hogwart's Express was a beautiful work of art, but the train ride itself was even more beautiful. She enjoyed watching the scenery she had almost memorized in her two years of magic. She found herself growing tired at one point, so she leaned her head on the window and fell asleep listening to her friends argue about their summer plans.

When she woke up, her head was now on George's shoulder and the group was still arguing, but it was on a Quidditch topic. Angelina and Fred could yell and yell about Quidditch any day. Lorelei apologized to George when she realized where her head was.

"You looked uncomfortable on the window," he said with a shrug. Brizo was still sleeping in his lap. "We're nearing the station anyway."

The group departed with Fred promising Angelina to write to finish their argument. Alicia growled, "It better be finished by September first or I'll strangle you both."

Lee smirked and wished them a good summer. Each person left until it was only the twins and Lorelei with Fred now holding Brizo.

"Warming up to me, are you?"

Brizo shrieked and jumped on George. Lorelei laughed loudly. "Think he had you mistaken, Freddie."

"Whatever," he sneered at the crab. The crab sneered right back.

Percy met up with the group as they found Molly waiting for them. The woman hugged her children tightly complaining that another one would be going to Hogwarts next semester. Ron only grinned and puffed out his little chest at the mention of him. He was excited. Ginny groaned at the thought of waiting another year.

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