LORELEI HAD BEEN SWIMMING FOR HOURS, THAT SHE WAS SURE. Arthur had given her an enchanted watch to take with her to tell time, but she was too engrossed in swimming to get to her destination. She had passed merfolk that glanced at her oddly as she went through communities and cities in the underwater world. She knew what they were thinking with her hair being so dark. She was a half-breed from just looking at her, and she hated it. There was nothing she could do, however, as she went through the merfolk community full of blonde hair.
When she finally took a break, she opened her bag to glance at the watch to see she had been swimming for five hours. She floated as she looked around. She saw a woman glancing at her curiously, and Lorelei had noticed this woman following her for at least the last hour.
Putting the watch back in her bag, she turned to the woman. She smiled, hoping to receive one back, but the girl glanced around fearfully. A frown found its way onto her face.
"Hello!" Lorelei called out before the woman could swim away. "Could you tell me what waters I'm in?"
The mermaid stopped in place, frozen in fear. Turning slightly, she bit her lip. Her blue eyes were sparkling with fear and curiosity. "T-The Tyrrhenian Sea."
Lorelei's eyes brightened at the information. "Oh, brilliant! Do you know the Calypso family?"
"M-My father said I'm not supposed to speak to half-breeds," she whispered, her gaze falling.
Lorelei gave the mermaid a tight smile. "I won't bother you. If you do know the Calypso family, it would be of great help."
The woman looked up again, biting her lip a bit tighter. "Right... they live in the cove right down the water. You see that blue rock that kind of curves? Yeah, that's them... what's your name?"
"Lorelei. And yours?"
"Bethany," she whispered, still frightened. "You don't seem to be at all like my father made half-breeds out to be."
Smiling even tighter, Lorelei replied, "You wouldn't know I was a half-breed if not for my hair. I'm just like you. Thank you for your help, Bethany. I hope we meet again."
Lorelei swam off toward the curved blue rock, ignoring the gazes from the other merfolk around. When she reached the rock, she swam into the cove a bit before calling out, "Hello?"
"Who's there?" a man called out. When he swam over, his eyes widened. "Amatheia?"
Lorelei felt her chest tighten as she shook her head. "N-No. I'm her daughter."
The man swam back a bit as he took in the mermaid in front of him. He frowned deeper as his eyes focused on her hair. "What's your name? Where is Amatheia? Why're you here?"
"Woah, Florence. Who're you questioning about Ama--" a woman swam in laughing, but her face became shocked as she saw Lorelei floating in their cove home. "You're not supposed to be here."
Lorelei took a deep breath before glaring heatedly at the couple. "My name is Lorelei. You know what my mother mated with, why I was born. I know you will not like what I have to say, but let me finish," Lorelei started strongly, thinking of her mother as she did so. She could see her mother in the two fish floating in front of her. Her grandmother is where Amatheia received her beautiful eyes as her grandfather's eyes were a bit darker. She had her grandfather's nose but more her grandmother's facial structure. Lorelei missed her mother greatly just by looking at them. "The same war that happened in the wizarding world over a decade ago is at large again. There will be many lives at stake. I know the merfolk have no business with the wizards, but I was sent by the most powerful wizard in the world to gain trust in some of you.
"I decided to start with my grandparents because no matter how much you despised what my mother did and what I am, you loved her. You can dislike me all you want, but you loved my mother. She died," Lorelei continued even after the loud gasp from her grandfather and the sob that came out of her grandmother's throat. "She was murdered by one of the Dark Lord's most trusted servants. I will not let her death be in vain. Whether or not you two decide to help me, I will find as many merfolk who would be willing to aid the wizarding world in this trying time. My mother died for me, and I'll never forget the loss I've felt because of it. I could really use some family right now, but I understand if you both decide against it and never want to speak to me again."
Her grandparents held onto each other as they wept for their dead daughter. Lorelei almost wanted to hit them because they had disowned her. She didn't leave on her own free-will. Lorelei floated with a stoney look on her face to try and show the seriousness of her proposition. She only hoped gaining the respect of two of the elders in the merfolk community would gain more followers.
Her grandmother finally was able to get herself together, wiping her eyes even though no tears could fall in the water. She frowned deeper as she glanced at Lorelei. Determination filled her eyes as she said, "I was wrong all those years ago to throw your mother out of our home. I was wrong, and this is my karma for doing so. She's been dead, and you've been alone."
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