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THE GOLDEN TRIO AND GINNY WERE OFF TO HOGWARTS BY THEMSELVES FOR THE FIRST TIME. The twins and Lorelei were not allowed to see them off because there were too many Order members escorting them, and Dumbledore was now worried about Lorelei's safety. Lorelei, however, was rather agitated with Dumbledore. He said she was incapable of protecting herself in secret to Remus, but the mermaid overheard it. She came out of the shadows and told off the old wizard because she could take care of herself, but when she's against the darkest witch and wizard, did they really expect her to win? Only Harry seemed to be able to fight off Voldemort and Bellatrix.

Dumbledore only apologized briefly and left. So now, Lorelei was dueling with Remus almost daily when Remus was around. When he wasn't, Tonks would take over. The two were finally talking again, but Tonks told Lorelei she just isn't bringing up their relationship right now, she just missed him.

George and Fred hated that she was out of their sight during most days, but Lorelei refused to just sit around. She did her work for them, so when Fred tried to make her stay and do paperwork, it was already done. Fred pouted until she left.

It was now closer to November, and Lorelei was at Remus's cottage again with her wand out and sweat beading down her face. Remus gave her a look of irritation. "Come on, Lorelei. You're not even trying--"

"I'll say she isn't. You've hit her with every spell--" Tonks cut him off, but Lorelei silenced her with a look.

Lorelei's eyes darkened considerably since she arrived as her temper rose, but she took a few deep breaths. "I've never been good at nonverbals, Remus."

"Well, you need to get better! Most spells are always reversed when the person takes too much time shouting. Just try to disarm me... did you pass your N.E.W.T.--"

"REMUS!" Lorelei growled out. "I did what I needed to do to pass, but in case you've forgotten, I never graduated."

"Clearly," Tonks said with a smirk.

Lorelei, out of anger, shot the disarming spell at Tonks nonverbally--her first one of the day. They always came randomly because she could never control it. Tonks flew back into the small garden making Remus laugh hysterically at Tonks's fallen figure. "Good!" he yelled. "Channel your emotions to producing the spells."

Lorelei sighed and tried to stun Remus, but he was too quick. He produced a shield around himself, sending the spell right back to Lorelei. Lorelei had no shield, so she was stunned backward onto the ground. This time, Tonks began laughing.

On the ground, after Remus lifted the spell, Lorelei growled out, "Maybe Dumbledore is right. Maybe I'm weak."

Tonks sighed from her spot on the ground near her. She had sat up and stared at the witch lying defeated. Tonks glanced at Remus with angry eyes. "Be nice," she hissed softly. Remus sniggered as he walked over to Lorelei.

"You're doing really well," Remus tried to make her feel better saying this. She only gave him a look. "Okay, you need to stop feeling bad for yourself. You won't get any better if you have no confidence."

Lorelei took his hand to pull herself up. Nodding, she told him she was ready to try again. He grinned at her and told her to keep her wand at the ready. Keeping her wand tight in her hand and dark eyes on Remus, she thought long and hard about the stunning spell. With a flick of her wrist, she saw the spark leave her wand. He, of course, easily deflected it, but Lorelei was quick and thought Protego in her mind. The spell didn't go back to him, but it didn't hit her either. Remus and Tonks cheered loudly making Lorelei let out a breath she didn't know she was holding before a grin lifted on her face.

"Let's try again? Dora?" Remus asked with a grin.

They practiced into the night because Remus had an Order mission with other werewolves the day following. Tonks was noticeably sadder as the night was getting close to ending, so when it was around seven, Lorelei said she would go home. Remus looked at her worriedly, "You sure? You can eat here tonight--"

"You and Tonks should eat. George'll be missing me," Lorelei said with a smile as she pulled Remus into a hug. "Thank you so much. I love you."

"Love you," he said with his own grin.

Lorelei hugged Tonks as well, whispering to have a good night. When she saw them go inside, she Apparated back to her flat. George and Fred were sitting at the table with a plate of a type of noodles. Both grinned at her when they saw her tired face. George stood up and kissed her cheek.

"How was practicing?" he asked as he led her to the table. "Mum sent over dinner."

Lorelei instantly relaxed at the sound of George's voice. She watched him make her a plate as she told him about her day. He and Fred cheered when she told them she was able to do the nonverbals without too much fail. Lorelei asked about their day to which they went into a full detailed list of how it went. They spoke about the customers who came in and how there was less and less every day because of the scare of Voldemort.

Lorelei ate silently as they spoke, taking in every detail of the twins sitting in front of her. George began to tell a joke, Fred laughing before the punchline even made it out. She snorted at their expressions. After a while, she asked them if they would accompany her to the beach for a much-needed swim.

They agreed immediately.

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