LORELEI SAT IN REMUS'S BED WITH THE BLANKETS POOLED AT HER WAIST, NOT MOVING, BARELY BLINKING, AND BREATHS STEADY. She refused to go to Grimmauld Place. She refused to be anywhere near the Burrow. Both were the homes of the two most important people in her life, and both were dead. She now sat in Remus's bed, and a part of her, the angry and malicious part, wondered when Remus would die. When would another adult she felt as if was her own parent would die?
Remus had been in and out of the cottage he lived in. He would go visit Tonks, who was supposedly in St. Mungos. He would go to Grimmauld and do things for the Order. He still had things he had to do, a life to live. He would always come home, telling Lorelei about his day. He would make sure to spend any of his free time in the room with her. Whether it was eating meals, which he forced her to do, reading quietly, or talking. Lorelei would only mumble responses, but he was glad it was something. She rarely left the bed unless it was the bathroom or changing clothes.
She hadn't seen George or Fred or anyone else since that night. She told Remus to let George know she would talk to him soon, but she could tell by the look on Remus's face and the requests he brings home daily that George was not happy with this. Remus also said Molly and Arthur wanted her to live with them for a while, but Lorelei could not even think of going there at this moment. Brizo was staying with George, that she knew for sure.
Lorelei's skin felt like it was on fire. It itched and was raw from her scratching, but she didn't deserve the water. She didn't deserve to move on when both of the deaths were her fault. She knew now that she was not over Amatheia's death like she had tried so hard to be. And now with Sirius's death, the air of guilt and anger and sadness lingered over her like a cloud. Remus tried getting her to leave, but she couldn't.
This particular day, two weeks after the Battle of the Department of Mysteries and a day after the full moon, Remus walked in looking ragged and worn. He still held a plate with a small smile on his face. Grinning at Lorelei, he sat in the bed next to her and handed her the plate of food. She ate wordlessly until Remus decided to start a conversation.
"So, Lor... the Hogwarts Express arrives in a while... I--I was asked if you would accompany us--the Order--to retrieve Harry and the others... you don't have to, but I thought you'd like to... Up to you, my dear," he said, stuttering and stammering as he tried to not make her upset.
Lorelei sighed, taking a bite of her pizza. It was quiet for a moment before she nodded. "Yeah, I'd like that," she mumbled, "I need to speak to Harry... and George."
"Ah yes, George. He almost grabbed my hand to Apparate here, you know. Doesn't know where I live, so he can't find you. He's a wreck, Lor. You need to speak to him," he implored.
"You saw him?" she asked.
"We had an Order meeting this morning. I was late due to my monthly, but he and Fred were there bombarding me with questions. Dumbledore was worried as well--"
"Dumbledore has no right. Not a single right to act as if he cares for me or for Harry. I can't help feel that Sirius dying is his fault," Lorelei said, sitting up straighter to look at Remus. Remus allowed a flicker of pain to cross his features. "Sorry," she mumbled, knowing Sirius dying was a harsh topic even for the werewolf. "How's Tonks?"
"She'll be there later. She's all well again, thankfully," he said, smiling a bit.
"You fancy her," Lorelei responded, standing up now. It was not a question but a statement to which Remus's face flushed.
"It wouldn't matter if I did or didn't Lorelei; however, no, I don't. I'm just glad she's all right. Now, get dressed so we can meet the Weasleys--"
"Could we not meet them? I just--I need a bit more time to prepare myself..." Lorelei muttered, moving to go through the clothes in her bag. Remus took her plate and left the room after saying that was fine. Once she was dressed and ready to go, Remus grabbed her hand before Apparating them both to a dark alleyway near King's Cross.
When the pair made it into the station near Platform Nine and Three Quarters, she saw her twins wearing hideous dragon skin suits, but they were laughing with each other. The suits were definitely not her favorite, but she was glad to see them happy, though she could notice George's eyebrows were permanently stuck together as if he was worried about something. Brizo sat happily on Fred's shoulder.
Mrs. Weasley noticed her first, walking over to her yelling 'hellos' and 'I missed you' and 'I'm so glad to see you' before Arthur pushed her aside to give her his own hug. She seemed to be passed around, even getting an awkward hug from Mad-Eye, apologizing for Sirius. He was the only one who said anything like that, and she found herself not wincing as she had been the past couple of days.
Fred walked up to her, grabbing her body tightly in his arms. "You've been through hell, Lor, but you can't push us out," he whispered in her ear, "Especially not George. He's been a wreck." Brizo gave her a stern look as well before Fred let her go. When he pulled away, he moved dramatically out of George's view where he was waiting apprehensively. Her skin itched just looking at him because for once, she felt okay. She knew it was because of him. Her skin began to burn again, but she only ran up to the red-haired twin and hugged him, tears pooling in her eyes.
"I'm sorry," she sobbed. He only shushed her, telling her not to apologize. He knew it couldn't have been easy losing two people in the span of a few months. She was a strong girl, and he knew she just needed space. No matter how much it killed him, he had to give it to her. He locked eyes with Remus who gave him a small smile and a nod. He was glad she had one person left beside the Weasley family that knew her as well as Sirius and Amatheia had.
They held each other for a long time, though it was not a hug after a while. George just had to have an arm or a hand on her at all times as if she would disappear if he didn't. They waited for about five minutes before Harry walked out followed by Ron, Hermione, and Ginny. Molly rushed forward to greet them.
Lorelei gave pleasant hellos and greetings, but she had yet to look Harry in the eye. She saw how each of them was glancing at her, but she had to speak to Harry alone. Arthur was about to lead the group to the Dursleys where they would tell them to treat Harry better, but Lorelei asked to speak to Harry first. George was reluctant to let her go, but she gave him a kiss on the cheek that made him smile slightly.
When the pair made it away from the large group, but close enough for them to be seen, she finally looked him in the eye. She almost gasped at the pain hidden in them. Tears pooling up in her already red eyes, he surprised her by pulling her in a hug.
"I know, Lor. I know," was all he said. And even if she should have been comforting him, the two standing there in each other's arms was exactly what they needed. They would speak about it more later, and they were fine with that. He could always contact her at any point, and she mumbled before he left that she would be at Four Privet Drive more than the Dursleys would like. He smiled gratefully and allowed her to lead him back to the group awaiting to threaten his uncle.
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