LORELEI STARED AT THE WALL PASSED REMUS'S HEAD IN THE KITCHEN. She could feel every single pair of eyes on her in that room. Dumbledore, Moody, and Tonks joined the group that night. The oldest wizard glanced worriedly at the mermaid who was screaming and crying before to Remus, but now? She was eerily calm.
Harry sat on her right, George on her left. Both didn't touch her but sat impossibly close. Dumbledore spoke to Tonks and Moody, asking them what happened. They both told them what they knew from Remus, but no one knew the whole story.
Dumbledore ignored Harry and Lorelei as he spoke about what to do to figure out what had happened, and Lorelei snapped. She snapped in the calmest but angriest tone they've heard from her.
"Maybe asking the person who was there would be helpful, Professor," she sneered. Everyone jumped at the tone of her voice. Remus sent her a look, but she ignored it. "After all, it was me who fought Bellatrix, wasn't it? It was me she wanted to kill. Put my mother's body in Godric's Hollow as close as you can to James and Lily Potter."
She said nothing else.
She ignored any questions.
After a few minutes, the Order members retreated to give her space. The Headmaster tried once more to speak to her, but she stood up and left the room when Kingsley entered.
Lorelei sat on the couch and felt someone slide into the spot next to her. Ignoring them, she stared into the fire in the fireplace. She longed for death. It should have been her. Amatheia was supposed to live. She felt unworthy to even have magic. If she couldn't save her mother, what good was it?
She felt his calloused hand enter hers. Turning slightly, she saw Harry give her a small, timid smile. It wasn't one of pity, nor was it of sadness. It was one of understanding.
She tightened her hold on Harry's hand and leaned into his shoulder. Harry could feel his shirt becoming wet from Lorelei's tears, but he didn't mind it. He understood what it was like to lose both parents. No, she hadn't known her father, but she hadn't been given much of a chance. He almost felt worse for her because she knew her mother. She knew her and it hurt so much to lose her.
George watched from the doorway, nodding slightly to Harry when they locked eyes. He knew their relationship was something he would never understand. They were like siblings, they understood each other more than anyone else would, but he was okay with that. She would open up to him when she was ready, and George was patient. He always had been when it came to Lorelei.
Lorelei pulled something from her pocket. She sat up and locked eyes with George. He sent her as much of a smile as he could. She sent him a watery one in return. He walked into the room, Fred following. The three men watched Lorelei untangle the necklace in her hands.
"I-It was on h-her neck. S-She n-never t-t-took it off," Lorelei whispered. It was a simple peach shell, but the pearl was stuck in the middle shining so bright.
"It's beautiful. I'm sure she'd want you to have it," George said with a low voice.
Lorelei felt a new set of tears fall. "I-I co-couldn't protect her."
"You fought Bellatrix, love," Fred said with determined eyes. "Y-You're so strong. You did everything you could've done."
Lorelei shook her head. "I should've dove under the water and dragged Mum with me. S-She wouldn't have gotten... this is all my fault--"
"Stop it," Harry said firmly, grabbing her hand tighter. "Fred's right. You took on Bellatrix. She's a dark witch, sadistic... Lor, it's not your fault."
"It should've been me."
"Lor," George stressed, coming to kneel in front of her. He grabbed her free hand and squeezed it tightly. "Don't say that, please."
Lorelei was quiet for a moment before she said, "I-I need Sirius and Remus."
The three boys nodded and allowed her to get up. She walked to the kitchen to see Dumbledore still there speaking to Kingsley. Remus caught her eyes, and she flickered hers to Sirius and then back to him. The two men followed her out into Sirius's room again after those unspoken words.
Remus pulled the girl in a hug again when he saw the next round of tears flowing. Sirius let his hand shakily move down her hair in a petting motion. The two men locked eyes when they heard another sob go through her. They would work together to keep her happy and alive. They were the last ones who could.
After a moment, she backed away. Looking to Sirius, she asked, "P-Put this on me?"
He saw the necklace and nodded. He fastened it on her neck, the shell sitting on the Queen shirt. Sirius smiled and moved to the weird machine in the corner of the room. Taking out a large, circular disk, he sat it on the machine, and music flowed in the room.
"Queen. A famous band in the Muggle world," he said as a song about breaking free came on. "Dance with me, my dearest Lorelei."
Lorelei gave him a deadpanned look, but Sirius smiled cheekily and pulled her from Remus's chest. Remus leaned on the door with a small smile as he watched Sirius force Lorelei into crazy dance moves that didn't go with the music at all.
"This was your Mum's favorite record," Remus spoke when he finally saw a smile grace her face after Sirius twirled her dramatically. "Used to always play it when you both visited James's flat."
"Lily would throw a fit because she grew up in the Muggle world with that music. But even Lily loved the smile on Amatheia's face," Sirius said after pulling Lorelei to a slow sway.
"Do you think they're watching us?" she questioned softly.
"I have a feeling Lily is getting a kick out of you two dancing to it. I can imagine Prongs and Amatheia are dancing right next to you both," Remus said with a smile.
Sirius twirled Lorelei once more. "Don't ever forget, my dearest Lorelei. The ones that love us never truly leave us. It wasn't your fault for her death. She wanted you to live."
Remus smiled as Lorelei leaned on Sirius's shoulder as the song changed to another. Remus and Sirius locked eyes again. This was their purpose in life now. Harry and Lorelei needed guidance since they were alone. The best they could do is be there for their passed best friends.
Remus was sure James, Lily, and Amatheia were dancing in this room. After all, James wouldn't pass up a chance to dance with Lily.
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