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THE TRAIN RIDE BACK TO HOGWARTS WAS DIFFERENT. It seemed as though someone found out about her mermaid genes. Someone let it slip, and now everyone was looking at her differently. She sneered at Warrington, Pucey, and Montague in passing when they began making fish references toward her. Fred and George glared at the boys while Percy tried to threaten them with Snape. It didn't work out too well.

Brizo stayed in her pocket in fear of being taken again.

When they found Lee waiting in an empty compartment, Percy announced he would go sit with his friends. He smiled reassuringly at Lorelei. "Don't let them bother you. Just tell Professor McGonagall or Dumbledore if they do worse."

When he left, Fred sneered. "We'll hex them before you go tattle. They'll get what they deserve. Just you wait, Lor."

Lee and George agreed wholeheartedly.

A while later, Angelina and Alicia joined the compartment. They weren't rude to Lorelei, just curious. A mermaid at Hogwarts seemed unreal. Alicia explained she had heard rumors last year of Lorelei being a half-breed, and she got upset that Lorelei didn't trust them enough to tell them; however, once she heard the nasty things people were saying, she knew why.

This year, the second-years could ride in the carriages. Lorelei loved magic. Seeing the carriages pulling themselves was quite magical. Fred and George smirked and brought up how they would get to watch the sorting and not feel the nerves they felt last year. Thank, Neptune for that. Lorelei could not take that again.

"So, are you lot trying out for Quidditch?" Angelina questioned with a confident smirk.

"Obviously. Little Lorelei here has been training with us all summer," Fred beamed.

George nodded. "They basically need a new team anyway. No Seeker. Missing two Chasers. No Beaters. All they've got is Oliver Wood and that other girl, I forget her name."

"What about you, Lee?" Alicia asked the boy.

"I was watching the games real intently last year. I'm thinking of taking over commentating. Whatcha think?" Lee asked with a smirk.

Lorelei nodded with the rest of the Gryffindors as they arrived at the front gate of Hogwarts. "You'd be wonderful, Lee."

The sorting was much more relaxing when you weren't the one being sorted. Lorelei sat with her friends as the twins jokes about where kids looked like they should end up. Fred leaned down to Lorelei and whispered, "That one has Slytherin all over his nasty face, doesn't he?"

"Fred!" Lorelei hissed, but even she couldn't help but laugh and agree.

After dinner, which Lorelei missed so much, Dumbledore's speech wasn't as long as normal. He grinned as he said, "This year should be another magical one, I am sure. Quidditch trials will be held in a month's time. I'll leave the exact dates up to the captains, of course. There isn't anything you should all fear but those exams at the end of the term. Now, don't think of that right now. Oh, I've seen your faces pale a bit. Tut, tut. Off to bed so you all can wake bright and early for a new year. Good night!"

Lorelei walked with Alicia and Angelina as they spoke about their excitement for Quidditch. She only hoped she would do well enough.

Brizo hopped on her shoulder in excitement when they reached the common room. He had missed this place as well.

Their dorm still only held the three girls, which was a delightful thing really. Brizo's aquarium was already set up, so he quickly made his way into his bed for the night.

"So he grew up with you? In the sea?" Alicia questioned curiously.

Lorelei nodded. "Yeah. I understand him and everything. He likes most people--well, not Fred for some reason."

The girls giggled about that as they settled for bed.

The next morning, Lorelei was happy to have her schedule not as strenuous as last year. She found her a seat in the Great Hall when Roger Davies appeared next to her at the Gryffindor table. "Half-mermaid, huh? Quite extraordinary, isn't it?"

Lorelei didn't know whether or not he was being sarcastic so she nodded fearfully. He was a pureblood, and she knew how most purebloods felt about anything other than that.

"Not to worry, Lorelei. My family thinks it's quite brilliant that I'm in the same class as you. So, last year. You really had no idea about Quidditch?" Roger asked with a teasing smile.

"Well, I knew of it. Just not really the concept. A nine-year-old explained it to me at the time," Lorelei said with a light laugh. Roger laughed loudly at that.

"Well, I'll see you around," he said then went back to his own table.

The twins sat down moments later looking over at Roger. George muttered, "What did he want? Teasing you?"

"No! He just was talking," Lorelei said quickly. The twins nodded and went to their breakfast talking animatedly about something she had no one idea over.

Lorelei found herself alone waiting for Potions to begin. She frowned when the Slytherins joined her. Montague smirked and made his way to sit right next to her. She was about to get up and move when he harshly grabbed her wrist and pulled her down.

Brizo jumped from her pocket and snapped his claws around Montague's finger. Montague screamed out just as Angelina walked in with the boys. Lorelei snatched Brizo back and went to sit next to Angelina quickly. She noticed the twins glaring harshly at Montague.

Sighing, Lorelei was preparing herself mentally for a rough year.

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