- 1 0 9 - SCARS

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"YOU'LL NEED TO TAKE OVER TRIALS FOR ME, ANGIE. Umbridge refuses to let me change the date. I trust you'll find us a good Keeper. You should've been captain anyway," Lorelei said with a sigh the next morning. Angelina looked at her incredulously as Brizo sat happily on the table eating off of her plate. Lorelei looked ultimately defeated, and Angelina wanted to cry or punch the mermaid back to her original attitude.

Lorelei's hand was wrapped after swiping a wrap from Madam Pomfrey's storage, and she told the prying eyes that she had cut it during potions. Her oblivious friends and boyfriend didn't question her.

"Are you sure?" Angelina asked.

"Well, she's not letting me move them, so I'd rather you pick a Keeper than tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum over here."



The twins glared at her, but even they had noticed the change in Lorelei's demeanor. George knew he needed to talk to her about it, but there was no time it felt like. He never felt so distant from Lorelei, even before they were dating. George tried to grab her hand but she flinched away. She mumbled a sorry before quickly gathering her things and leaving the hall. Lorelei had left because she felt the tears springing--he had grabbed her hand too hard. He didn't know this, so Lorelei couldn't be mad. When she got to the lavatory, she yelled out in frustration.

The next two nights passed in a blur because Lorelei felt like she had lost so much blood that she was stuck with a permanent headache. She hadn't completed half of her homework, making her professors question her after class. Lorelei didn't have an answer to their questions, so she just apologized and left.

When leaving, Harry had to hold Lorelei up. She felt extremely weak. She reckoned it had something to do with the mass blood loss and not going into the water. Harry had to tell someone, there was no doubt, but who wouldn't make such a big deal about it? He knew Lorelei didn't want the twins to know.

They had met Ron on the way who thought they'd laugh that he was trying out for Keeper. Lorelei leaned off of Harry to give Ron a massive hug telling him how good he played while they were home. She was sure he'd get it.

Everything was fine until Ron said, "What's that on the back of your hand?"

Harry and Lorelei had tried their very best to hide it. Ron grabbed Harry's hand first after he tried to use the same excuse as Lorelei--a cut in Potions--but Ron had seen right through that. He read the words on Harry's before taking Lorelei's hand a bit too harsh. She yelped out to which Ron almost looked like he was going to cry at the sight.

"I thought you said she was giving you both lines, Harry?" Ron said angrily.

Lorelei left the pair to go to the common room before she passed out on the floor from exhaustion. She had made it back before anyone could see her. While taking a shower, she soaked her hand while almost screaming in pain from the heat to the bloodied words.

She told Angelina about Ron and her good feeling about him. Angelina smiled brightly and said she would watch him well enough to decide if he was a good Keeper.

After their final detention, Harry mumbled to Lorelei that he felt his scar hurt when Umbridge had touched him. Lorelei tried to keep up with him, but he kept running to the common room to tell Hermione and Ron. She slowed down to a stop to catch her breath as the dizziness from blood loss hit her. She walked slowly to the common room after that, not chancing the fact that she was well on her way to pass out. She walked into a party, no doubt the twins' doing because of Quidditch, but she was in no party mood.

Passing the twins without being seen, she went up to her room to change and wrap her hand. She saw Brizo looking at her with a worried expression.

"I'm fine, B-Briz. F-Fine," she said with an affirmative head nod.

Brizo gave her a deadpanned look.

"I need to c-change before someone comes looking for me," Lorelei muttered more to herself than the crab. She put on a pair of shorts and Fred's sweater, not sure how it landed in her trunk in the first place but it was the first sweater she grabbed. After wrapping her hand tightly to catch any blood, she took Brizo out of the aquarium and made her way downstairs.

While everyone's attention was on Fred and George who were testing things again, she snuck up to the boy's dorm. She laid herself down in George's bed and sat Brizo next to her. She felt her hand stinging, but she refused to cry about it anymore. It was over, and she just had to keep her mouth shut and temper in check. She hadn't fallen asleep, but she laid there with her back facing the door.

She heard when the rowdy boys came into the room speaking about how successful their products were before Lee cut them off. George and Fred turned to look at what Lee was pointing at, and they saw Lorelei lying asleep in George's bed. Or, they thought she was asleep.

"We need to talk to her," Fred whispered to George. Lee moved to get changed in the bathroom.

George nodded. "I feel like a right prat. I haven't exactly been 'boyfriend of the year,' have I?"

Fred snorted. "No, I suppose that's partially my fault. I just want to get the shop running as soon as possible. I need to--"

"We need to get the shop running as soon as possible," Lorelei's voice flowed in the dark as she turned to face the identical wizards. "You both need to keep working hard. I'm fine."

"That's rubbish and you know it," George said.

Lorelei smiled in the dark room before sitting up. Fred noticed the large F on her sweater but didn't comment that was his favorite sweater and it had been missing for months. Lorelei said, "Okay, maybe life is shite right now, but once I have a distraction, it'll be better. The shop will do just that when I'm not doing Order things."

George noticed the red bandage on her hand. He narrowed his eyes before walking to her. It was the same hand he had tried to grab the other morning. Lorelei tried to pull away, but she winced making George know exactly that she was hiding something.

Fred walked forward with a dark look on his face as well as George unwrapped her hand and Lorelei watched with a panic in her eyes. When George threw the soaked wrap on the floor, the smell of blood hit their noses quickly. George began to shake in anger when he read the words on her hand. Fred was not far behind.

"Just lines, you say?" Fred asked menacingly.

"Nothing bad, right?" George said with the same dark look on his face as Fred.

"I'll kill her."

"Not if I get to her first."

Lorelei pulled her hand back before grabbing her wand and conjuring up another wrap. Quickly wrapping it as the boys spoke aloud of the things they would do the woman, Lorelei felt Brizo climb on her shoulder with a sad look on his face.

"G-George, calm down," Lorelei said when she saw the twins pacing. "Fred! Both of you stop it. I just want to go to bed, can we do that?"

Fred and George looked at the girl with frowns that matched before nodding. George quickly changed into nightclothes as soon as Lee walked back in. The dark-skinned boy felt the tension in the room right away. Asking Fred, he had the same murderous look in his eye as well.

"Well," Lee said happily despite his face. "We just confirmed our new target, haven't we?"

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