This is a date

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You dressed quickly. Not too open but could still make a man drop his jaw. You curled your hair and sprayed your most sexy smell perfume. Will he dress up too? You sat on your balcony half an hour ago. Taehyung chuckled to see you spacing out in the middle of the day, so he asked if you wanted to join him for some movie.

Am I being cheap to eagerly say yes?

Taehyung knocked on your door.

"Comingg !" You checked on yourself in the mirror once again then ran to open the door.

"You look beautiful."

"I know I am." Well, it's true. You are never being humble about it.

Taehyung was the one who drove. It's a date! Or not... Whatever! You walked side to side with him. He paid for the movie ticket while you bought popcorn and drinks. Unfortunately, It's a sci-fi movie and it's hella boring. You tried to keep your eyes open, but you finally gave up and slept throughout the movie.

"So do you like it?" He asked.

"Stop it." You are annoyed. He knew you fell asleep the whole movie.

"Did I snore?" You asked in a low voice.

"As loud as a chainsaw." " I have to apologize to the people beside you."

"That's not true!" You pinched his waist.

"I'm joking." He groaned in pain.

Is this how a date is supposed to be? A man kindly treats you like the only one that matters. Taehyung didn't talk much about himself. He just keeps teasing you.

"I'm kind of hungry. What do you want to eat?" He asked. To fix your mood. It's still early to return and the two of you are already dressed up.

"I know a place." You've been dining, brunching and having a fancy meal all over the city. You sure you could recommend a good place.

"Where did you hide whatever you eat?" You never shy away from enjoying your meal. You always make him want to eat more to match your energy, "I can see you are being yourself when you are with me.." Taehyung ruffles your hair. He likes to do that, out of a habit he used to do.. to someone.

"Well, I'm paying so I want to finish them." Food is a way to enjoy life, shopping, and also sex. But could not do the last one with him, so you just enjoy being with him like this, "How about you? Are you being yourself when you are with me?"

Taehyung shrugs. When he smiles, you feel like you could give anything to see that lips curl up again. You always thought you didn't know how to do romance.. until this man shows up. 

"It looks good on me, doesn't it?" You show him a piece of dress.

"Everything looks good on you." He whispers.

"Tch.." You snort, blushing inside.

You pulled him to go shopping with you, your dad gives a salary for going to the office. How nice is that? All you are doing is just playing games and cursing. So you have plenty to spend.

"This is for you." You hand him a paper bag. You bought it when he went to the restroom. You genuinely think that shirt is made for him, "Maybe you could wear it on our next date?"

"So this is a date now?" He chuckles. Taehyung did not think of it when he asked you to go to the movie. He saw you bored so he asked. To kill some time. It's the weekend after all.

"It's not?" You pout, "Well, it is to me. I'm having a good time." You said sassily.

Taehyung walks you to your apartment door. As nice as it is last, this night has to come to an end. He enjoyed going out with you more than he thought. You are fun to be around with. He does not remember the last time he felt alive like this. To look forward to tomorrow. He used to wait for the day to pass. Dreadfully slow. 

"Good night, Y/n." The way his lips say your name always made you feel something. Your name sounds more beautiful coming out from his mouth. How is that possible? "What?" He asks, you are staring at him.

"I never went on a proper date before.. but.. I think it usually ends with a kiss?" You state shamelessly.

Taehyung laughed, "Is that so?"

"Yes, I strongly advise us to end it that way also."

"Well the..." You tip toe to kiss him. Taehyung carefully holds your waist, keeping you in place. He slowly guided you to lean on the door. All for he knows, he does not want the kiss to end. 

"Taehyung.." You are out of breath.Shit, the kiss is hotter than your imagination.. It's.. wild..

"Good night.. Sleep well." He smiles, "If  you could sleep after this." Taehyung teased. He knows what he is doing and what's worst he knows how it affects you. This man.. just make himself more desirable in your eyes. 

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