You tried to eat in small portions to save your face. Can't show him more of the bad side of yours. Though he probably had seen everything.
"Why did you eat so little? Don't tell me you are on diet." He put more chicken on your plate.
"I'm saving your money."
He laughed, "Don't worry about saving my money. It's enough to buy you a few more bucket."
"That's sad..." You are indeed robbing him if it's the only money he had left. Your dad told you this that there's some unfortunate people in life.
They have to 'work' to make an end, "Do you need a better job? I can ask my dad if they need a new employee." "I will ask him to pay you high."
"I don't mean it literally!" He rolled his eyes, he's not sure whether you are joking or not, either way he found you are more clueless than he thought.
Taehyung talked a lot on the way back to the apartment, he brought you some snacks for tomorrow. He really did treat you like a kid.
"Go bath first. I'm in my working station." He meant the small desk in front of the TV.
"If you marry me, we can make a room for your office at home."
"Ha. Ha. Very funny."
"I'm serious."
"Go away." He chuckled.
You took a bath in his bathroom, meanwhile he took Yeontan for a walk around. A girl used to bathe here. It was like he didn't even try to get rid of her presence in this apartment. Her things were still here.
You laid on the bed. It's so cozy. I'll close my eyes for five minutes. It won't hurt anyone, right?
Taehyung covered your back with the blanket. This girl was really reckless. You tried so hard to look fierce and he was sure that your act could fool anyone. Taehyung found it cute, you can't even take care of yourself. You looked so young and free. You must live a dream life. Dressed with some expensive brand from head to toe.
He took an extra blanket and slept in the other room. Yeontan followed and slept with him.
Taehyung put Yeontan in his bed. You were still sleeping. It's 7 AM now. He wondered if he should wake you up because he has to leave for work in half an hour. Taehyung made breakfast and put your lunch in the fridge so you could heat it in the microwave later.
It has been so long since the last time he took care of someone.
His time was stopped. He didn't want to be with anyone. He didn't want to fill his heart with anyone else.
He misses her everyday. She was already happy with another man. She still calls him from time to time. To check if he was okay. His heart warmed every time he heard her voice. He wished he didn't let go. But he did.
It's not her fault... Her time was already moving while his time stopped here with her memories.
You snuggled to the pillow, your eyes slightly opened as you catch Taehyung watching you. His face softened to see you awake.
"Morning. I'll leave for work." He smiles.
"Oh." You got up immediately, "I fell asleep in your bed." You tried to explain.
"It's okay. I was sleeping in another room. You seem tired." He calmed you down.
How to tell him that you weren't tired. You're just a lazy ass who easily falls asleep every time your head hits something soft.
"You should have woken me up..."
"Don't worry about it." Taehyung helped you get up from the bed. Your face felt warm as the blush crawled on your cheek.
What is he doing now?
"I made you breakfast."
"Thank you...." He even made you breakfast. It's a waffle. You blinked at him, touched. He bothered to make this.
"Enjoy, please. I'll leave now."
"Do you want to be my boyfriend?" You felt like you should slap your own mouth.
"What?" He chuckled.
"I just fell in love with you."
"You don't even know what it is, Y/n ." He took your words as a joke, patted your head and left. You can't answer him because you are too confused. What did he mean you don't know? Love is love? What is it then?
You ate your waffle. He is so sweet. How lucky is the girl? You washed the plate carefully now. Taehyung already washed the clothes and your duty was just to hang it outside. The wind is good today.
GEEZ, he even washed the bra! You laughed so hard at it. This man can't be real. He is too good for this world.
"Yeontan, your owner is very kind. Can I have him?" Yeontan barked, "You didn't seem to agree." You laid down on the floor with Yeontan running around you.
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