The Talk

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[Mallory POV]

I watched Father tap on his tablet, me sitting at his office desk.

"You needed to see me, Father?"

He didn't even glance at me.

"You missed the end of your photoshoot this morning," he stated.

I looked at him quizzically.


Father's head came up and I finally understood why Adrien was afraid to disobey or talk back to Gabriel Agreste...

His light blue eyes were icy and cold. It seemed that he could freeze the bravest man, or woman, alive.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and tried to seem like his stare didn't effect me.

"Don't use that attitude with me, you little illusion!!!" Father hissed coldly and got back to working on his newest design. "Now, why did you miss your photoshoot?"

I glanced around the room that suddenly got a lot colder.

"I-I just wanted t-to see A-Adrien a-and h-his muse..." I told Father.

Stop stuttering!!!! He's not staring at you with those in-human eyes anymore!!!!

"Why?" he asked.

"B-because I-I just wanted t-to see i-if Lila was a-a good i-influence on h-him..." I told him. "A-and she's not..."

"I know what's best for my son, and she'll increase his fame," Father told me.

"B-but I-I used my magic!!!!" I reasoned desperately. "She i-isn't good for A-Adrien!!!!"

Father glared at me.

"I guess I have to set some rules for you since you can't behave," he told me.

My eyes widened.

He promised that I could be as free as I wanted!!!! I don't want to be punished for not doing my task right!!!! But I also don't want to be punished by Father...

I swallowed hard.

"What a-are they...?" I asked him.

"1: You can't miss anything on your schedule."

What if there's an akuma you made, you stupid old man?!?!

"2: No talking back to me."

I shivered, remembering Father's cold blue eyes.

"3: Don't question my judgement."

That's going to be hard to do.

"4: Don't mess with Ms. Rossi or Ms. Bourgeois."

Who's Ms. Bourgeois?

"5: Don't tell anyone that you're Adrien's sister."

What?!?!?! Why?!?!?!

"And if you fail to follow these rules..."

Father looked at me over his glasses.

"I'll order Nathalie to destroy you... slowly and painfully..."

I unwillingly trembled in my seat.


I nodded my head quickly.

"Good... Now, leave."

I quickly rushed out of the cold office and silently made my way to my room, trying to process what just happened.

HELLO!!!! I'M ALIVE!!!! Sorry I haven't updated in a while!!! I just wanted to take time to myself and relax!!! Anyway, have a great day, my little kittens!!

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