7 - Accident

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During class, during lunch, during all school related activities, I forced my brain to take a rest day. I did my best to avoid thinking about the Newscot secrets, and by early afternoon, I began to settle back into normal thought processing.

"I have a favour to ask" I spoke towards Cara moments before final class

"What's that?" She quirked an eyebrow

"You have Math next right?" I knew how much she hated math, and selfishly I was going to use that to my advantage

Her head nodded, eyes rolling "Ugh, yes"
She groaned

"How would you feel about truanting class with me?" I watched her expression carefully, either of us having last skipped class more than 3 years ago
She thought about it for a moment, stopping her walking mid-hall with me.

2:40pm the final bell sounded, Cara in front of me, about a minute into considering leaving with me without permission.
Her light eyebrows were creased in the middle, and then they relaxed, her lips turning up.

"We better go quick" She smirked as she pulled my arm along

Cara and I began our rebellious run towards the front of school, laughing like small children as we broke the rules to which would indefinitely get us grounded.

Adrenaline was running as fast as our feet, our eyes on high alert until we were certain we were far enough from the buildings to get us caught.
2 blocks away, we were slowed to a walk, breathing heavily, excited and nervous.

"We haven't done this in years, why the sudden need?" Cara asked, our noses red from the chill of cold air

"Exactly that" I began, breathless "We haven't done it in so long, we were due"

She bought into the lie, shrugging excessively to keep herself warm.
Her outfit was gorgeous, but it wasn't as practical as mine was for the state in weather.
Clouds continued to growl overhead, rain threatening to spill at any moment in time. We were unprepared if it did, but at that point, we didn't care.

"We should go to Power street" Cara began "I need a dress for a wedding coming up in September"

Power street was another 2 blocks away. It was about a 20 minute walk, but would be well worth the missed lesson.
It was sad that I had felt the need to skip History class, it had always been my favourite, and in a sense, I felt guilty for letting Danny Newscot push me away from something I loved. But it was one lesson, I would catch up. I was a good student, so was Cara.
I wouldn't be making a habit of my behaviour, I knew the boundaries, and I knew that if I fed some sad story to dad and mum, that they'd buy it.
The entire walk to Power street consisted of Cara and I discussing excuses, varying from a pets death, to a broken heart. Eventually we settled on telling them that we had both been overwhelmed with assignments that we had had a small breakdown. The lie wouldn't have been completely dishonest, we were both swamped with homework that we both struggled to keep up with.

"Let's go in here" Cara instructed, pulling me into a trendy clothing store along Power street.
For years, Power street remained a long stretch of road lined with clothing stores, restaurants, alternate stores, shopping centre, the cinema and all shops needed to keep a town busy and out of trouble on the weekend.

Music lightly drifted through the air in the small space cluttered with expensive denim and cotton. Prices were marked high, the shop being more on the elite side of brands. Cara had the money to spend, thanks to daddy and mummy and their grandparents wealthy inheritance.

I was slightly jealous that Cara didn't need to work part time outside of school hours to earn cash. But I could also see the perks of working at the local hardware store. I felt proud that I had earned what I could spend, I was also preparing myself for the real world.
I had worked for the last year and it was always unpredictable, one week I would work everyday after school, others, like this week, I would only be required for 2 days. I didn't mind.

"What about this one?" Cara asked as she exited the dressing room, twirling herself in a skin tight red cocktail dress, tailored to suit someone of her perfect figure

I slightly contorted my face "Its hot for Saturday night, but maybe not a wedding" I advised truthfully

She looked herself up and down in a wall to floor length mirror, assessing her choice
"Yeah I think you're right"

"I have one left, let me try that one" She sighed, returning to the dressing room for the 4th time.
I stood from the black leather couch I had been slumped down on for the past 20 minutes. Moving toward the middle of the store, I began to rummage through the varied fabrics on the racks.
Cara's head wasn't in the right place for a wedding, so I began to look for something that would match the occasion and her curvaceous body.

"Did you need some help?" A deep voice appeared beside me, one arm leaned on the rack casually

My eyes lifted to spy a man with similar height to my own, a small smile in place as he waited with big blue eyes for me to respond.

"Uh, no, no I don't, but my friend might" I stumbled, pointing to the direction of the dressing rooms "She needs a dress for a wedding, but she's stuck on cocktail dress mode"

He gave a small laugh, his white straight teeth coming to light, his appearance carved beautifully as Cara's was.

It was time to play matchmaker.

I waddled toward the dressing rooms with the assistant in tow, just in time for her to emerge in a little black dress, tight on the chest and peplum to her mid thigh. She looked like an inconsiderate funeral attendant.
The minute her eyes met the sales assistant, she had been caught off guard.
Cara was confident, beautiful, and she recovered quickly.

"Cara this is..." I trailed off

"Justin" The sale assistant finished for me

"He's going to help you out" I smiled, winking subtly at her, her lips raising, keen for the challenge.

I made myself busy in the aisles of the store, keeping a distant eye on Justin and Cara who, for the next half hour, explored dress options for September.
Even from a half store length away, I could make out the flirtation in their body language and voices.

By 4pm, Cara emerged from the back of the store with a bag, her chosen dress folded neatly inside.

"I found one" She held the bag up briefly, a giant smirk on her face "I also found a date for Saturday night and the wedding in September if all goes well"

"Congratulations" I laughed as we moved outside, rain falling steadily on the roof over the sidewalk.
It was miserable outside, cold, wet and dark. This particular kind of weather made me want to stay home, curl up in bed with my twinkle lights lined around my window on, a movie playing softly in the background.

"Should we head home? Get the scolding and punishment over and done with?" Cara asked, pausing in front of a small cafe

"I guess we should, but let's get a donut first" I smiled, pointing to the cafe window to a shelf of large glazed donuts.

4:25pm, my phone began to ring inside my black jeans pocket.
I was late home, and by now, I assumed her to have been notified of my absence in History class.
I picked up as Cara stared wide eyed at me, waiting to listen in on the yelling at I would surely get.

"Where are you Emilia Skye?" She demanded impatiently

"I'm on my way now" I told her calmly

"You better be, why were you not in history class?" She straight up began the interrogation

"It's a long story, can we talk about it when I get home please?" I sighed, attempting to sound guilt ridden and defeated

"You can bet your ass we can talk about it when you get home, you're in so much trouble Emilia, I'm so disappointed in you" She reinforced the guilt

"I understand, I'll explain it all when I get home in about 15 minutes" I tried to brush her off again, eager to get off of the phone with her

"I'll be here waiting" She snapped, hanging up dramatically

"Oh shit" Cara held her hand over her unintentional smile

"She'll be fine, trust me, she isn't as scary as she makes herself out to be" I shrugged, honest.
She would be angry, and disappointed, and there was no doubt I'd be grounded, but she wouldn't remain angry for long, she didn't hold grudges, and she knew how hard of a worker and student I was.

Cara and I walked hurriedly in the rain, eager to get home and resign to the comfort of our beds - after the behaviour speech of course.
5 minutes from my home, Cara and I stood at a set of traffic lights, awaiting the little green flashing mans permission to cross.

"I swear this dress better be dry when I get home" She mumbled, shielding it under her jacket from the rain.
I forced back a giggle, the green man on the tall pole beside us blinking and beeping loudly for us to cross.

I wondered how history class had went on, I wondered what Mr Harlow had theatrically played out for the others, I wondered what he had thought about my being missing for the first time in 5 months. Would he notice? Would he even care that his number 1 fan was not there to enjoy his teachings? In a way, I had secretly hoped so.

My brain continued to wander, wander so much that I hadn't paid any notice to what was going on around me. Before I could think, before I could scream, I was pulled down by a hard force gripped on my arm. From the corner of my eye, less than a second later, a speeding car raced towards Cara and I, the driver panicked as he hit the brakes.
Tyres slid along the slippery road, screeching through my ears when my body flailed into the air before hitting the ground.

My ears were ringing, my thoughts jumbled and dazed. I could hear Cara beside me, upright, over me, shaking my shoulders as my eyes blurred in and out of reality.

"Emilia!" She panicked "Emilia are you okay?"

I rubbed the back of my head, pain surging through my brain like a lightening bolt. Rain fell on my raw face, keeping me conscious.

"Is she okay?" A new voice entered the scene, bending over me as my eyes slowly readjusted

Cara was staring at me, as was an elderly man. They were both pale with concern.

"What the hell was that?" I groaned, attempting to sit up, my head not yet allowing the move

"Just stay down" Cara advised, her phone to her ear "An ambulance is coming"

Did I need an ambulance? Suddenly I began to panic. I wriggled my feet, afraid they were no longer there. I moved my legs, normal movement thankfully remaining. I then repeated the steps with my arms, ensuring I was not missing any limbs.

Leaning up on my elbows, waiting for the moment my head allowed me to sit, frantic sirens began to wail, quickly becoming louder. Within a few minutes, people were everywhere around us, a crowd surrounding me, surrounding the busy intersection.

As a pair of prepared paramedics ran towards me, I forced my body upwards into a sitting position, many people around me disapproving of the move.

I had never been in this kind of a situation before. I had never been involved in any fainting spells, chest pains, overly aggressive period pains or medical emergencies that required paramedics or a hospital visit. I had considered myself to be extremely lucky when it came to my health.
Having an array of concerned people standing around me, was new, it was overwhelming. Having a pressure cuff on my arm, a brace around my neck, and a board underneath me to steady any kind of invisible spinal injury was also new, and completely terrifying.

Being in an ambulance was my first experience. It was horrible, especially seeing as I felt it was unnecessary. I believed the paramedics were being overly fussy, and I supposed that was their job, but apart from a searing migraine and a few bruises and scrapes, I felt fine.

2 hours later, I was sitting up in a hospital bed with mum beside me - she was completely paranoid with worry.

"I told you to relax, I'm fine" I repeated to her for the 10th time

"You could have been killed" She sighed, touching my face.

A 25 year old man had apparently been speeding, he had attempted to make the orange light and had missed Cara and I by inches. Cara had instinctively grabbed my arm, pulling us both to the ground once she noticed him cross the orange light.
She had saved my life.
Thankfully, the man had been arrested, and both Cara and I had encountered some kind of brush with death unscathed.

Like I had originally informed the paramedics, I had only a few scratches and bruises, and a nasty concussion.
I would survive.

"When can I go home?" I questioned impatiently, waiting a clearance to return home

"I'm not sure" Mum shook her head, standing, rubbing her forehead.

I suddenly wished I had endured the trouble I should have been in for skipping over where I now was. I wished I was in bed, sulking over being grounded for weeks on end until I learnt my lesson.

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