°Chapter One°

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This was the new life for you now, you just hoped that this home wouldn't burn down either.

You had listened to what Principal Nezu said and decided against going to school. The rest of the school day you slept in your bare room, until you heard people roaming the halls outside your room and chatting. The noises woke you up and you decided to leave your room to see who was talking. 

You stumbled out your room and slowly rubbed your eyes as they adjusted to the light.

The same guy with green hair looked at you and gasped.

"Wow! You're here!"

You nodded and yawned.

"Yeah.. I am.."

A guy with dark blue hair and a nice undercut held his hand out to you.

"Tenya Iida! 1-A class representative! I've heard your story of how you were injured and only wish the best for your recovery process!"

You nodded and slowly shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you... I'm a first year in the support course... Your class did amazing at the sports festival.."

A nother guy with half white and half red hair nodded.

"I didn't see you.."

You nodded and yawned.

"I'm not one for being on television.. but I saw the whole thing. Your name is Todoroki? Right?"

He nodded and looked away.

"Yes.. we were about to head to the main area to the kitchen to eat.."

Midoriya held his hand out to you and smiled.

"We can go together! How about it?"

You nodded and slowly took his hand.

"Yeah, I'm hungry..."

Todoroki was the one behind the group as you walked through the halls and to the kitchen. There was the whole class of 1-A talking in their groups or sitting alone with a book.

You followed Midoriya to where he was headed, he stood with a girl you noticed as Ururaka Ochaco. She fought hard at the sports festival and she was always around Midoriya.

She saw him and smiled brightly, her short hair bouncing as she turned to him.

"Hey Deku! Who's the new guy?"

You slowly waved and then rubbed your eyes.

Iida smiled and was louder than Deku as he introduced you.

"This is -last name- -first name-!"

You slowly raised your hand and gulped.

"Just call me ____..."

She nodded and smiled at you.

"Deku told me about you...!"

She bowed her head.

"I'm sorry for what happened to your house.. I'm glad you survived.."

You nodded and looked away.

"Yeah.. it was a miracle All-Might was there to save us..."

Midoriya put a hand on your shoulder and gave you a small smile.

"Well.. someday you'll be making gear and stuff for heroes like us..."

You nodded and wiped off your face.

"Yeah, I'll be one of the best gear makers there is.."

You had a look of determination and Midoriya smiled.

"You'll be my side kick! I want to be the next number one hero!"

A book was thrown towards him and you turned to catch it, you managed to catch it with your gauzed hands and hand it off to Iida.

An angry blonde with spiky hair was the one to throw it, he got up and stomped over.

"Shut up damn nerd! You'll be crushed under my boot! You hear me!!"

You put your hand over his mouth and yawned.

"You're giving me a head ache.."

Everyone was watching, the angry male just stood there with your hand over his mouth until he pushed it away.

"Tch.. whatever... Just heal up and get to school soon.... I need my hero suit modded and that other girl there isnt touching it.."

You looked confused, he didn't hit you. He was the one to win first place at the sports festival, they had to chain him up and keep him down since he was so mad.

Even Midoriya was shocked at how Bakugo didn't explode on you.

A guy with red spiked up hair ran to you with a nervous smile.

"Hey? Uh, sorry about what Bakugo said.. he's a little cranky...."

Bakugo yelled from the other side of the room.

"Shut up shitty hair! I'm not cranky!"

Iida got in the middle of them and put his hands up, trying to do what you thought was karate chopping the tension away.

"This is not a good example of what this class is to the new person in the dorms! Please be respectful!"

A girl with her hair up in a ponytail stood up from the couch.

"Yes! I agree with Iida."

Bakugo's fists started to create sparks.

"Shut up Sonic! You too 3-D printer!"

You laughed and most looked at you confused, most found Bakugo's behavior bad and annoying. You found it funny, the only one who seemed to find it funny.

Bakugo growled and looked at you.

"Did I say something funny!"

You nodded and kept laughing.

"3-.. 3-D printer!-"

You kept laughing and laughing, you were about to fall over from how bad you were laughing so a giggling Ururaka made you float.

Your laughter kept progressing, the first to burst out laughing other than you was a short boy with purple balls of hair. He laid back in his seat wheeze laughing and it kept catching on.

Most were laughing, Midoriya was on the floor rolling and wheezing, Ururaka was leaning against the wall laughing, Tenya was barely laughing and trying to hold it back, Todoroki stood there with the faintest hint of a smile, the boy with purple balls on his head was wheezing in his chair even harder, the girl who was called a 3-D printer was even laughing.

You laughed so hard tears rolled down your cheeks and you clutched your stomach.

"Make it stop!-"

A pink girl with cute little horns was crying so much harder than you.

"I-I can't stop-"

Bakugo was on the floor growling while trying not to laugh.

"Nothing was even funny! Make it stop!"

Everyone slowly detiorated into wheezing rolling messes on the floor as they laughed and laughed. Tenya had to sit down because he was laughing, Todoroki was leaning against a wall watching it all go down while stifling a giggle.

Kirishima was slapping the floor harshly and cry lauging.

"Stop! It won't stop!"

Aizawa burst into the main room if the dorm house with his hair defying gravity and his eyes glowing red.

The laughter came to an abrupt stop and most the students laid on the floor wiping their faces and trying to calm down. You fell down from the air where you were floating to the floor and landed on your back, sufficiently knocking the air from your body.

You wheezed out an apology as Aizawa walked over to you.

"You need to control that quirk.. no one was hurt badly this time but be careful."

You nodded as he helped you off the floor.

Midoriya was recovered already and mumbling to himself while writing in a notebook, he already drew a page up on you and your quirk he knew of.

Bakugo rushed over to you with sparks shooting from his hands and yelling his head off.


You visibly sweat dropped and made a scared squeak.

Yaoyorozu created a lasso and pulled Bakugo back by his wrist, leaving his chest exposed for a quick tap from Uraraka to make him float away from you.

You stood there shocked as the cute girls of the class banded together to save you from getting more burns.

Aizawa glared at Bakugo and erased his quirk.

"Bakugo. Do not hurt the other students. You're giving me dry eye."

Bakugo was released by Uraraka and Kirishima caught him.

"Not manly of you Bakubro!"

Bakugo just growled and looked at you, he stopped growling and hit Kirishima to be put down. Kirishima set him down, carefully of course.

Bakugo went over to you with his head down and held out his hand to you.

"..tch... Sorry you can't control yourself....."

He mumbled something under his breath and of course Jirō heard it, she laughed.

"Did you say he was cute Bakugo?"

You were about to grab his hand but he turned around with his palms crackling and glared at the girl.


You put a hand on Bakugo's shoulder with a laugh and his palms stopped crackling.

"Calm down, don't worry about it.."

Bakugo walked away with his hand in his pocket and he glared at the floor.

"Tch... Stupid techie.."

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