°Chapter Eighteen°

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All might was standing behind you in his tastefully tacky yellow striped suit.

You quickly turned back to look at Deku and slammed your hands on the table in shock.

"Holy fuck you guys it's All Might-"

You were whapped on the side of the head with a hefty book as the hero looked down at you and laughed.

"We don't condone that language in here young man! Haha!"

You nodded and then rubbed the side of your face with you palm, stuffing more food into your mouth before turning back to All Might.

All Might held up the large book and opened it up, smiling at the students with his piercing blue eyes.

"We have a new schedule!"

The students gasped in surprise.

All Might shook his head and laughed.

"Only for the young man right here! The rest of you eat up and get to class!"

He slapped a solid hand onto your shoulder before laughing out loudly, he was just a loud man.

Breakfast was over quickly, you cleaned your plate of every last grain of rice and then started being wheeled to the third years dorm by All Might. It happened so fast you weren't sure of what to do, the path there was short and All Might was so fast at talking you didn't catch a word he said.

Next thing you knew the one and only Mirio Togata was infront of you with a pair of crutches.

"Let's get him up-"

You looked to your sides to have Nejire and Tamaki lifting you from your wheelchair and helping you grab the crutches. All Might and Recovery girl stood to the side, watching you.

You tried to grab onto the crutches but just flopped onto your face when you were let go so quickly.

Mirio crouched down to help you up and supported your weight so easily.

"You said he was ready to begin training with us Mr. All Might!"

All Might nodded and laughed.

"He is my dear boy!"

You flopped back into your wheelchair and already felt so exhausted from the effort it took to even try to stand.

"I'm not ready for this though, I can't even push myself on my own wheelchair and I can barely open the door to my room."

You looked at All Might, you were sad, these three busy kids were about to help someone so unprepared as you, thinking they could do something.
There was no way someone with such raw power as the big three could lead your recovery process so soon.

All Might blood spit and wiped his angular chin on his sleeves.

"Wait, what do you mean? You're ready for this, you can do it. I believe in you, the rest of us do too."

You shook your head and looked around, it was the third years common room, no one but the six of you were there. All your friends had to be in class and you couldn't do anything to get them out. Even the big three should've been in classes or at hero duty.

"You shouldn't believe in me..."

You sighed and then looked down at your feet, wishing you could hit something to at least let your frustrations out.

"I shouldn't even be up and about and infection is still in my body and my burns ache all the time and this food upsets my stomach and I'm always so cold and- and-"

You let out a sigh of frustration and shook your head.

"Just, just take me back to my room please- I don't even belong at this school! I don't deserve being in the same room as the big three and All fucking Might! I don't deserve any of this! I should've just died or something and everything would be so much easier! I should still just be in my coma sleeping it all away as a fucking vegetable! I'm useless! I want to get up! I want to help! I can't! I just can't so leave me alone!"

The room seemed to darken and colours became dull, and icy later of self doubt and sadness overcame everyone in the room.

Mirio looked at his hands before closing his eyes and hugging himself, he didn't like feeling this way, he had his doubts about himself and now they were all brought up to the surface.

Tamaki was frowning and he pressed his face against the wall, he always felt this way. He always felt so small and so hidden away, he just wanted to sink into a ball and sit there in his feels.

Nejire started to softly cry, her hands moving to her face to wipe the thin and steady stream of tears off before they hit the ground.

"T-that... That's so sad.... I'm so sorry.."

All might blood spit, he quickly deflated and looked at you so sadly. His eyes were filled with tears and even he was at a loss of words.

Recovery girl spot walked over to you and then put a hand on your lap, giving you a comforting glance.

"I know it's hard to deal with self doubts, but, would you really be saying all of that if you saw yourself before all of this happened? You'd be hitting yourself across the head for giving up for all you've worked so hard to achieve."

She pulled a snickers bar from her jacket and handed it to you.

"Just because the clouds are here now doesn't mean they'll stay forever, cheer up kiddo.."

She kissed your hand and gave the kindest smile she could, it was so nice. You opened the package of the snickers bar and ate it while crying.

"..thank you.."

She handed you the crutches before you tried to stand up, your body screamed in agony and you could barely hold yourself up but you did it.

You stood up proud and tall, keeping your head held high and smiling through the pain.

"I-I... Thank you so much recover girl!"

Mirio looked at you in awe, the grief and pain slowly melted away into pride and amazement on what you just did.

"...so.... So bright.. like the sun...."

Tamaki looked over to Mirio and gave him a timid smile, his lips still softly shook but seeing him look at someone else like he saw him felt like a relief.

"..just like you Mirio.."

The colours returned to the room and the big three then stood up to help you begin your walking lessons and rehabilitation therapy.

Nejire hugged you tightly, she was so warm and so soft, she smelt like cotton candy.

"You're doing so great. We knew you could do it."

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