°Chapter Eight°

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You held onto the two boys cuddling you and slowly closed your eyes again as sleep started to pull you away from reality.

You were warm, cradled in a nest of some sorts high above the trees, the meadow below swarmed with beautiful flowers and little green bunnies. You sat high up in the tree in the warm and fluffy nest of feathers watching sunrises and sunsets of that which you had never seen. Then you heard a soft voice call for you from below-

You woke up being softly shaken by Bakugo's warm hands as Kirishima held out a small cup of something that looked smooth and green. You sat up groaning and looked at the two.


Bakugo's jacket was still laying over you and you pulled it closer to your body as the cool hospital air hit you.

Kirishima sat next to you and tried to pull you to sit up straighter.

"Come on.. you've been asleep for too long."

Bakugo groaned and you were sort of roughly pulled up by him.

"He said to wake up fucking techie.."

You leaned forward and hugged Bakugo tightly.

"..good morning.... Katsu..."

You pressed your face to his chest and rubbed your face against his abs.

Bakugo didn't push you away and Kirishima stood on the other side of the bed with a blush.

You slowly turned and did the same to Kirishima, that was until the door burst open with all might holding a few McDonald bags full of food.

"I AM HERE... With a nutritious breakfast!"

You jumped and Bakugo turned around to yell at the big strong retired hero.

"Don't burst in here like that!"

All might blood spit and deflated, holding the breakfast tightly in his grip.

"Wow... Tough crowd.."

He went over to you and then held out a small sprite to you.

"Here, I bought some pancakes.. Mcgriddles..."

You started to sip on the fizzy drink while Kirishima started to softly pet your head.

"Thank you sir..."

You bowed your head to the great hero infront of you and reached for the bag of food, you may be feeling a little nauseous from not eating much but your stomach was empty and you were hungry.

You were about to take a big bite of the breakfast sandwich in your hands before Bakugo snatched it away and put it back in the bag.

"You can't eat that... They have you on a diet.."

You groaned and tried to reach for the bag.

".... I'm like starving..."

All might nervously whistled while hiding the other McDonald's bag behind his back.

Kirishima handed you the cup that was filled with a melted green shake and the spoon.

"Here you go bro.. This is your breakfast... A nurse gave it to me to give to you."

You groaned and took the shake, taking a sip of it before gagging.

"It's watery and warm-"

Kirishima nervously laughed.

"...well maybe I should've handed it to you earlier..."

You groan and frown as someone lightly knocked on the door, you jolted in your spot and almost spilt your 'smoothie'.

All might went to the door and opened it, smiling at Midoriya and Todoroki standing at the door.

You relaxed and set aside the melted green and bitter smoothie.

"I'm so happy you two are here..."

Bakugo glared at Midoriya.


Todoroki went straight to your bed and put a hand on your shoulder, he didn't know about giving affection so this was the best he could do.

Midoriya cried so hard he almost cracked the floor and ran to your bed wailing.

"I-I was worried!-"

He was cut off by Bakugo pushing Todoroki's hand off your shoulder before sitting next to you on the bed and holding your head to his chest.

"Tch... It's time for me to go.... Stay out of trouble or whatever techie.."

He let go of you and got up and off the bed. Kirishima gave you a tight yet soft hug and smiled.

"Get back to the dorms soon bro, I miss you. Get better please..."

Kirishima left with Bakugo and left you in the room with a crying Midoriya and an awkwardly happy Todoroki, and an nervous All Might.

Todoroki put his hand on your head and gave you a tiny smile.

"You're ok.."

Midoriya held you tightly and you felt a few pops in your back.

"I missed you so much! You were so brave!"

You coughed a bit amd groaned.

"N-not so tight!"

Todoroki placed his hand on Midoriya's shoulder to get him to let go of you and nodded.

"Be careful with him Midoriya, he's still hurt.."

Deku nodded before slowly letting go of your body and sniffling harshly.

"I-I was just... S-so worried!-"

You put your hand on Deku's chest and nodded.

"I was worried about you two as well.. did you get burnt at all when I threw that fire bomb?"

Midoriya nodded.

"I was fine, I promise..."

You slowly pulled him into a soft hug and sighed.

"The last thing I wanted to do was hurt someone..."

He hugged back softly and held your face to his chest.

"I understand.."

Todoroki lightly cleared his throat and held out a small box to you, you didn't notice it when he came in.

You slowly took it and was a bit confused.

"What's this for?"

It was wrapped in the same cute ducky wrapping paper from the present from the boy with the rockish face.

Todoroki smiled a small bit.

"Kōda thought you would be cold here so he gave you a jacket.."

You opened the box and smiled softly at the light blue zip up jacket, it looked a little worn but it had cute little duckies in rain boots on the pockets. You shivered and slid it on, a nice scent washed over you, it was a small bit flowery and very grassy. It was the smell of a meadow in the woods filled with blooming flowers. You zipper up the jacket and smiled.

"Tell him I'm very thankful for it... He's a very sweet boy for thinking of this.."

You smiled and Todoroki handed you the smoothie, it was nice and icy. You nodded as a thanks and Midoriya was chowing down on a McDonald's breakfast. You reached over and tried to get a bite of his pancakes but All Might gave you a stern look and told you not to with his eyes.

You sighed and tried to pull the spoon from your drink, you pulled out the whole drink and it was frozen solid like a popsicle. You groaned and started to lick at it, it was still bitter and gross.

Todoroki sat next to you and then slowly wrapped his arms around you in a gentle hug, like you were fragile, like you would break. Midoriya was talking with All Might so they were both distracted. You put the frozen drink back in it's cup and looked at Todoroki.

"Are you ok?.."

He gave a slow nod and held your body to him. You took a deep breath and hugged back, holding onto the bicoloured haired boy holding you close to him.

You relaxed and fell asleep against him without him realizing. You were still so tired, your body was trying to heal major injuries while fighting off infection. It took a lot out of you even if you didn't realize.

You were slowly laid down and covered up with the blankets as Todoroki kept a keen watch on you as you slept the day away.

You started waking up at sundown to see your favourite school principal holding talking to Midoriya and Todoroki. You groaned and looked down at Principal Nezu, that smile he had made you feel better. He walked over to you holding a small pink Jamba juice smoothie and handed it to you.

"Good evening young ____, how are you feeling?"

All I have to say is uwu

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