Chapter 5 Acus

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Today we meet our protagonist entering the classroom with for once, no hoodie. Everyone in the class was with... " HUH!?" Expression. Ryuko Was standing in her seat. Mako was awoken by this and was also in a state of shock.

Everyone except Ryuko/Mako: Who are you!?

(Y/N) simply ignored them, he walked to his desk. He places his Hoodie on top of the desk. When he sat down everyone had realized who it was.

Aikuro: U-uh.. (Y/N)?

(Y/N) looks at the teacher with a serious expression and nodded as a response. He felt like someone was watching him. He then looked out the window and stared at the school wall to see a man in a vest and a red Mohawk Spying on them with a rifle. He moved his scope onto (Y/N), and (Y/N) simply smirked. The Mohawk man Noticed this and Backed off the school wall.

Time-skip to the courtyard

(Y/N) was sitting on what seems to be a massive chain. He was by his lonesome with the usual ocean colored Popsicle. How he gets theses. We may never know.

Ryuko: Oi!!

(Y/N) somehow didn't pay attention to his surroundings, as Both Ryuko and Mako were heading his direction. Mako came up to (Y/N) with a glimmering expression.

Mako: (Y/N)! (Y/N)! Those are your clothes! You look so much better without that hoodie!

(Y/N) just smiles as he stares off into the courtyard.

Ryuko: What made you do it?

(Y/N): hmm?

Ryuko: What made ya take that off?

She points towards (Y/N)'s hoodie. (Y/N) is then a bit saddened by this.

(Y/N): Something personal.

(Y/N) takes a bite out of his Ice cream.

Ryuko: O-oh....

The two are now sitting on the Chain together Ryuko takes out her scissor blade and it becomes smaller.

Mako: You can change the size of your scissor now, too!

Ryuko: Pretty much, it's no big deal.

???: Your blood has been salty lately.

(Y/N) noticed a voice, a voice he hasn't heard before he looks around before it talks again.

???: Don't you think your getting a little cocky.

(Y/N) then heard it coming from Ryuko. He looked to see Ryuko having a conversation with her Clothes.

Ryuko: You can tell that from how my blood tastes?

???: I can immediately spot any change in your physiology. Everything from your weight to your BIM.

Ryuko: Butt out of private stuff like that!

(Y/N): oh? I'd like to hear more about it....

Ryuko then turns to (Y/N) with a confused look.

Ryuko: Huh!?

(Y/N) points towards Ryuko's clothes.

(Y/N); Sen-ket-su.

(Y/N) smirks confidently. Ryuko's eyes widened, and Mako..... She was stuffing her mouth with Croquettes.

Senketsu: Y-you can hear me?

(Y/N) turns to look back at the courtyard.

(Y/N): Who knows? Maybe I can't.

He takes another bite out of his Ice cream.

Ryuko: Y-You can hear him. How!?

(Y/N) then points to his hoodie.

(Y/N): The cloak warts off all the supernatural. Darkness, light, and sometimes, other humans. Once I take it off, Most everything can see me. But now that it's off it will attract more enemies.

Senketsu begins to tear up? He seemed to be very Joyful and he almost jumped off Ryuko's body.

Senketsu: Someone can finally hear me! Ryuko! This is Great!

(Y/N) then stretches his arm out with intense speeds. He grabbed a needle that was about to strike Mako's forehead. He then threw Mako out of the wave of Needles coming her way.

(Y/N): My, my, don't you think it's wrong to hit someone when they don't know?

(Y/N) then looked to his left to see a shady figure coming towards the two.

???: So not only did you spot me scoping in on you, but you managed to dodge a need coming at speeds of a bullet. Gotta say, I'm impressed.

He then lifts his arm to show a needle gun. He points it towards Ryuko.

???: To that Uniform however. I will show no mercy.

Senketsu: Run, Ryuko!

He then fires a barrage of needles at Ryuko, Ryuko was stung by one in her ankle. She was then grabbed by the man in question. He held her down.

Ryuko: Bastard, What club are you from?

???: Take off your clothes.

Ryuko: Huh?! What kinda thing is that to say!?

(Y/N) was then behind the man with his hand on the mysterious figure shoulder.

(Y/N): A bit forceful are we now. If ya liked the girl, take her out to dinner first.

???: Let me tell you two pieces of useful information. One, I'm not a pervert.

Ryuko: Keep telling yourself that!

Ryuko tried to pull the pin from her glove but was shot from the Figure's needle.

???: Two, You are not able to transform in front of me. If I fire at this range, you'll die. Take off your clothes.

Ryuko chooses not to listen to the man.

???: You leave me no choice.

Right before he is able to pull the trigger, a need pierce his hand. He grunts and gets off of Ryuko.

Ryuko: Come back here, Damnit.

The man fired another shot at Ryuko, (Y/N) caught it.

(Y/N): Leaving so soon?

The man then looked at (Y/N) before returning his vision back to Ryuko.

???: I'll come to strip you tomorrow.

He then walks off into a shady part of the School.

(Y/N): That isn't something you say to a lady.

The man continues to walk off. (Y/N) helps Ryuko up.

(Y/N): Up ya go.

Ryuko: Do ya know that guy?

(Y/N): No. but I saw him on the school wall during class scoping in on you.

Ryuko: Weird.

(Y/N): Yeah, but what happens, happens. I should get going. I have an agenda to keep up.

Ryuko: R-right.

A black portal appears before (Y/N), He is walking into the portal.

Ryuko: Wait!

(Y/N): hmmm?

Ryuko: T-thanks.

(Y/N): No prob.

(Y/N) walks into the portal and it closes leaving Ryuko and Mako alone.

Senketsu: Ryuko?

Ryuko: Yeah?

Senketsu: Your blood tastes sweet. Are you happy being aroun (Y/-

Ryuko: S-Shut up!

Time-skip to the next day.

It was the next morning and (Y/N) was sleeping on top of the school walls again. He wakes up to see Ryuko impersonating Satsuki in the middle of the courtyard. He then summons a portal and to get close to her. Unknown to her He was right behind her.

(Y/N):(whisper) Little early aren't we?

Ryuko jumps a bit before returning to her serious look.

Ryuko: I have things to deal with so ge-

(Y/N): Get lost? I don't think so.

Ryuko growls at (Y/N), however this little session cannot last as long as it can. Since missiles were launched at the two.

(Y/N): Here he comes.

Ryuko then grabs the pin on her glove and pulls it off.

Ryuko: Life Fiber Synchronize, Kamui Senketsu!

The man from yesterday then began to move around to keep himself positioned. He then drops his Rocket launcher and pulls out his needle gun. He fires at Ryuko. Ryuko Jumps from her position to the Mohawk man.

Ryuko: I seem to recall someone saying they wouldn't let me transform!

(Y/N) walks towards the two pulling out these side arms. Arrow guns. He then stretches his arms forward and fires homing shots at the man. He then teleported above him and fired multiple shots at him. Somehow He was able to dodge all of them. The mysterious figure then pulled out a switch and pressed the button activating a homing missile. When the missiles got close (Y/N) summoned a glass wall with Squares shining every other second. The wall then took the impact of the missiles.

(Y/N): GUARD!!

(Y/N) and Ryuko then jumped away from the missile fire. The Mohawk man then brought an entire roll of needles for his needle gun. Firing at both Ryuko and (Y/N).

Ryuko: An attack like that isn't gonna work on me!

Suddenly small pillows and fans were launched at Ryuko, and paper for writing was launched at the Man in question. Nothing happened to (Y/N). Turns out the Poets club, Gardening club, and Rakugo clubs were the ones who attacked. They were announcing their titles until (Y/N) had intervened.

(Y/N): .. GIGA-FLARE...

A ball of fire was launched at the three clubs and all of them were annihilated. (Y/N) then smiles and looks to the school building to see Inumuta and Nonon looking down on them. He then points to them. The Nonon steps back a bit. Inumuta steps forward.

(Y/N): Everyone is interested in me now huh? Well I guess I better put on a show.

(Y/N) then attaches the two arrow guns together to make a huge Bow, he then stretches the string back and points it to the sky. He then lets go of the string sending off a Huge arrow to the sky. After a second smaller arrows begin to rain from the sky hitting the school buildings, the school walls, and it was getting close to the Mohawk man. He was forced to go inside the school, Ryuko followed suit. (Y/N) looked back at the two who were watching him. He then disappeared out of thin air. Unknown to them (Y/N) was with Ryuko chasing the Mohawk man.

Ryuko: Where'd ya go pervert club!

(Y/N): Ryuko get back!

(Y/N) pulls Ryuko back and there was an explosion behind her. They hit the wall. Needles begin to fire at Ryuko, they all hit her. The two then see the Whole dungeon of Traps and people hung from the wall. Needles and bombs were everywhere. Firing at every corner. (Y/N) was able to protect himself from all of them. Ryuko, not so much. She was struggling to get back up.


Ryuko was healed but was still struggling to get up.

Ryuko: What'd ya d-

(Y/N): No time for questions duck!

A burst of needles came from ahead of the two. After a second a student fell from the roof with grenades in his mouth.


The bombs were then reflected to the surrounding area. Leaving a circular platform where (Y/N) and Ryuko were. (Y/N) then rubs the back of his neck and cracks it.

(Y/N): This is one hell of a warm-up

Senketsu: Sorry guys, but I'm at my limit.

Ryuko then deforms to her uniform.

(Y/N): Your fine, I think after all those needles hit you, it must have felt like hitting pressure points.

Suddenly the Man with the needle gun came through the hole and kicked Ryuko into the boys bathroom. While in the bathroom he points his gun at Ryuko's head.

???: So the Jamming rounds are starting to take effect. I can't believe how many rounds it took. That's a Kamui for ya.

Ryuko: Bastard!

???: Now take off your clothes. I sealed the power of you Kamui you ha-

(Y/N): Have no hope of winning? Did you forget me?

The Mohawk man then turns to see (Y/N) pointing a long sword at the man as he turns his head.

???: A sword is not as fast as m-

A beam of light was shot next to the man at speeds of... well light. The Mohawk man was in quite the predicament.

Senketsu: Ryuko, go, run without me.

Senketsu then jumped off of Ryuko to protect her. The Mohawk man then shot the Outfit five times locking it in place. (Y/N) then hit them man in the legs with his sword, tripping him.

???: See what I mean, this thing tried to escape without you!

(Y/N): That's where you're wrong, you can't hear him like we do.

???: What do you mean!?


Mako: This uniform is the only clothing Ryuko has.

Suddenly Mako appears with a bright light above her. (Y/N) was dumbfounded, Ryuko was used to this so it didn't phase her.

Mako: Ryuko loves this uniform more than anything! She is always whispering to it. Pretty creepy, huh? My whole Family was creeped out about it.

(Y/N): Mako that's no-

Mako: But that's what people with one set of clothing are like! Taking the clothes off of someone's back like that is the same as taking away a friend!

(Y/N) was confused, dumbfounded, and all the reactions that resemble "Da fuq" to what Mako was doing. After a second he shook his face and smiled.

Mako: That's right! This uniform is Ryuko's friend!

???: People and clothing can't communicate. It's impossible for them to become -

(Y/N): Friends? Impossible? Trust me, I made friends with empty husks. The fucking dead, and Man who lives in different bodies. So I think it's possible to befriend things like this.

Mako: RIght! Up until now I've only had friends in my head. But then I met Ryuko, then (Y/N), and made real ones! A girl like that could totally make friends with clothing! More to the point, She already has!

Mako then pulls Senketsu from his hinges and sets him free. Mako then goes up to Ryuko.

Mako: Shame on you. You have to take better care of your friends!

Ryuko then grabs Senketsu and holds him close as if it were her last moments.

Ryuko: Thank you Mako.

Mako then scurries to the girls bathroom to clean it, for slacking off in class. (Y/N) was pointing his blade at The Mohawk man. The man then points his needle gun at Ryuko once more.

???: Let him go.

Ryuko: You'll have to pry him from my cold dead hands.

(Y/N): And even then you have me to deal with.

???: You want to go through all that suffering again?

He readies the needle gun. However before he can pull the trigger, Senketsu jumps up to him face to face.

Senketsu: Don't you dare lay a finger on Ryuko. Do, and I'll make you pay.

???: Did it.. Talk just now? The uniform talked? These two.... Care for each other?

(Y/N): That's what we've been sayin'.

Suddenly a group of students outside of the bathroom were lined up to reveal Nonon Jakuzure.

Nonon: Your battle against the Kamui was magnificent. However, I've grown bored with the melody you play. Hand over the girl.

(Y/N): hmmmmm.... How about no?

(Y/N) smiles confidently. Nonon smiles back before returning her attention back to the mohawk man.

Nonon: Turn yourself in, too.

???: Let me tell you two useful pieces of information: One, you people will never catch me. Two, I'll never hand over these two, either!

Suddenly his clothes inflate and burst with pink dust clouds forming around, (Y/N) was unaffected.

Nonon: I won't let you escape.

(Y/N): You might wanna take your crew out of here. The man left and dropped a bomb.

The crew Ran out, Nonon fell over. (Y/N) caught her and carried her bridal style. They were out of the Bathroom. (Y/N) sets her down to stand. And Walks off. Nonon having a bashful expression.

Tuba girl: Madam your face is red.

Nonon: Y-yes I know that.

Time-skip to the school wall.

(Y/N) was sitting by his lonesome. Over the edge with a Popsicle in hand.

???: Alone again I see.

(Y/N) turns his head to see Satsuki standing next to him.

(Y/N): Did you always Know I was here.

Satsuki: It was until recently that we saw you on our cameras.

(Y/N): Good job.

Satsuki then sits down next to (Y/N) looking at the setting sun.

(Y/N): Y'know you aren't the bad guy here Satsuki. You don't want to kill Ryuko.

Satsuki: Oh? And how did you assume that.

(Y/N): You remind me of someone I once knew. You two just have that same aura.

Satsuki smiles as sets her blade down to the side.

Satsuki: Beautiful isn't it?

(Y/N): Yeah. I always loved the twilight the sun gives out during its rise and when it sets. It's special to me.

Satsuki: (Y/N) I want you to help, I want to change this world of the problems it has. These pieces of clothing have done wrong to our people. And must be stopped.

(Y/N): I hear ya. And I will help you, but I'm not joining any organization of the sorts. I'm done with that.

(Y/N) then pulls out another Popsicle.

(Y/N): You just earned the icing on the cake.

(Y/N) then hands Satsuki the Popsicle. Satsuki smiles before taking. 

Satsuki: Thank you.

She takes a bite out of the ice cream. 

Satsuki: It's salty... Yet sweet.

(Y/N): Sea salt Ice cream.

Satsuki looks at (Y/N) who was looking at the sunset. He then turns to Satsuki and points his finger to his forhead

(Y/N): Got it memorized?


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNDDDDDDDDDDDD CHAPTER 5 IS DONE. Hope you like this chapter, be sure to follow and vote. Look forward for the next chapter

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