(Y/N) was on the edge of the boat eating his usual sea salt ice cream.
(Y/N): .... You can come out y'know.
Unlike before another dark portal opened revealing another hooded figure. The hood covering their face. The figure then walked next to (Y/N) and sat down next to him. They pull out their own popsicle. The two just stared at the sunset.
(Y/N):.... I know you're not physically here, so what's the lesson you're bringing me...
(Y/N) turns his head to the hooded figure.
Roxas then continues to eat his ice cream.
Roxas: .... Reds the one that goes the farthest....
(Y/N):... huh?
Roxas: Light is made up of many colors....
(Y/N): And red's the one that goes the farthest....
Roxas then turns to face (Y/N). he then points in a direction past him.
Roxas: If you have a dream don't wait...
(Y/N) turns around to see Ryuko confronting Satsuki.
Roxas: Act..
(Y/N) then lowers his head.
Roxas: They've become a part of your heart. As you, theirs. They're waiting for you to help them. So go and help.
(Y/N): Right....
(Y/N) then turns his head to see Roxas. However when he did, Roxas was nowhere to be seen.
(Y/N):*smiles* you were always one with words.
(Y/N) then gets up and stares at the sun once more.
(Y/N): "Got it memorized?" Heh, yeah I do....
(Y/N) then begins to walk towards Satsuki and Ryuko and begins to hear their argument.
Ryuko: If I punch you without holding back and you're still on your feet, I'll admit you have the strength to fight alongside me.
(Y/N): Strength isn't everything y'know.
Ryuko simply ignores (Y/N) and stares at Satsuki.
Aikuro: Ryuko, that's crazy! A bare skinned human would die if hit by you while synchronized.
Ryuko: She's no ordinary human. This is the great Satsuki Kiryuin, right?
Satsuki: Very well, strike me. We face Ragyo Kiryuin.
(Y/N): Good luck.
Satsuki: If I am to fall here, I have no chance of winning this battle. I shall withstand your blow.
Ryuko: Show me that you aren't all talk.
Ryuko then positions herself to strike Satsuki.
Ryuko: Here it comes!
The two simply do nothing and just stay quiet. Everyone in a state of suspense. (Y/N) simply smirked. Ryuko then pushes off the floor with her feet and jumps at Satsuki.
Ryuko: Ooooooooraaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!
Her fist was getting closer to Satsuki's face. Inching in every second. However things didn't go as planned since Gamagoori jumped in the way of Ryuko's punch.
Satsuki: Gamagoori!
Ryuko: Stay out of this, you bastard!
Ryuko again goes for another punch. This time it was stopped by Sanageyama.
Ryuko: What is it with you people?!
The two stand up.
Gamagoori: Are you mocking me, Matoi?
Ryuko: What?!
Gamagoori: I'm asking you if you threw that punch with everything you had!
Ryuko: Yeah, I did!
(Y/N): I smell Bullshit~.
Gamagoori: Don't make me laugh! If that's true, why are we still alive?
Sanageyama: I thought ordinary humans would die if you hit them full-force!
Ryuko: You got in the way so I pulled them!
Gamagoori: A likely excuse! You pull your punches just because someone gets in the way?! Such a woman is not worthy to punch Lady Satsuki!
Ryuko: Don't turn this on me!
Sanageyama: No, our anger is directed at the right person! As if we would allow a half-assed blow like that to land on Lady Satsuki!
Ryuko: What are you two doing?!
Suddenly the other members of the Elite Four stood before Ryuko.
Nonon: Our face is Lady Satsuki's face! Our Limbs are Lady Satsuki's Limbs! For her we could be smashed or sliced off and have no regrets!
Inumuta: However, these limbs have a mind of their own, so we can be rather obstinate.
Sanageyama: We, the Honnouji Academy Elite Four, are Lady Satsuki's irresistible spear! Her unyielding shield!
Gamagoori: If you want to strike Lady Satsuki, strike us! But you'll find that we don't yield easily!
Ryuko: What the hell is it with you people?! I don't get you at all-
Ryuko realizes something. The Elite four smile.
Ryuko: So you're protected by a bunch of bat-crazy people just like I am?
Satsuki: So it would seem. "To defeat Ragyo, I must treat all human beings as pawns." Or so I thought. I thought the same of you. Ever since the day you appeared wearing Senketsu, my intent to train you into a powerful asset to turn against Ragyo and her people. I made you believe I was your father's killer to get you to come after me and gauged your and Senketsu power. If you could hold onto your free will without being swallowed up by the Kamui, you would surely prove useful when it was time for the coup against Ragyo. I believed I could manipulate you and use you as an asset against Ragyo even without telling you the truth.
(Y/N): But bad went to worse and you kinda fucked up the whole plan.
Ryuko: You bitch...
Satsuki: However, in the end, I was employing the same methods as Ragyo. It's a given that I would not be able to win like that. The biggest fool here is.... Me... I understand no. The world is not cut from the same cloth.
(Y/N): Does everything here in this world always have to involve clothing?
Sasuki: It is because it is overflowing with inexplicable, unidentifiable things that the world is so beautiful.
(Y/N): At least that's true.
Satsuki: Fight at my side so that we may protect that world, Ryuko!
Satsuki bows after her request to Ryuko. The wind blows strong as they stay there. There was a sudden glow coming from behind Satsuki. Ryuko then deforms to her regular self.
Ryuko: Sheesh, even when you apologize you turn it up to 11....
(Y/N): I mean she is BOWING to you. That's some heavy duty stuff right there.
Ryuko: eh, true.
Ryuko looks back at Satsuki before turning her head away.
Ryuko: I don't feel like hitting you anymore. I have people I want to protect, too. I got no problems with stopping that excessive mother of ours.
After a second the two stare at each other.
(Y/N): Food time!
Sayako appears before them with a giant plate of Croquettes.
Sayako: Now that you've made up, let's have dinner!
Ryuko: Your croquettes, ma'am?
Sayako: That's right, croquettes stuffed full of minced, unidentifiable things! Dig in, Dig in!
Everyone was enjoying their plates of food as they stuffed themselves to the brim. It was an eventful evening.
Time-skip to night.
(Y/N) was on the ship's deck looking into the ocean water.
(Y/N): A big fight is coming, I'll need to prepare.
Suddenly a black portal appeared right before (Y/N). However before he could enter he was called by...
Ryuko: (Y/N) Wait!
(Y/N): hmm?
Ryuko: What are you gonna do?
(Y/N) thinks for a moment before a light bulb appears on his head.
(Y/N): I'm gonna bring back up.
Ryuko: Back-up?
(Y/N): Just wait and see.
Suddenly the ship deck was attacked by giant needles of Life Fibers.
(Y/N): I think that's your cue.
Ryuko: I guess that's my cue.
(Y/N): You do you and I'll do me. See you in a few.
(Y/N) enters the portal. He stops and looks at Ryuko one more time
(Y/N): We'll win this, I know we will.
(Y/N) continues on into the portal.
Ryuko: Yeah.
(Y/N) is now in this empty space. It looks like a blue corridor with no end in sight.
(Y/N): Come to me my subordinates. Listen to the everlasting power, that is I. For I have come seeking an army in pursuit to defeat my enemies. Listen to me and you will fulfill your purpose.
Suddenly out of nowhere these creatures that shade in silver and brownish colors appeared. Some were slim and long, Others were huge in size with claymores. There was another the size of a building with a blue scarf.
(Y/N): Nobodies! No Hearts! Today you will be Reborn! For a kingdom shall appear tonight! In sought of Our reformation! Everlasting as we are. Nothingness is eternal.
Suddenly a loud screech was heard from afar. This gigantic beast flew down and set itself in front of (Y/N).
Time-skip to the Naked sun.
COVERS were attacking the Naked sun with Mako giving it her all to try and defend it. The Elite Four were there in the heap of battle. All of them were struggling to fight off the COVERs
Aikuro: Damn it, if this goes any further than the Naked Sun is done for.
Everyone was struggling, the covers were getting Bigger and stronger.
Sanageyama: We can't hold for much longer! Iori Where are those Goku Uniforms?!
Iroi(on radio): I need more time just wait until then.
Nonon: We can't! We're running out of time.
Inumuta: Just keep holding them off for a little lo-
Gamgoori: Inumuta What's wro-?!
Nonon: What the...
There was a sudden Splash of water as a Giant figure that Rivaled the COVERS had appeared. It was then attacking the Giant COVERS.
Tsumugu: Is that Life Fibers?
Inumuta: N-No, I've never seen anything like it.
Suddenly smaller COVERS appeared before the Elite four. They prepared themselves for combat. However When they did they noticed silver figures slithering their way to the COVERS They then grabbed the COVERS and threw them with their bodies.
Suddenly slightly bigger COVERS had appeared. Then these Giant Nights in brown armor appeared wit claymores their size. They began to fend off the COVERS.
Gamagoori: What- What are these... things?
There was a giant spike on the Naked Sun coming from the original Life Fiber
Aikuro: It's coming for us?
The Original Life Fiber opens its mouth ready to engulf the Naked Sun.
Ragyo: I told you, did I not? You cannot stop us!
Suddenly missiles were launched from the Original Life Fiber. The Naked Sun was taking heavy fire damage.
Aikuro: Nudist Cannons,fire!
On cue the Naked sun fired it's cannons to the Original Life Fiber only for it to be blocked.
COVERS kept attacking the Naked Sun. Mako was out of it. Exhausted and low on energy she couldn't keep up.
Tsumugu: there's too many of them!
Mako: But I Have to do this.
Tsumugu: You've done all you can!
Mako: But I can't be beaten here! I have to protect this ship! Ryuko told me so! This ship is the homeland of her soul!
Tsumugu: She said no such thing!
Mako then brought out a futon and lied down inside of it.
Mako: The Ryuko in my mind said it! Even now, she's asking me to come into the light!
Tsumugu: You're pretty messed up in many ways....
Mako: Spare me your opinions!
Suddenly four cabinets appeared before Mako. Can you Guess who they're for? I'll give you a hint it's a group of people that work for Satsuki and are willing to give their Life for her. Clocks ticking.... Bingo it's the Elite Four in their power ranger selves
Elite Four: Honnouji Academy Elite Four Ultimate Battle Regalia!
The four joined the fray with their Goku Uniforms. The Nobodies were still fighting off some COVERS and protecting the ship. The Elite four then destroyed all the COVERS on the ship.
Ryuko and Satsuki were still fending off Ragyo with all their will power, Both of them being exhausted from all the clashes and were struggling to fight Ragyo.
Ragyo: Honestly, you girls are so thick-skulled. No matter how much they struggle, humanity is merely a creature meant to submit to Life Fibers.
Ryuko: The hell they are!
Ragyo: Life Fibers spurred on the evolution of this world's sentient life. Clothing transformed beasts into humans. Just as humans raise Livestock, you see.
Ryuko: Livestock?!
Ragyo: Just as humans eat their livestock, so will Life Fibers feed on humanity. Is that not appropriate for beings who occupy the top of the world's food chain?
Satsuki: But that does not mean we must meekly obey! Humans have a will to live!
Ragyo: You impudent pigs in human clothing... That will to survive will disappear soon enou-
Suddenly a loud screech was heard from afar. It was silver and had metallic wings. With two Giant barrels under its body. It's body was bigger than that of the Original Life Fiber. (Y/N) was standing on top of this beast. The Nobody Dragon.
(Y/N): Heed me Kingdom Hearts! Lend me your power! So That we may be complete again! The power to erase the fools that hinder us.
Suddenly a Giant moon in the shape of a heart appeared above (Y/N).
(Y/N): Kingdom hearts! Show Me the power which you contain!
A bright light came from (Y/N) as this Heart shaped moon looked down upon the planet.
(Y/N): Nobodies! May your hearts reconcile and Purge this world from the Darkness from which it came!
All the nobodies that were under (Y/N)'s command were now attacking the Original Life Fiber. The nobody Dragon then summoned a large ball of energy within its Mouth. Charging up the blast to damage the Giant Life Fiber.
(Y/N): It seems your hearts have led you to your obliteration.... Ragyo.
(Y/N) had stretched his arm forward.
(Y/N): FIRE!
The beam had fired from the insides of the Nobody Dragon Destroying the Original Life Fiber Whole. Only strings remained from its existence.
Ragyo: Impossible. The Original Life Fiber can't be destroyed by mere-
(Y/N): I told you before. I'm not human....
(Y/N) then points at himself.
(Y/N):I'm a nobody.
The blast sent Ragyo to Honnouji Academy, turns out we were close to it in the first place.
Nui(speaker): Attention, worthless trash of Honnouji Academy! The show is not yet over! That Kamui and those idiotic Goku Uniforms, you were all just the openning act! The headline act is the ultimately chic and elegant fashion show put on by the Ultimate Grand Couturier and her ultimate model! Prepare yourselves!
Suddenly the tower within the academy opened revealing a giant piece of clothing.
(Y/N): That can't be good.
(Y/N) then noticed a burnt, crisp Ragyo on the edge of the tower walking inside.
(Y/N): And that should be dead.
(Y/N) then rode his dragon back to the Naked Sun where everyone was. Those under Satsuki's command were in formal positions. Even previous members from other clubs. He then hopped off the dragon and jumped onto the Naked Sun.
(Y/N): Yo! How's everyone here?
Aikuro then looks at (Y/N) with a calm expression.
Aikuro: Everyone has recovered and are currently at 100%.
(Y/N): That's good.
(Y/N) then notices Ryuko and Satsuki and walks to them.
(Y/N): What's up you two?
Ryuko then turned around with her arms crossed. Satsuki was in her usual Stance with her blade sheathed in front of her.
Satsuki: We are planning to end this once and for all.
Ryuko: Ragyo is going down tonight!
Aikuro: We'll have to fight our way into Honnouji Academy, and apprehend Ragyo Kiryuin and Nui Harime!
(Y/N): Sounds like a plan.
Suddenly Satsuki's butler appeared with a table of cups filled with tea.
Satsuki: Soroi?
Everyone took a
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