Chapter 7

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After leaving the Silk kingdom

Your POV

Today was good as Arthur finally get to know Anastasia and talked with each other. I'm very glad that Arthur is feeling better from her stepfather and his sons as we had dinner with my father in the dining room. We had some soup with a salad for dinner as we had some tarts for dessert. The dessert was made by Arthur as it was my first time trying it, and the same for my father. It's very sweet and delicious as she thanked us for trying it out. After dinner, both Arthur and I said our goodnight to my father as we started walked to my bedroom to get ready for bed. I usually let Arthur get ready for bed first as I have some time to do before she was finished getting ready. Then I get my sleeping clothes and get to the bathroom to change after Arthur was done changing clothes. After a few minutes of getting ready for bed, I usually saw Arthur was fast asleep as I went to her side of my bed and kissed her cheek gently and whispered her goodnight as I got to the other side of my bed, get under the covers and closed my eyes to sleep for the night.

Few hours later

As I was still asleep, I felt some movement that almost surprised me as I continued sleeping when I heard sniffles. I quickly opened my eyes and slowly turned my head around to see Arthur sitting on her knees...... in tears. I slowly got up, reach my hand out to gently touched her cheek, and wipe out her tears off her face. She looked at me with blush and tears on her face as I continued to wipe out her tears with both thumbs and asked if she had a bad dream. Arthur slowly nodded as she told what it was in her dream which I frowned slightly. I then wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her close to me as Arthur blushed from the sudden action as she wrapped her arms around my head and put her chin on my shoulder. I asked her if she's feeling better which she nodded, pecked her lips, and laid her down onto the pillow so I can lay down next to her. Arthur blushed as I hugged her waist and pulled her close to me so she can feel safe in my arms which she smiled. I then snuggle up into her neck which it's very warm as I kissed it gently, making Arthur shiver lightly. I apologize to her as she giggled softly and smiled, telling me it's okay as we said our goodnight to each other and slept for the rest of the night.

Next day

I was woken up by the maid, Rose and Shi as I quickly sat up and slowly got off the bed so I wouldn't interrupt Arthur's dream and went to the bathroom to wash up. After that, I got dressed and asked Rose what was today's morning routine which she told me the order of the agenda for the morning routine. I thanked her and told her to wake Arthur up at 10 o'clock which she slightly bowed and escorted me to see my father and Merlin for a talk. When I got there, both adults were here as I sat down across the two and asked about the reason for coming to them.

Merlin: Well actually it's more of like an invitation for a family of musicians. Not all of them were literally musicians, some were vocalists. And the son of the Ichijoji family and his wife are coming here

(y/n): Wait. Ichijoji, right?

Merlin: Yep

(y/n): O-O OH! Teika is coming here!?

Father: Yes, your friend and his married wife are coming here

(y/n): Wait he got married?! When!?

Father: Back at February. His eldest brother, Masana, wrote me a letter about it, so he's coming here for lunch. Is Arthuria awake?

(y/n): She's still asleep. I'll go get her then

Merlin: Okay, and please don't rush Arthuria

(y/n): I know

After talking with both Merlin and my father, I started going towards my bedroom where Rose and Arthur were. When I got there, I knocked on the door in case if Arthur was still getting dressed with Rose's help. Then she opened the door, seeing me as she gestured me to go inside as I thanked her and walked in. I looked up to see Arthur in a white and blush pink dress with sakura earrings and hair accessories along with other accessories and shoes with pink roses(picture). She looked up at me and smiled as I walked up to her and hooked a small strand of hair behind her ear, making her blush a little bit. She asked if I ate breakfast yet which I didn't and asked her what she wanted for breakfast today. Arthur suggested some French toast with fresh fruit alongside some Lippe tea. I asked her what is that which she happily explained that it's very nice and it has a rich flavor.

Rose: Oh! I heard of this type of tea before. It's very rare! Where did you hear that from, princess?

Arthur: Eh? Oh my mother's friend gave it to my mother. I really missed that tea. It's very sweet and it's good with some milk in it

(y/n): I see

Rose: I'll prepared the tea right now

(y/n): Thank you Rose. I'm very interested of trying it

Arthur: I see. When I was young, she would share some with her 3 friends and your mother is one of them ๐Ÿ˜Š

(y/n): Woah, I see. Now our guests will be here in a couple of minutes so why don't we eat our breakfast first?

Arthur: Okay

After Breakfast

(y/n): You're right about the tea. It's very rich and it's very delicious with milk in it. I like it

Arthur: I tried it once and it felt like the tea blooms because of a flower, the lippe rose flower. My mother also told me that too. I really missed her very much and my father too

(y/n): I see. Let's go meet our guests at the garden

Arthur: Okay

As the two of us walked out of my bedroom, we were escorted by 3 maids and 2 knights of the castle to walked with us to the castle garden. One of the maids opened the glass doors as Arthur thanked her and proceeds to walk out of the castle. We walked down the stairs and started walking towards the table where two people were sitting. I assume that it was Teika and his beautiful wife, Kohana, who came here to pay a visit to the Chaldea kingdom. When Teika saw the two of us, he stood up and bowed down to greet me and Arthur.

Teika: It's been a long time, (y/n)

(y/n): It has, Teika. How's your family doing?

Teika: They're doing perfectly fine. And I assumed this is the princess that your father mentioned about in the letter that my eldest brother received *gently took Arthur's hand and lightly pecked it* I'm Viscount Teika Ichijoji, the third son of the Royal Ichijoji Estate. It's a pleasure to meet you, princess Arthuria

Arthur: Ah! It's a honor to meet you too, Viscount Ichijoji

Teika: Oh, just call me Teika. Let me introduce you two to my wife. Kohana!

Arthur: 'Where did I heard that name before? I think...wait a minute'

Kohana: Yes! What is it, hon- *turns her head around to see the three* *noticed Arthur* Arthuria!? Is that you!?

Arthur: 'I knew it! She's my childhood friend!' Yeah, it's me! I felt like I seen you before. How have you been?

Kohana: *runs up to her and hugged Arthur* *sobs* I really missed you so much! It's been 14 years since we last saw each other

Teika: What really?!

(y/n): I'm surprised. How did you two know each other?

Kohana: Oh simple. We met when her family was invited to my 7th birthday party. That's how we became friends. We would always look at the flowers with our mothers and make flower crowns. Until that day when her mother was remarried. Her stepfather was very rude and abusive and his sons were horrible and pervy

Teika: WHAT!?

(y/n): How about we sit and talk about this if Arthur is okay with this topic

Arthur: I'm okay ๐Ÿ™‚ Both Teika and Kohana should know my side and your side of the story

After explaining what had to Arthur the last few months

Kohana: WHAT?!

Teika: Really?! But why?

Arthur: It's because they keep escaping out of the dungeon and breaking into his bedroom

(y/n): Yeah. I know how sensitive she is after knowing her, and I know the fact that she will have nightmares about them so I talked to my father about this situation and he agreed to execute those two

Teika: I see. Did her neighbors back at her old house know about this?

(y/n): Yeah, I brought her there to visit her neighborhood and they were relieved to see her happy. They were all kind to her and the fact that they were worried about her makes her feel better

Kohana: I see and OMG I didn't know that (y/n) was your crush and he kissed you after meeting you once. Are you proud of that, Arthuria?

Arthur: ๐Ÿ˜ณ I felt surprised and embarrassed about that so...... *blushes and leans onto (y/n)'s shoulder*

Teika: I found this very cute. What do you think, (y/n)?

(y/n): I agree. She's mostly sweet to everyone in the castle. I'm surprised that she can bake also

Kohana: Really?! That's amazing!

Teika: Well, it's almost lunchtime, why don't we get back inside and have lunch in your room?

(y/n): Sounds good, ladies shall we?

Kohana: Yeah!

Arthur: Okay

The four of us started walking back inside as I told Rose to prepare lunch for the four of us. She bowed down and quickly and went to the kitchen to prepare for lunch. We started walking back to my bedroom as we were chatting about some topics. I looked up to see Arthur with the young viscountess happily chatting with each other as I let out a small smile that Teika noticed and started teasing me. I was kinda annoyed about it, but I don't mind as long as Arthur is happy, then I'm happy. When we arrive at my bedroom, Shi ran up to Kohana then Teika as a greeting which I told Shi to calm down and tell him to wait for us at the couches. He walked towards the couches and sat down on the ground next to one of the smaller couches. The four of us went to where Shi is and sat down as Kohana was sitting between Arthur and Teika. Arthur sat next to me as we continued chatting more before our lunch had arrived.

Rose: Your meal has arrived, prince (y/n)

(y/n): Ah, thank you Rose. You can rest for today since you and the other maids worked hard for this castle

Rose: I'm very honored to hear those words from you, your royal highness

(y/n): Okay, once everybody done with the chores, tell the head maid to take a nice rest and a day off for tomorrow

Rose: As you wish, your royal highness *walks out of the bedroom and gently closed the door behind her*

Teika: So......

Arthur: What do you guys want to talk about?

Kohana: Oh actually! I was wondering what was your father's occupation. My grandmother told me that he's very famous and strong

Arthur: Oh! He... he is a knight commander of a castle. He never told me where he helped so......

Teika: Wait... what's your father's name?

Arthur: Oh. My father's name is Uther Pendragon

(y/n): ๐Ÿ˜งWait a second! *gives a quick peck* Teika! Go with me and help me find something

Teika: Ah. Okay, Kohana. You can chat with princess Arthuria

Kohana: Alright *watched as the two princes ran out of the room to find something* So Arthuria. What have you been up to these days?

Arthur: ๐Ÿ˜ณ

Kohana: Are you okay??

Arthur: Ah, I'm okay. (y/n) suddenly pecked my lips after I mentioned my father. Maybe it reminds him of something

Kohana: I see. Should we wait for the gentlemen to eat with us or just eat without them?

Arthur: I think waiting for them is good since the food is still very hot and needed time to cool down

Kohana: I see

(y/n): We're back! *panting as a book was on his hand*

Teika: (y/n), you don't really have to run so fast ๐Ÿ˜ Anyway, did you two waited long?

Arthur: Ah, it's not that long. By the way, what's that you're holding?

(y/n): *sits down next to Arthur* A record of all of the knights and commanders who worked here for the castle

Arthur: Oh I see

Teika: We should eat our lunch and we have to leave soon

Kohana: Oh yeah. I forgot about that, but at least we spent time together, right?

Arthur: Yeah๐Ÿ˜Š

After lunch

The four of us were walking to the entrance of the castle to say goodbye to Teika and Kohana. Kohana told Arthur to write her letters if she has any free time in the castle. Arthur nodded as the married couple got inside the carriage and waved goodbye to us. After the carriage was gone farther, we head back to my bedroom so I can find Arthur's father if he was in the records. Once we arrived at my bedroom, I walked to the couch and tell Arthur to sit down so we can find her father's name. After a couple of minutes of finding the name, we finally found it and Arthur showed tears coming down onto her cheek. She was surprised and happy that she finally knows who her father was working for. I comforted her as she was sobbing quietly onto my shoulder and give her light kisses on her forehead. After that, Arthur started to get very sleepy as I lift her and carried her to my bed as she slowly opened her eyes and looked up to see me draping the blanket over her body. She smiled gently as I told her to rest as she nodded and slowly closed her eyes. As soon she was asleep, I called Shi to get on my bed so he can sleep next to Arthur. I pecked her forehead gently before I walked to my desk and continued finishing paperwork.

Few hours later

I finally finished all of my paperwork as I stretched my arms up and relaxed on my chair. Then I looked over to my bed where Arthur and Shi were sleeping quietly which I chuckle softly, walked up to the bed, and sat on the bed to get a better look at her sleeping face. She looked very peaceful when she is asleep as I gently pulled her to my lap so she can sleep without being disturbed. She then slowly opened her eyes, looked up to see me, and noticed that she was sitting on my lap. I asked if she had a good nap which she nodded and said it was okay. I claimed her lips, making her blush as she closed her eyes and gently kissed back. After a few minutes of kissing, we broke the kiss to get some air as Arthur leaned her head onto my shoulder and smiled. It was afternoon outside as I asked her if she's hungry yet which she nodded and got out of my lap. We got out of my bedroom to go to the dining room where my father was waiting for us to join him. We sat down on the chairs and started eating our meal which was rice with some steak along with a mini salad on the side. We chat about some things that included Arthur as she was busy enjoying her meal while both my father and I were chatting. After dinner was finished and night comes, we said our goodnight to my father as I was walking to my bedroom with Arthur holding onto my hand. It was very smooth and warm as I held her hand a little bit tighter as I can hear her soft giggle coming out of her lips, making me blushed as we arrived at my bedroom and walked in. I then called out Rose to prepare the bath for the two of us. I let Arthur take a bath first as she nodded and walked in with Rose while I sat down on my desk and continued and signing paperwork.

Few minutes later

Merlin: *knocks on the door*

(y/n): Come in

Merlin: your royal highness, where's the princess?

(y/n): She's busy taking a bath. Need to ask her something?

Merlin: Ah no. Just here to give her a gift *shows (y/n) the gift*

(y/n): Another nightgown? Why?

Merlin: 1) She doesn't have much nightgowns in her wardrobe and 2) She might like it with the roses nicely decorated. Plus it'll look very sexy on her

(y/n): Uhh, why are you giving her a nightgown that is sexy?

Merlin: Well you know

(y/n): *confused until he realized* Merlin! ๐Ÿ˜ 

Merlin: Oh come on ๐Ÿ˜… She might look sexy and cute

(y/n): Merlin! Remember her experience with her stepfather?

Merlin: It's fine and I do remember that. But you'll be very gentle on her, right?

(y/n): *slaps forehead* Oh lord

Rose: Ah, Magus Merlin. Did you get the nightgown for the princess?

Merlin: Oh here you go, madam

Rose: Thank you. Your highness, your bath will be prepared in a few minutes

(y/n): Okay

Merlin: Going to take a bath right now?

(y/n): it's late and I haven't bathe yet

Merlin: Alright, I'll take my leave then. Good night your highness

(y/n): Goodnight Merlin

As soon as the door was closed, Arthur came out of the bathroom in the nightgown that Merlin gave her as a gift. It does have the small white roses decorations, but she's wearing a garter belt with pure white lace silk thigh stockings and I wasn't sure about. As soon she looked at me, I immediately covered my face since the blush was on my cheeks and quickly ran to the bathroom without bumping into her. I can hear soft giggles from Arthur since she thinks it was cute by the fact that I don't want to stare for too long. After taking a quick bath, I put on my nightwear and got out of the bathroom. Then I saw Arthur sleeping in my bed quietly as I slowly walked up to her side of the bed and admired her sleeping face. She looked cute as I gently reached my hand out and caress her cheek. When I was about to go to the other side of the bed, I felt my hand being held and looked behind me to see Arthur holding my hand. She slowly sat up and stared at my (e/c) orbs with her lush/emerald green orbs.

(y/n): Do you need something?

Arthur: Well......

(y/n): Hm?

Arthur: *blushes and covered her face*

(y/n): Ah, I know. *whispers to her ear* Do you want me to play with your body, right?

Arthur: *blushes*

(y/n): I see. Go to the middle

Arthur: Eh? Ah okay *scoots her body to the middle of the bed*

(y/n): *gets on the bed and went on top her with his hands on the sides of her head*

Arthur: *blushes even more*

(y/n): *went to claim Arthur's lips gently*

Arthur: *closed her eyes and kissed back*

(y/n): *breaks the kiss* Ready?

Arthur: *nodding slowly* As long you're gentle

(y/n): I know, I know. I'll be gentle with you ๐Ÿ™‚

Arthur: ๐Ÿ˜Š

โš ๏ธLime pt. 2

I claimed Arthur's lips the second time as we kissed for a couple of seconds before breaking the kiss. Then I went down to where her neck is and started placing light kisses on her neck as I can feel her head twitching slightly. When I found the sweet spot on Arthur's neck, I nibbled gently as small gasps coming out of her lips. I kissed the hickey that was on her neck and slowly went down to where her breasts were. The thin straps that were on Arthur's shoulders were gently slid down by my fingers as I gently pulled the nightgown down to reveal her soft breasts shining under the moonlight. My mouth went to Arthur's right breast and started sucking on it as my fingers were teasing her left nipple. Arthur moaned under me as I sucked her right nipple for a couple of seconds before switching breasts. I then started sucking on her left nipple as my fingers were teasing her right nipple.

Arthur: *moans softly* (y/n)

(y/n): Hm?

Arthur: Are you finished?

(y/n): Almost *bites the nipple*

Arthur: Ah~ it hurts

(y/n): Sorry *kisses the bite mark on her breast*

Arthur: Mou~

(y/n): *blushed and goes down to where her clit is* Ready?

Arthur: For wh- *felt a hand on her thigh* Eek!

(y/n): Oh I'm so sorry!

Arthur: I'm okay. I'm just surprised by your hand touching my thigh

(y/n): Oh I see. Are you ready though?

Arthur:*blushes and nods* J-just do it

(y/n): Alright, I'll still be gentle though

Arthur: I know ๐Ÿ˜Š

As I got to her thighs, I lift the hem of her nightgown, exposing her thigh high stockings and her panties before taking it off and spread her legs slowly. I stopped for a moment and looked at Arthur, getting her permission

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