Attack from the Underworld

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In the Labyrinth

Veldora and Ariel are right now playing shogi they keep on playing about an hour. Veldora kept on losing from Ariel, she doesn't even have a single loss which irritates Veldora, he hasn't even beat her not single ones.

Ariel: And that's checkmate.

Veldora: Dammit how are you even beating me I'm supposed to be the master of shogi and you keep beating me so easily.

Ariel: It's probably because I have more experience playing this game when I was in the west. It was thanks to my granddaughter who introduced me to this game and I've been playing this game ever since.

Trihexa: Hey since Veldora lost like a couple times can I finally play.

Veldora: Not yet I want a rematch.

Trihexa: That's what you said when you lost over and over again. You have your fun and I want turn now!

Veldora: No I want a rematch.

Trihexa: I want to play next.

Veldora: Rematch!

Trihexa: Play!

Veldora: Rematch!

Trihexa: Play!

Veldora: Rematch!!!

Trihexa: Play!!!

Ariel: (These two basically fight like children.)

???: Can you guys keep it down already I'm trying to read here!

Both of them stop what they were doing they look at the person who happens to be so small and she was mining her own business reading manga. She has blonde hair that is done in pig-tails and has yellow eyes and she happens to be a fairy.

Trihexa: Sorry our bad I just wanted to play shogi.

Veldora: Yeah sorry to interrupting you from your reading Ramiris.

When Veldora brought Ramiris to Rimuru he was surprise to see her even Kumoko was also surprised as well. Ramiris explain how ended up here in this world she was mining her own business in her Labyrinth of from the Tensura world. She was then suddenly summon by Bael who was actually trying to summon Serafall Leviathan trying to add her to his harem but he ended up summoning Ramiris.

Ramiris was Bael little prisoner for two weeks until she was finally safe by people she is familiar with, the Tempest executives and Veldora. When Ramiris saw Rimuru she thought that was her good pout Rimuru but after a bit of explaining she now knows that this isn't the Rimuru she knows of. Ramiris was happy to see some of our old friends especially Beretta who was Ramiris bodyguard. Beretta never thought she will see her other master Ramiris but she was happy to see her again.

After we left Kyoto I left another version of me meaning my parallel existence. That way I can spend more time with Yasaka, Kunou and my new daughter Arashi. Right now my sister and I are checking how Ramiris doing she was just reading manga as usual.

Rimuru: Hey Ramiris how are you doing.

Ramiris: Oh hey Rimuru I'm doing all right. It's a bit strange to call you Rimuru even though you're not really Rimuru.

Rimuru: I know it's a bit strange but you gotta get used to it

Ramiris: Sigh" Yeah you're right at least master is here

Beretta walk in giving a drink to Ramiris and the spider puppet giving drinks to Veldora, Ariel and Trihexa.

Beretta: Here's your drink Lady Ramiris enjoy.

Ramiris: Oh and at least my Beretta is here, how I miss you.

Beretta: I am happy to see you again Lady Ramiris even if you're annoying at times.

Ramiris: Hey that's not true I'm not annoying! At least Treyni wouldn't say something like that to me.

Beretta: But I still miss you as my other master Lady Ramiris.

Ramiris: Beretta.🥲

Ariel: Well this is a cute scene to see between master and servant. But I still can't believe that this little fairy right here is actually a Demon Lord.

Kumoko: Well believe it or not she is a Demon Lord and one of the oldest from the world she is from.

Ariel: Yeah I still can't believe she a Demon Lord.

Ramiris: I am a Demon Lord!

Ariel: Whatever you say little fairy.

Kumoko: Hey bro.

Rimuru: What is it sis.

Kumoko: Is it time for that to happen.

Rimuru: Mmm well let's see what's going on in the Underworld.

Looking at the large screen I use Megiddo and we all see what's going on in the Underworld. A fight is going on down there the Devils, Angel, Fall Angel and Norse are fighting the devil that are from the Old Satan Faction in the Khaos Brigade. We then see a image Issei and the others going after Diodora to save Asia from him. I turn off the screen and it was time for us to go back to the underworld.

Rimuru: Seems like it's time to make our move.

In Underworld

A battle is currently happening the Old Satan Faction are launching a full scale attack. The Devils, Angel, Fall Angel and Norse are fighting them off. Sirzechs, Serafall, Azazel notice two people teleported it was Rimuru and Kumoko and they are here to assist the faction leaders.

Rimuru: It seems like you guys need a bit of help.

Azazel: Well we were doing fine but I guess we can have an extra hand

Sirzechs: We are glad that you two are here to assist us.

Serafall: Is it just only the two of you?

Kumoko: Our subordinates will soon be at the battlefield we just need the signal.

Sirzechs: And what is the signal?

Rimuru: We'll fly towards the Old Satan Faction army and we will ask them to surrender, if they don't surrender that will be the signal.

Azazel: Well it's obvious they won't surrender to you guys. By the way the Gremory group are-

Kumoko: Yeah we know they're going after Diodora and he's the one who betrayed you guys and brought the Old Satan Faction here.

Azazel: Okay I guess you guys already know about that. That makes things much easier.

Rimuru: Yeah we'll be off right now, oh and one more thing Azazel.

I send a kick to Azazel straight to his balls. He falls to the ground in pain which surprise everyone.

Rimuru: This was payback for interrupting me and Tiamat for the second time when we were doing our business. Hope you learned your lesson Azazel.

Azazel: Oww okay I may have deserved that and I learned my lesson not to mess with you guys.

Me and my sister fly far away from the others my sister was laughing that I kick Azazel balls the guy really did deserve that. We were now face to face with the Old Satan Faction army.

Rimuru: Hello Old Satan Faction we are here to warn you guys if you guys continue fighting we will have to dispose the rest of you.

Kumoko: If you guys surrender now your lives will be spare. So what's it gonna be? Do you guys choose life or death.

They all laugh.

Devil 1: Hahaha! You two think we will surrender for the likes of you. You two are outnumbered we'll kill the both of you.

Rimuru: Seem like they chose death.

Kumo: Indeed they have made a great mistake choosing death.

(Now playing Bursty Greedy Spider)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

All the Old Satan Faction army fire their attacks at us. Everyone who were fighting the Old Satan Faction all look what's about to happen to us. Some were worried we were about to be kill but some know we will be fine.

Rimuru: Ready sis?

Kumoko: Ready bro.

Rimuru/Kumoko: Void God Azathoth!/Evil Eye of Gluttony!

We absorbed their attacks using our abilities and that surprise the army that were trying to kill us. This also surprise everyone who were watching this scene.

Rimuru: How unfortunate for you guys you have chosen death. Now it's time for all of you to pay the price.

The both of us snap our fingers and our subordinates were all teleported in the battlefield. Except for Trihexa who is still in the Labyrinth with Ramiris and my daughters. I sent a thought communication to Rin, Ruby and Colopl it was time for them to unleash their true power.

Rimuru: (Rin, Ruby and Colopl it seems that it's time for the three of you to awaken to your true forms. Do the three of you except to awaken?)

Rin/Ruby/Colopl: (Yes we accept to awaken!)

Rimuru: (Time to show these fools who they're messing with. Ciel do your thing.)

Ciel: (Already on it master.)

Rin, Ruby and Colopl all began to glow to black, red and purple. When the lights die down the three reapers appearance has changed and they are cover in a strong aura. Everyone can sense their aura and they are indeed strong even the Devil Kings admit that these three are stronger than them.

Rin: Now this is something I could get used to.

Ruby: Wooww I like this new form of mine! And red is truly my true color.

Colopl: Hahaha! This feels amazing, this is the true me. Look at me I'm hot as fuck.

Rin: I think your appearance wasn't the only thing that's changed. I think your personality also change as well.

Colopl: Well whatever, time to kill some bitches.

Carrera: Ohh I like this new version of Colopl.

Ultima: Me to she's just like us.

Testarossa: Indeed I also like this new version of hers as well.

Colopl spread her new wings and created a bunch of purple orbs. Purple beams were then fire at Old Satan Faction army killing a bunch of them. Colopl was laughing like a maniac.

Colopl: Hahaha! Burn baby burn I am Colopl the Demonic Reaper. You all deserve to die and your souls will be mine hahaha!

Ruby: Geez sis you really are scary, I'm starting to miss the old you. I guess it's my turn now.

Ruby change her scythe into it's sniper rifle form and pointing it to her targets.

Ruby: I am Ruby, the Crimson Rose Reaper, and you all will taste the shot of the full power of my Death Scythe, Crescent Rose. Crimson Rose Explosion!

The blast killed the majority of the Old Satan Faction army from the powerful explosion.

Rin: It's finally my turn, It's time for all of you to be judge for your sins. I am Rin the Death Reaper and the Ruler of Death. You all faced death itself.

Rin scythe grow larger and his scythe as well as him were cover in a black purple aura. He then swipe his scythe to the Old Satan Faction army from the powerful slash attack. The remaining army we're all fear from the massacre that happened to all their comrades.

Everyone who saw all of this happening we're all shock that three grim reapers completely annihilated the Old Satan Faction army. This caught the interest of the Infinite Dragon God Ophis who was watching all of this happen.

Ophis: Those subordinates of his are very interesting and quite powerful. I'm jealous they're not in my side if they were they would have killed Baka Red for me.

Devil 1: This is a nightmare most of our forces have been completely annihilated and it was all because three grim reapers!

Devil 2: They're too dangerous for us we must retreat at once!

It seem there's still the remaining Old Satan Faction army and they are trying to escape but I won't allow them to do that. I put a barrier making sure none of them won't escape.

Rimuru: My Tempest forces eliminate the surviving Old Satan Faction army. Make sure none of single one survive.

Kumoko: And bring us victory.

The Tempest forces: Yes Lord Rimuru and Lady Kumoko we will bring the both of you victory!!!

Everyone all went to battle to eliminate the remaining army of the Old Satan Faction. Creuserey Asmodeus the descendent of Asmodeus went towards me trying to launch an attack at me.

Creuserey: You bastard I will eliminate you from existence! I, Creuserey Asmodeus descendent of one of the original Devil King Asmodeus will be the one to-

Tiamat: How foolish of you trying to attack my mate. Now you will meet your end descendent of Asmodeus.

Tiamat created a massive fireball from the palm of her hand and launch it to Creuserey. Creuserey was burning alive and people can hear him screaming in agony until he was turn into ashes.

Rimuru: I'm glad that you're here my love.

Tiamat: I wouldn't let anyone attack the one I love.

I pull Tiamat closer to me and we had a passionate kiss together. We separate our lips and look to each other's eyes

Tiamat: Rimuru.😍

Rimuru: Tiamat.😍

Kumoko: Jesus Christ I'm standing right here you know. Get a room you two we're in a middle of a war right now. You can do your lovey-dovey things once we get back home.

Both Tiamat and I stop what we were doing and focus we're on a war right now.

Rimuru: Tiamat go and help out the others my sister and I well go help out the Gremory group.

Tiamat: Okay I'll go now. See you later my love.

The both of us share another kiss together and Tiamat went to help out the others

Kumoko: Well it seems like it's time for us to go to Diodora castle.

Rimuru: Yeah probably Diodora the Explorer is getting his ass beat by Issei right about now. We need to hurry before Issei go to Juggernaut Drive.

The both of us had it too Diodora castle and soon Shalba Beelzebub will show up sending Asia Dimensional Gap and killing Diodora. Just hope we're not too late.

Next part Juggernaut Drive

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