chapter 4

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it had been a few months since y/n and Alex had stopped talking and y/n was still trying to reach him, he was pacing in the kitchen when he got a call from his dad, he sighed and answered "what" he said "what's wrong with you?" Zalgo asked "well because of your little charade Alex walked out, left me and now he wont answer my calls all because of you!" y/n growled through tears "y/n, I'm sorry why don't you come home for a bit?" Zalgo sighed "why should I? you basically just ruined my life" y/n said "y/n, honey, I didn't mean to, I only sent Liu there to make sure he was good enough for you, come home and I'll talk to you about it more, bring Liu as well" Zalgo said softly "fine, we'll be there soon" y/n said before he hung up.

"Alex, get up you have a mission" Jeff shouted down the stairs to Alex's room, Alex growled lowly and got out of bed, he grabbed his coat and pulled his mask on before walking out his room and out the mansion.

-one year later-

"Alex!" Slender yelled, Alex sighed "what" he growled "we have an important meeting today, so get dressed" Slender said, Alex groaned "fuckin why do I have to go?" Alex sighed "because you have been requested and if you don't go I will burry you in another forgotten mine!" Slender said lowly, Alex sighed "fine" he huffed getting up and getting dressed before walking out and over to Slender who was waiting with Masky and Hoodie "good lets go" he said teleporting them all to Zalgo's castle, they appeared in the throne room where Zalgo and y/n were sitting on their respective thrones "Zalgo, we are here at your request" Slender said with a small bow "ah yes, I need to talk to you Slender, I'll have a maid show the others to their rooms" Zalgo said standing and motioning for Slender to follow which he did, y/n watched as the maid walked off with Alex, Masky and Hoodie following, he got up but before he could follow Zalgo called him to his office, y/n sighed and walked over, "so why were we all invited?" Hoodie asked, Masky shrugged "maybe the prince is getting married or something" Masky said as they got to their separate rooms and walked in, Alex walked into his and closed the door before laying on the window seat.

"so why did you ask me here, and request Alex?" Slender asked "because my son hasn't been the same since he left, and Its my fault, so I need to fix it, so I requested you here so y/n and Alex can at least talk" Zalgo said, Slender nodded "so what were you two thinking?" Slender asked "we were thinking of having a small party" y/n mumbled as he sat on the desk, Slender nodded "are you prepared if it doesn't work? because I cannot deal with Alex much longer, he's so angry all the time, he stopped going to therapy and wants to fight anyone he can" Slender said sitting in the chair "yes, well its mostly up to Alex and y/n to sort it out, but I had my part to play in it, so I will need to apologise, to which I have a plan for" Zalgo said, Slender nodded "I just need you to call him in so I can talk to him, alone" Zalgo said, "if you want him you'll have to go to him, or shout really loud, he wont respond otherwise" Slender said standing "that's fine, I'll go talk to him now" Zalgo said standing and walking to the door with Slender and y/n behind him. Zalgo walked to Alex's room and opened the door to see him sitting on the window seat with the window open smoking and halfway through a bottle of vodka "Alex, I need to talk to you" Zalgo said, Alex held up his finger as he downed the rest of the bottle and grabbed another one from his bag before he nodded for Zalgo to continue "would you take a walk with me?" Zalgo asked, Alex sighed and opened the bottle and flicked his fag out the window "fine" he said getting up and following Zalgo out and to the front doors, y/n watched from behind the doorframe in the hallway "we better be going to a bar" Alex mumbled as Zalgo opened the door and let him out "maybe" Zalgo said as he started to walk, Alex rolled his eyes and followed.

after a while they were on top of a hill by a large tree "I am sorry I couldn't help you or your mother, and I do regret not telling you where she was" Zalgo said "so what you want to talk about the past and get me to forgive you?" Alex said drinking more of the vodka, Zalgo sighed "I know I'll never get your forgiveness and I don't expect it, but I thought there's nothing to gain from not showing you where your mother is" Zalgo said looking over at the tree, Alex looked over seeing a well maintained grave with fresh flowers and incense on it, Alex walked over and fell to his knees "I'm sorry, I had a grudge against your father for stealing her heart before I could have a chance to win it, and I incorrectly aimed that anger at you" Zalgo said placing his hand on Alex's shoulder, Alex sighed "I never got a chance to morn her or my father" Alex said softly before drinking more of the now nearly empty bottle, he stood up "Спасибо" 'thank you' Alex said turning to Zalgo "Тебе не нужно благодарить меня, но если ты настаиваешь, ты можешь купить мне выпить, и мы сможем поговорить" 'you do not need to thank me, but if you insist you can buy me a drink and we can talk' Zalgo said, Alex nodded and they started to walk to the closest bar.

after a few hours of drinking and talking Alex and Zalgo were drunk and talking about some of the dumb things y/n had done as a kid, y/n walked in "dad, there you are. Alex, did you get my dad drunk?" y/n sighed "oh honey its just a few drinks" Zalgo slurred "it was his idea" Alex said looking at his drink "I don't care whose fault it is, come on lets get you two home before you break something" y/n said helping Zalgo up, Alex got up and downed his drink before following after them "have you two been drinking the whole time?" y/n asked, "no, he took me to my mothers grave, then we went to the pub" Alex said quietly making y/n look over at him "how have you been?" y/n asked, Alex shrugged "I hear you've been fighting a lot" y/n said adjusting his hold on Zalgo as he had now passed out "yeah" Alex said getting a joint out "can we talk once I've put dad to bed?" y/n asked, Alex shrugged "only if you bring weed and vodka" he said as they got to the outside of the castle "sure, just give me five minutes" y/n said walking in, Alex sat down and lit his joint before taking a long drag and leaning his head against the wall.

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