James Moriarty x ftm!reader

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~Your POV~
You are sitting on the floor of your and Jim's shared room. The light was off and you were in front of the mirror. Your shirt was on the floor next to you and you were trying to push down your chest to make it more flat despite the fact that you were wearing a binder.
You sigh then let your hands drop into your lap. You look down at the floor showing through your crossed legs. You close your eyes and start crying; letting your forehead rest on your hand. The tears run down your nose and cheeks then drop on to the floor and black jeans your wearing. You heard the front door close but at this point you didn't care. You would normally pull on your shirt quickly and greet Jim like nothing is wrong, but today was not that day. You bring up your other hand to cover your face then start crying harder.

~Jim's POV~
I walk through the door and (Y/N) wasn't at the door to greet me. It's strange because he's usually home by now, and if he's late he usually texts me first. I put down my keys, take off my sunglasses and jacket, then I walk to our shared room. I open the door slowly and (Y/N) is crying in front of the mirror. I quickly walk to his side and lay his head on my chest. He keeps crying and I kiss the top of his head.
"Hey what's wrong lovely?" I ask gently cupping his face in my hand and sitting in front of him. He sniffles and looks at me, his eyes red and puffy from crying.
"They still refuses to call me (Y/N) at work and use my wrong pronouns." He stops talking but I know that's not everything that's bothering him.
"Love what else is bothering you?"
"Nothing." He whispers.
"Babe please tell me, I'm here to help you not judge you."
"My parents called, they said that if I ever wanted to come home to celebrate holidays, it would be fine, but I would have to wear a dress or skirt. I then told them that I don't feel very comfortable in dresses or skirts; especially because boys don't normally wear them and they started laughing at me." He started crying harder and I kisses his lips softly and wiped away his tears. "They then said that I should stop pretending that I'm a boy and said that it's such a 'shame' that I'm not the 'cute girl' I used to be before I moved out here with you."
He looked away but I could still see the pain in his eyes, I ran my hand through his hair and he looked back up at me sadly.
"Babe, don't listen to them, you are so manly and I love you till the ends of the earth. Now listen to me, forget about them, you don't need them In your life, all they do is make you feel more miserable."
"Yeah I guess, but they are still my family, I owe it to them to go and see them."
"NO." He flinched at my harsh tone.
"Sorry, I mean no, you owe them nothing, if they make you feel this miserable they don't deserve to be in your life." I smile a little to try and cheer him up.
"You are so amazing! Everyone who is friends with you are the luckiest people in the world. Well not as lucky as me because I get to be the one who you love, and the one who you sleep next to at night. I love you so much and I wish so bad I could show you what I see but it's difficult."
I stand up and hold my hand out for him; he takes it and and I pull him up. Then I pull out the pistol that I keep in my jacket and shoot the mirror without looking at it. I hear it shatter then I put my gun away and kiss his nose.
"You don't need any stupid mirror, mirrors only lie to you."
I stand back and look at him.
"You don't even understand how amazing and beautiful you are." He smiles a little and looks at the ground. I pick him up bridal style and lay him on the bed. I take off my shoes, belt then my shirt to match how he is dressed. I lay on the bed next to him and smile a little. He turns on his side and looks at me. He lifts up and kisses my hand.
Then he moves and cuddles up into my chest. I pet his hair gently then kiss his head again.
"I love you so much (Y/N)."
"I love you too Jim."

A/n sorry if this is crap, I just wanted to write a little. It's what I like to do when I'm feeling down. So here you go. Sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes but I don't like to read my own work.

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