Chapter 8

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*Taehyung's pov*

"Okay! That's enough! I can't keep it anymore. What was that Tae?" Jin hyung asked finally breaking the silence that took place after Amanda's departure,looking at me through the rear view mirror. I immediately covered my shock with a blank face when I caught his gaze.

"What are you talking about hyung?" I asked innocently pretending like I don't know what he intended. J-hope took that chance to fully turn towards me and gave me a suspicious look.

"You know what we are talking about Tae! Why did Amanda kiss you all of sudden?" He completed Jin hyung's question. The tip of my ears burned as I remembered the earlier scene and I quickly averted my gaze looking down to avoid them from seeing me blushing.

"I don't know! Maybe that's a friendly gesture?" I suggest lowly playing with my finger tips.

"That's better be Tae!" Jin hyung exclaimed making both of us to look at him surprised. He never was a rude person and we assumed that he likes Amanda from the way he just talked with her. "I mean don't get me wrong. Amanda is a sweet friendly girl. I like her. But you can't be more than friends with her Tae."

"Why?" Those words slipped out of my tongue before I could stop them, but to my luck he didn't notice the hidden pain behind those words. He saw that question as my pure curiosity.

"First she is a soon to be alpha wherever you are wolf-less. That's utterly dangerous for you to be by her side if she ever loose control. She wouldn't hesitate to harm you cause you are not sharing a any bond with her and neither you are from her pack!" I wanted to open my mouth and protest, I wanted to yell I do share a bond with her. But I decided this is not the best time for that. "Second and the most important reason is your mate Tae!" I froze "You said you already found your mate. Even though I don't know who the girl is cause you are waiting until she turns 18 as you said, I want you to save yourself for her Tae. Trust me being with your mate is the most amazing thing in this world. This comes from experience Tae! I don't want you to miss that amazing chance. Don't ever let go of your mate Tae. Don't ever!" He finished making me to stare at his reflection dumbfound.

"I wouldn't!" My mouth worked in its' own accord.


The next morning I walked to the school gate with extreme nervous and anxiousness. J-hope walked beside me unknown to my mental battle I am having in my head. I don't know how to face her after back yesterday's incident. She kissed me! She kissed me out of no where and I did nothing. I just sat there like statue. What is she must be thinking about me right now? Is she angry that I didn't react or was that an other prank to make a fool out of me?

"Taehyung!" I tensed hearing that familiar voice and froze on the spot making J-hope to bump into me. I turn towards the sound praying to the goddess and what met my gaze should relax me, but instead my shoulders slumped and I felt disappointment. Jungkook walked towards us waving his hand cheerfully and beside him Jimin dragged his body tiredly to keep it up with that hyper bunny. There was no sight of Amanda or Kayla. I examined the surrounding expecting them to get out of one of the cars that parked in the parking lot. But that never happened. Jungkook jumped onto J-hope and both of them start making weird noises hugging each other like tow friends meeting after years of separation. The students passing by send them weird looks and I duck my head in embarrassment. Jimin chuckled at the duo and gave a bro hug to J-hope. Jungkook was about to jump at me, but Jimin grabbed him from the color and pulled him back from me. Jungkook smiled cheekily at me and greeted with a simple 'Good morning'. I just nodded my head at both of them avoiding eye contact. I can't get into this whole friend zone with them within a week. It would get me time to warm up to them.

"Where are the girls?" J-hope questioned my exact thoughts.

"They wouldn't be here for few days! They flew to America to visit Kayla's parents this morning." Jimin shrugged. I don't know why, but the thought of not seeing her for few days make me feel sick and uneasy. There is nothing between us. She indirectly rejected me when she ran away from me for three times and now I am doing the same running away from her. I should be glad that she is making my work easier by staying away, but to my surprise I feel sad of the mere thought of staying away from her.

"When would she return?" I blurt out and the three of them looked at me shocked not expecting me to join there conversation. Specially not to question about Amanda since she is the one I mostly ignored in the first place.

"Owwww! Is our little Taetae got a crush on Amy?" Jungkook questioned teasingly wiggling his eyebrows.

"No he is not! He already found his mate!" J-hope blurt out making me to mentally groan at that. Way to go! Both of them looked shock.

"He is 18 already?" Jimin stated or more like questioned.

"Yes! Both of us are older than you guys. He turned 18 last December." J-hope answered. Even though I found my mate even before I turned 18, We didn't have to tell them that. It would make more questions. So it's better they know it this way. "And before you asked, we repeated grade ten twice. That's why we are one year behind." He explained further more.

"Why?" Jungkook butt in.

"Tae wasn't satisfied with his last exam's grade. He got 'B' for literature. So he decided to repeat the grade. being the good friend I followed." J-hope uttered nonchalantly. Both of them looked at us like we are two aliens.

"How the heck you guys did that?" Jungkook asked in daze.

"Oh simple. The principle is from our pack. Tae is one of a nephew of alpha. So we pulled some strings." J-hope uttered smugness laced in his voice.

"That's abusing your powers!" Jungkook gasped dramatically, but his face made it clear that he didn't mean any of the words he uttered. J-hope just rolled his eyes at him.

"Anyway who is the lucky girl?" Jimin peeped and I felt uneasiness creeping in my body. Before I could utter something stupid and ruin our little secret between me and Amanda, J-hope butt in.

"We don't know. He wouldn't say us. He asked to wait us until she turns 18. So that he can confront her before announcing to others." Both of them nodded understandingly and to my relief they didn't question further more about that topic. I released a sigh of relief and start walking towards the school building. The three of them followed behind.

"By the way we wouldn't be here tomorrow and Monday. We have to handle some pack business for Amy!" Jimin informed as we walked in. Great! Those two days gonna be a ride to the hell. There are so many eyes glaring at me waiting for a chance to dig there claws on me. They didn't get a chance to do that for these past days since they were with me. Now none of them gonna be around me for two school days. So I am sure I would go back to my old life style. Just great!


"I am coming to your school tomorrow!" Namjoon hyung uttered plopping down next to me on the couch. I averted my gaze from my phone to him narrowing my eyes at him questioningly. "Don't think I haven't notice it Tae! I noticed you are showing up with buries occasionally. And your excuse for them is a utter bullshit. You can't slip and fall every damn time or fall from the staircase. You are getting bullied! Aren't you?" I stared at him shocked. "And you got bullied this last Friday also! Didn't you?" Shit! he knows. I thought I did a good job covering them. Yes some guys bullied me and beat the shit out of me last Friday, but I licked them to heal. I have the ability to lick my wound and heal them like any other werewolves, but my process is slower than their's. I shouldn't get that ability at all since I don't have a wolf at all, but I think my rank has something to do with it. It take two three days to vanish the marks and buries even after I lick them. But however it is faster than normal humans. I opened my mouth to protest, but a stern glare from him stopped me. "Don't even think about protesting it. J-hope already confirmed it. And No! J-hope didn't betrayed you. I kind of use my alpha voice on him to make him confess." he explained before I can lash out on J-hope for reveling this to him which I kept as a secret for this long. I released a sigh accepting the defeat. There is no point of arguing with him.

"You can't come hyung! That would prove them right. That would prove that I am a weak pussy who need to hide behind someone's shadow to protect myself. I can't let that happen hyung. Specially not since what I am gonna become in the future. I have to overcome this by myself. This is my battle hyung!" I said sincerely and gain a look of shock from his face. The shock soon turn into a proud smile.

"You are the strongest person I had ever seen Tae. If it was someone else they would have give up or use their powers to overcome this, but you are simply fighting alone without using any of your powers. You are stronger than you think Tae!" He patted my shoulder with a light smile. I returned the gesture just as a loud scream ripped the silent night. Namjoon hyung tensed and his eyes dazed for few seconds. He is mind linking. I can't join their mind-link since I am not a member of their pack. "Shit!" He cursed under his breath standing up to run away.

"What is it hyung?" I rushed before he could get away from there.

"It's full moon Tae! One of a warrior who found his mate loosed control and attacking other warriors. He is on his heat. We have to stop him and get his mate to him." He answered before dashing away from there leaving me alone to stare at nothing in shock. It took me few minutes to realize what he said and my eyes widen as realization hit me. It's full moon today. And everyone unmated wolves who found their mate would go through the heat. I wouldn't since I don't have a mate, but Amanda? Shit! That's why she went away. Cause she knew if she stays close to me she would loose control too. That's why she went far far away from me. She went with Kayla. Is that means Kayla knows about our bond?

It wasn't my biggest worry at the moment. I worried about her being in pain. She could have simply mark me and get over with it, but instead of that she decide to give me space and stay away bearing that pain alone. Why?

I have to check on her. Even though things between us is not stable, she is still my mate. And it's my natural instincts to care about her. I grabbed my phone again and froze realizing that I don't have any of their's numbers. Shit! How am I gonna check on her? How can I be so stupid and oblivious about this whole mate thing? Shit shit shit! Suddenly my phone started ringing startling me in the process. It was from a unknown number. I complete on whether to answer or not, but end up accepting the call.

"Hello!" I waited and waited for a answer, but only I receive was silence in return. I was about to hang up thinking it is wrong number when a low growl caught my attention. My whole body tingled and shivers ran down my spine. My heart did double flips and goosebumps arise in my body. I felt weird in my stomach and my body start to shiver. All of sudden I felt giddy. I don't know how but I realized that growl. I know who it is. "Amanda?" An other growl and the line went dead. She hang up. I kept pressing the phone into my ear even after she hang up not knowing what to do or think. I was shock to even move a muscle. It like someone cast a spell on me to stay freeze and numb. It took me good few minutes to come out of my shock stance and register what happened. She called me. She did call me! Relief washed over me knowing that she is okay. She must be in pain, but she didn't loose her control. She had time to call and check on me. That means she is in sane mind. Thank goddess!

She would be here soon. Once this stupid heat thing is over, I would be able to see her. Come back soon.......... mate!


Monday passed by in flash neither of our new friends not showing into school and me getting beaten up by Naeun and her little gang at the end of the day in school. Despite the warning she receive from Amanda she still has guts to hurt me. Vent her pent up anger on me. Why? Simply because I refused to do her home works for her. I again had hard time convincing Namjoon and Jin hyung to not to show up in my school and complain to the principle. I wouldn't be able to hold back them for so long. Both of them are very protective over me. Soon they would burst and the outcome would be worse than I expected. Specially if it gets to my parents ears. Thinking about them finding out about this whole situation gave me goosebumps. Goddess know what would they do once they found out about their only son getting bullied.

I flinched when someone from behind me squeezed my shoulders. A familiar chuckle caught my attention and I knew instantly that it was Jungkook. I turn to see him and Jimin following behind us with bright smile. But they soon flattered when they took in my appearance.

"Oh my god Tae what happened to you?" Jimin questioned staring directly at me with a worried look. From the corner of my eyes I saw J-hope opening his mouth to answer him.

"I slipped in the bathroom." I lied before J-hope can tell what truly happened. I don't want to worry them or get them into any trouble. J-hope glared at me and the other two looked at me cautiously before nodding their heads and buying my lie. We walked to our lockers together and today no one dared to shove me away like they did for these past two school days or spat nasty comments at me. They just sent murderess glares at me before minding their own business. Once I placed my books and grabbed the book for first period I walked to the class with them since we all share the same classes. Well lets just say I pulled some strings to be with the same classes as them. We entered the class room and took our usual seats. Immediately Jungkook's and Jimin's fan girls started surrounding them and asking questions about their absents. J-hope joined the conversation going in front of us and like usual I kept my head lowered waiting for the teacher. J-hope would try to talk to me, but I don't want to abandon his other friends just to accompany me. So I would always assure him that I am okay being silent and I like to enjoy being alone. If he didn't listen then I would threaten him using my rank. Don't get me wrong. I am doing that for his own good. I don't want him to become a loner like me.

Suddenly the hair behind my neck stand and the class room door slammed open. Everyone went silent and I lifted my head to see the most beautiful girl in the world standing their smiling widely. My heart tingled at her presence. Her presence felt like the first few drops of water I got after wandering around in the desert without water for days. I couldn't hide the smile that took over my face when her gaze met mine. She looks as bright as the sun and if it's possible her smile widen even more when she caught me smiling at her.

"Amy! Kay!" Both Jimin and Jungkook beamed standing up to run towards the girls that standing near the entrance. But before they could Amanda raised her hand stopping them. Suddenly her stance stiffened, her face darken, her soft orbs harden and her smile turn into a scowl. She narrowed her eyes and my breath hitched when I realized that those eyes are narrowed towards me. She glanced at me up and down like a predictor examining her pray. I glanced at Kayla to see a concern look on her face, but it wasn't towards Amanda, it was towards me. My smile vanished when Amanda start striding towards me avoiding all the confused gazes. She stood in front of me with clenched fists.

"Who did this to you Tae?" She muttered under gritted teeth.

"Huh?" I let out dumbfound at her question.

"Who did this to you?" She muttered again lifting my new bandaged left hand and pointing at the plaster on my nose blade and the corner of my busted bottom lip. I pulled away my hand from her grip and looked down avoiding her harden gaze. A very very low growl escaped from her waiting for my answer, but nothing came out of my mouth. I can't lie to her. She will caught on to it soon cause she is my mate. I gulped and J-hope beside me was also froze on his spot unable to utter a word. Heck the whole class room is shock and silence. I can feel everyone's gaze on us. I flinched and both of us jumped on our seats when Amanda slammed her fists into my table.

"Ouch!" J-hope yelped when his knees hit the desk.

"God dammit Taehyung! ANSWER ME!" She yelled starling me. I looked at her eyes which turned red for a second. My mouth wide opened knowing that her wolf is on the edge and felt adrenaline course through my veins. Fear start to creep onto my system and my body trembled. Her eyes soften when she realized what her anger doing to me. It wasn't directed towards me but in way it creeps me out. I felt a hand squeezing my shoulder and Amanda snapped her head ready to lash out at the person, but stopped when she realized it was Kayla.

"Tell her Tae! Hiding anything wouldn't do any good." She uttered softly before leaning into my ear to whisper next sentence. "Tell her before she loose her control to her wolf." A shiver ran down my spine and I slowly averted my gaze to look at Naeun who sat in the middle corner with two of Yuri's friends who also helped her to beat me up that day. Fear was evident on her face. Her gaze harden when our gaze met and she mouthed a 'No' shaking her heads at me with narrowed eyes. I gulped and was about to avert my gaze to avoid Amanda finding out, but I was to late. Amanda followed my gaze and her eyes land on Naeun whose eyes widen double her size in pure horror. Shit!

Before I could say anything Amanda stormed towards her and wrapped her hands around Naeun's neck lifting her from her seat and throwing her to the floor. Everyone rose from their seats and gasped escaped from their mouths. I covered my mouth to prevent any sound escaping me. Before Naeun could process what is happening two hard kick lands on her stomach making her to cough uncontrollably. It's look like tow hard kick but if you paid more attention to Amanda you can tell that she is barely putting any pressure on the kicks. How strong my mate is? I also stood up to stop her, but my muscles wouldn't move. I was paralyzed in my spot and mesmerized with her protectiveness over me.

The door opened again and we all looked there expecting the teacher, but instead of teacher it was Kris and his mate walked in with confusion. Yuri gasped when she caught a glimpse of Naeun laying on the floor curling into a ball, clutching her stomach. As soon as Naeun caught Kris she rosed and rushed to Kris hiding behind him for safety. Kris look at still shaking Amanda with narrowed eyes. I expected her to explain her situation to him or defended what she did to Naeun, but instead any of that she simply glared at Naeun who covered even more behind Kris, completely ignoring Kris's presence.

"I will kill you if you ever lay a finger on him again. Stay away from him bitch!" Amanda spat not minding the surprise look on Kris's face. She turns facing the whole class room. "DID ALL OF YOU HEAR THAT? STAY AWAY FROM HIM! IF ANY OF YOU, I REPEAT ANY OF YOU DARED TO LAY A FINGER ON HIM, I WILL PERSONALLY HUNT YOU DOWN! AM I CLEAR?" She yelled pointing at me. venom evident her voice. Everyone nodded their head in frighten except her friends and Kris.

She glanced at me and her harden orbs soften instantly. My heart twitched and felt my heart

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