Chapter 11

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*Taehyung's pov*

Have you ever experienced a situation where you know what is happening yet your mind is refusing to process it, Where your subconscious is yelling at you to react yet your body is refusing to react? Well I am experiencing something like that now. I can feel the warmth of her body, I can feel the softness of her lips and I can definitely feel the tingles all over my body. Yet my mind is refusing to accept the fact that she is kissing me and my body is completely refusing to react. I am totally froze.

This is the moment I waited for whole my life, this is the moment which was only a dream for me few seconds ago and this is the moment I want to let go of all my insecurities and accept the fate yet something is holding me back. That something is the fact that this is her wolf who is kissing me, not her. I am sure she didn't intend this and she is not ready to take this step in our relationship. We don't even have a relationship between us in the first place to begin with. Yet I can't avoid the warmth and the softness I can feel on her lips. I want to cup her cheeks and pull her closer and at the same time I want to stay still like this and wait until she pull away. What would she think if I return the kiss?   

I didn't get much time to dwell on that thought cause I felt her warmth leaving my body, the softness of her lips pulling away and the tingles vanishing away from my body. I still kept my eyes wide and starred into her red eyes as she pulled away and licked her bottom lip seductively. My heart did somersault at the sight. I may be innocent and all, yet I am a man. I have feelings too. And right now she is playing with those feelings very well.

I broke out of my trance when I heard a small chuckle escaping from her mouth, red eyes glistening with mischievous as she look amused at my reaction. And it was my cue to blink. I blinked dumbfound at her and sure as hell I must be looking like a lost puppy right now, cause her soft chuckles turned into a laugh the next second. I know I should feel offended but seeing her laugh like this after back weeks gave me a bubbly feeling. I felt happy and satisfied, cause I am the reason behind that laugh. She is finally laughing openly because of me. She stopped her action realizing that I haven't even move a muscle of my body.

"You are mine mate. And I would never let go of what is mine!" she said with a promising tone looking deep into my eyes. My breath hitched when she got closer to my face again and I unintentionally pursed my lips holding my breath as her lips brushed against my cheek for a second. And like that she pulled away and winked at me before skipping away from there leaving me in a mess of feelings to deal with.

I have lot of questions in my mind, but for me the most important thing among them seems to be the fact that I didn't get her wolf's name. She kissed me and claimed me as her's. Yet I don't even know her name. I slowly raised my hand and touch my lips where I can still feel the tingles and warmth of her lips.

"Tae are you okay?" I snapped my head towards the door where a wide eyed J-hope stood looking panic for some reason. Well who wouldn't be, when your weak friend who always get bullied by even girls, got dragged away by a very pissed alpha? He stormed towards me, inspecting my body from head to toe.

"Are you okay Tae? What happened?" He asked in a concerned tone placing both his palm on my shoulders. Instead of answering him I smiled giddily as the images of her lips crashing into mine flashed in my mind. "Yah! Are you smiling when I almost had a heart attack worrying about you? I saw Amanda walking away Tae. And I swear her eyes was red! Did she hurt you?" He rambled almost loosing his patience. He came to a stop realizing my lack of attention and suddenly he gasped eyeing my fingers which were brushing my lips where the warmth of her lips still lingered.

"You guys kissed?" He mumbled surprised causing me to shake my head with wide eyes, denying his statement. "Don't lie Taehyung! I saw you guys eating each others faces like there is no tomorrow!" I gasped at that and panic stricken in my mind.

"No Hobi it's not like that. She was jealous and she lost control over her wolf. Her wolf misunderstood something I said and she kissed me. I swear it wasn't even a proper kiss. It didn't even last longer than a minute!" I rushed explain and instantly regret it, seeing J-hope standing there with a raised eye brow and folding his arms over his chest.

"So she did kiss you?" He tricked me. Damn my tongue! " Wait why would her wolf kiss you when she lost control and why the heck she was jealous in the first place?" He asked raising his voice with each word. When I didn't answer to any of those questions he eyed me suspiciously before his eyes widened as it look like he realized something. "Are you guys dating? Don't tell me you guys are dating Tae! Don't you remember what Jin hyung said Tae? You already found your mate! You have to wait for her Tae. I have noticed that you are sneaking glances at her when ever she is not looking, but I didn't think you have a this kind of thing with her-"

"Amanda is my mate hyung!" I cut him off.

"Yah she may be that! But still you have to wait for your ma-" He stopped his rambling in mid sentence as my words registered in his mind. "Wait! WHAT?" His eyes widened as he searched my eyes for any humor on them. And when he realized that I wasn't joking but serious, his jaw dropped. "AMANDA IS YOUR MATE!" He squealed in a high pitch tone causing me to distance myself from him to save my eardrums.

"Wait! All these years you knew Amanda is your mate and you had to watch her dating Kris in front of your own eyes?" He questioned as the fact that 'Amanda is my mate', slowly registered in his mind. Suddenly all my giddy feelings vanished as I remembered those painful memories where I had to watch her being lovely-dovey with him in front of me, where I cried myself to sleep, where I get bullied for even looking at her and where I yearned for her attention at least once. But I never got a chance to even look at her properly without getting beaten up for that from someone Kris arranged. I never got a chance to look at what is mine. I didn't know I was crying until J-hope wiped my cheeks and pulled into his embrace. 

"It's okay Tae! It's okay." He mumbled nothing but sweet words into my ears, rubbing my back soothingly. This is what I love about him. He is always there to sooth me when I am falling down. He like a brother I never had. "Errr.... You do realize that you have to get her to mark you?" He questioned once I calmed down a little. I pulled away from him wiping my tear stained cheeks and gazed at him confusingly. "Oh my God Tae! Are you this dumb? Don't you remember who you are and what that makes her? You are the pr-" I pressed my palm into his mouth shutting him before he could complete that word.

"Shhh.... Hobi! Sometimes walls have ears too!" He rolled his eyes at my antics and pulled my hands away from his mouth.

"Whatever Kid! But seriously you have to do that before she loose control over her powers. I always doubt why she is so powerful, but now it make sense since she is your mate. It would be dangerous if her wolf lost control Tae. No offence Tae, but you wouldn't be able to tame her wolf cause you are wolf-less. The only thing that would get her wolf to listen to you is would be her mark on your neck Tae! You will be able do dominate her human from, but without a wolf you wouldn't be able to dominate her wolf Tae. So the only way to make her bend to your words is her mark." He explained calmly giving me time to grasp the details. He is correct. Amanda doesn't know how much power she hold within her. It would be too dangerous if her wolf ever lost control and went power hungry or blood-lust. Sure my parents would be able to stop her, but to stop her they would have to end her, cause once a wolf loose control it's impossible for others to tame it, except its' mate. But I wouldn't be able to tame her wolf, cause like J-hope said I am not stronger enough to dominate her wolf. So only my parents would be able to stop her. The problem is would they do that, knowing destroying her means destroying their own son, the future ki-

"TAEHYUNG!" I broke out of my trance when J-hope yelled, shaking me to get my attention. I smiled sheepishly at him once I realized I was spacing out again. He just shook his head at me already used to my occasion spacing outs. "Let's go! The bell rang." He let out with a sigh and wrapped a hand around my shoulder dragging me down-stair.

Once we got to the hallway where our calls room is, we found the students running every where. It was such a mess. At first we shrugged it off assuming that they are rushing to get onto their class room, but one particular word caught our attention. 'Amanda!' When we heard her name leaving their mouths we paid more attention to their mumbling. Eventually we found out that they all are running towards the restroom where they heard Amanda being accuse for beating up Naeun. We ran towards there not caring about missing our first period. What did she does this time?

When we got there, half of the school was already there gathering around the restroom. Then few student walked out of it caring a passed out Naeun on their holds. I didn't pay attention where they took her cause my gaze met with my mate walking out following behind Yuri, Kayla and our principle with few teachers. As soon as she stood out Jungkook and Jimin emerged from the crowd standing beside her and Kayla.

"I swear sir I didn't do it! She was already pass out on the floor when I entered. There was this baseball bat on the floor. I just grabbed it and was about to check on Naeun when she entered the start yelling!" Amanda said pointing at a crying Yuri who was getting comfort by few of her minions.

"Don't lie Amanda. We all know how much you hate, cause she choose me over you after Kris broke up with you. You even hit her yesterday and all our classmates witnessed that. You are angry, cause she complained to your parents yesterday and you wanted your revenge from her. that's why you did something like this. Thank God I was their on time before you could done anymore harm on her!" Yuri spat wiping her crocodile tears. I don't know whether others noticed this or not, but she is obviously fake crying. I glanced at my mate and saw her clenching her knuckles and gritting her teeth trying her best not to loose control and lash out at her. That would make things even more worse. The students start whispering about yesterday incident which didn't help the situation at all.

"Don't be ridiculous Yuri. Amy wouldn't go that low. If she wants revenge she would get it in front everyone. She is not a coward or backstabber that work behind your back like you and your friends." Kayla snapped defending Amanda. venom was evident on her voice. I have noticed how protective she is over my mate. They are like sisters that glued each other by their hips. It's cute how she goes all mother mode to held her back like Jin hyung when Amanda is on trouble. My mate is lucky to have her and I know she knows that.

"Oh yah! Where was she when you and your friends entered class room? I didn't see her with you guys. And I know why she wasn't there with you guys. Cause she was here harassing my friend!" Yuri snapped back and broke into her crocodile tears once again. Kayla opened her mouth, but our principle held his hand silencing her.

"Three of you to my office right now!" he command to the three girls and walked away leaving them to silently follow him. The teachers chased the students into their classes and continued the day like nothing happened. I sat on my seat with anticipation waiting for her to walk in through those doors. Any one doesn't care to pay attention to class cause they was so busy about gossiping the latest incident. I wasn't only one who was nervous. J-hope, Jungkook and Jimin mirrored the same expression. The period end like that and when the bell rand, the four of us was the first to exit the room. We walked towards the office with worry written all over our faces, but stopped when we found Kayla leaning against a wall, half way through to the office.

"What happened? Where is Amy? Why didn't you answer to our mind-link? Why are you standing here? Is Amanda okay?" We all bombarded her with questions once we stood in front of her. She let us ramble as much as we want until we all calmed down and waited patiently for her answers. Once she realized that we all calmed down she opened her mouth with a sigh to explain us.

"They took Naeun home. She is fine and healed, but she can't walk around like nothing happened. That would make human students suspicious. So she wouldn't show up until Monday. As for Amy, she got suspended until Monday, cause we don't have proof to prove her innocence. Apparently Naeun doesn't remember what happened to her!"

" That's not fair! Amy would never do something like that!" Jungkook defend.

"We Know Jungkook! The principle also believes that Amy is not guilty cause her scent wasn't on Naeun's body at all. But that proof is not enough. We can't give that proof to other human students. So he has to punish her." Kayla sighed tiredly "She already went home though. And let me tell you it's gonna be a total hell for us considering her mood!" Bothe Jimin and Jungkook groaned with a scowl on their faces. Opps! Look like my mate is not very appealing when she is angry.


*Amanda's pov*

Life sucks! It really sucks when you have to sit on your bed watching a not so interesting corny movie with tub of vanilla ice-cream when you should be on school admiring a certain adorable boy. It's Thursday today and I can't go to the school cause I am on my so called punishment. So here I am sitting on my bed watching a random movie playing on the TV eating ice-cream to cheer up my damn mood. So far it wasn't working. The more I try to distract myself the more I think about him. I almost drive to my school this morning on my pajamas to just to get a glimpse of my mate, but Kayla stopped me reminding that I have to keep our bond a secret until we are ready to come out. Talking about Kayla, I regret forcing her to attend the school today when she offered to stay with me. But I want someone to keep and  eye on my little adorable mate. Aghrhhhh..... I am thinking about him again.

"AMY!" My room door slam opened and a hyper Jungkook walked in only on his pajama bottom leaving his abs on show. He didn't go to the school, cause being the good beta he is, as he told wanted to keep his alpha's company. But I would rather be on kindergarten with those overly hyper toddlers than spending time with him. This boy is eating my brain cells. He stopped on his track when he noticed my appearance, clad on my last night pajamas with messy bed hair when it is almost noon and eating a tub of vanilla ice-cream even without brushing my teeth for the day. "Are you on your periods?" He asked out of the blue causing me to choke on my ice-cream. When I didn't give a answer and starred at him with wide eyes, he lift his nose to the air to sniff. And that was my cue to throw my ice-cream tub to stop him from doing that.

"DON'T YOU DARE SNIFF THE AIR JUNGKOOK!" I yelled making him to chuckle at my panic state.

"So you are on your period!" He confirmed with a cheeky smile throwing away the ice-cream tub on his head and licking the melted ice-creams that flowed down his face. How does he know? Well this is how I behavior when I am on my periods. I would be glued to my bed, eating all the unhealthy food to keep my damn mood better. Cause I get more cranky and moody when I am like this. So I avoid almost everyone and they let me be like  this until it is over. It is sometimes embarrassing that Jungkook and Jimin can guess I am on my period when I am like this. Damn it! I have to get over this habit.

"I will leave you alone for today sweetheart! But you will have to get out of there tomorrow, cause we would have guests." He said over his shoulder walking away from my room and closing the door. I stared at my poor ice-cream tub on the floor, sulking over it for few seconds before grabbing and other one that rested on my bed side table. Suddenly my phone buzzed and with few curse words I walked towards it where it was placed on my couch and nearly dropped my phone when I saw a message from someone I least expected or didn't expect at all.

Tae baby :- Hope you are doing fine! Kind of miss my annoying stalker or admirer. 

I read. I read that message again and again not believing my own eyes, but no matter how many times I read it not a single letter or a word changed on that text. The more I read it the more widen my smile become, the more I read it the more my heart tickled and the more I read it the more my day got better.

Me :- I miss my adorable puppy too! 

Tae baby :- I am not a puppy! Specially not your's!

Me :- That's not what my wolf thinks. ;)

Tae baby :- Whatever! I am not a puppy. Don't call me puppy!

'Oh our mate is feisty! I like that!' My wolf comment on my head seeing this new feisty side of our mate. I know he is this bold cause we are only texting. If I was about to go and stand up in front of him, I am sure as hell he would even glance at me. But I am happy he is showing a side he never showed to others over text to me. This is a improvement.  

Me :- Sure Kitten!

I replied and broke into laugh imagining his red face. It took him few seconds to reply back and the reply made me laugh even harder at his excuse to escape from this embarrassed situation.

Tae baby :- Gotta go! I need to pee before the next class. Bye!  

My phone buzzed again this time it was from Kayla.

Mum 2 :- Girl your mate just asked for your number few minutes ago. Get ready! He will text you                       soon.

Me :- Late update babe! 

And that's how the rest of the day was spent. Reading the texts I exchanged with my mate over and over again. It wasn't like my typical moody period day. The day was filled with butterflies on my stomach and a non vanish-able grin on my face. 

What are you doing to me Taehyung? 


Author :- Hi Guys! So I am here to say that I decide to do a Q & A. Few of my friends who are                      reading this using my account suggest this cause apparently they have questions                      for the characters. So you guys can ask as many as questions you want from                                  anyone. Me and our cast would be more than happy to answer them. Right guys?

Amanda :- Do we have a choice?

Taehyung :- Don't be rude Amanda. Be nice to her. She is our author.

Amanda :- (rolls eyes)

Author :- Thanks babe!

Amanda :- (Standing front of Taehyung shielding him) MINE!!! 

Author :- (Mumbles under her breath) Why did I made her so possessive? Now can't flirt                              with my eye-candy.

Amanda :- I heard that!

Author :- (Rolls eyes) Okay back to the topic, like I said you guys are free to ask as much as                       questions you guys want from anyone. So feel free to ask them. I will include my                       friends questions too. See you guys soon!                                               


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