Danny's gaze was glued to the TV. He was laughing maniacally, absorbed in the events waiting to come. You took this as a chance to leave. You quietly went over to the kitchen door, and then proceeded to bolt out of it. You ran like hell.
You finally got near the office, and the door slammed shut. You heard it lock.
Danny: "You can't hide something like that forever..."
Danny creeped up behind you and placed his hands on your shoulders. You felt something in one of his hands. A remote. He squeezed and crushed it, little bits of plastic tumbled down your shoulder.
Danny: "Right, (y/n)?"
There was nothing you could do now. He led you back to the living room, and sat you in front of the TV.
Zack's POV
The TV sitting on the cart switched on. You walked over to it and watched the screen. It was a news report.
News: "-Thank you, Tom. This just in, we have reports of a school being tragically "shot up and burned down" in the [redacted] area. Police say the culprit was both quote: "strategic and cruel" in their efforts, and that this was a premeditated genocide. Thankfully, the criminal is currently under police custody. Not much information has been released, but we do now have evidence that before the school was burned, the culprit had initiated the buildings lockdown. Witnesses say gunshots could be heard from miles outside of the campus. Officials right now are conducting a thorough search of the area for any survivors, none have been found yet.-"
It cut to another part of the news. It seemed to be from another day entirely.
News: " -In other news, now on to [redacted], where police say the mysterious deaths of two people, found in a home yesterday, is now the place of a homicide investigation. The bodies of mister and missus (l/n) were found dead in their kitchen on Saturday afternoon. Both bodies were said to be "sat upright" at the dining room table, and their mouths had been "hand-sewn into a frown". The scene has quote "baffled" police as they investigate further. The multiple wounds, along with traces of antifreeze in the bodies, have rendered the specific cause of death hard to pin-point. No one has yet come forward with a possible motive. The victims child,
(y/n) (l/n), once a student at [redacted], has been taken in for counseling, seeming to have been witness to the murder.-"
Zack: "(n/n)...?"
The TV cut to another clip, however it wasn't the news. It was a recording. Dr. Danny adjusted the camera.
(Y/n) could be seen behind him, sitting down. Their hands were in cuffs. They swung their feet back and forth, looking bored.
Zack: "Danny...That asshole!"
Danny: "I think during today's session, I'd like to go into more detail."
Danny stepped behind the camera as it focused on
(y/n). They looked up at him. Their expression was unreadable.
Danny: "Oh, you're making eye contact! You really do have some beautiful peepers. One of my eyes is artificial, you see. I was born with an empty socket. My mother was deeply troubled by it. In fact, it disturbed her so much, that her own eyes went dark. In the end, I couldn't even see myself in them. But despite that, I still loved my mother very much. Her eyes were so precious to me..."
Zack: "Fuckin' creep."
Danny: "Tell me, did you hate your parents and peers, (y/n)?"
(Y/n): "Yeah, more than anything. "
They smiled. They looked so innocent, yet so sinister all at once.
Danny: "Is that why you killed them, then? Why did you hate them so much, can you tell me that?"
(Y/n): "I could go on for days about how I hated 'em. I hated all those fuckers, each and every one of 'em for a different reason. They all pissed me off. They were all so predictable, and annoying. It didn't really matter what they were doin', I just wanted them to stop makin' noise."
They were acting way different than you had ever saw them behave before. The closest thing you could remember was when the two of you killed Cathy.
Danny: "Did they treat you badly?"
(Y/n): "Some of 'em, but not really. They didn't notice me for the most part. They liked me though.. at least the person they thought I was. But, I didn't care for them at all, obviously. I was always pretendin' to love people back, and to give a shit. That's what I was always told to do, no matter my feelin's. And all of that effort never even seemed to change anything. Nuthin' got any better. Kind people are just used. I couldn't take it anymore.. I hate havin' to lie for other people.."
Danny: "I see, well, can you tell me your methods? Walk me through everything. What was your mindset at the time?"
(Y/n): "Uh... I woke up and I decided I was done livin' the life that I was livin'. It was pathetic, and It was goddamn torture.. Bein' everybody's little paper-fuckin'-doll."
Danny: "What do you mean by paper doll?"
(Y/n): "Ugh. Do I have to spell everything out? You're the one with a doctor's degree here.. I was always bein' a people pleaser. I did whatever everyone else wanted, whenever they wanted, and I fuckin' hated it. I hated 'em, and I still did all that because that's what I was supposed to do. I guess I felt some obligation...? Nah.. It's more like if I wasn't nice, then it would make my life harder.. Turns out I was fuckin' wrong."
Danny: "I see, please continue."
(Y/n): "Yeah, well, for the last couple of days I was actin' real nice, trying to keep up appearances. And the day before, I had even cooked my parents dinner."
Danny: "With the antifreeze, I assume?"
(Y/n): "Give him a hand, ladies, gentlemen, and everyone in between.. The next mornin' they were sick as hell of course, so I used that to my advantage. I got one of my knives from my collection, and.. kicked 'em while they were down."
They smirked maliciously.
(Y/n): "And then, on a whim, I stitched their mouths into a frown. I always felt like shit when they were happy. Wasn't fair to me how they could really smile and feel love while I couldn't. I was frowning inside while they were smiling. Now, they'd be frowning while I smiled. Cheesy, I know, but it felt pretty damn great at the time. Retribution and all that."
Danny: "And then, you went to school, am I right?"
(Y/n): "Pretty much. I stuffed some crap in my bag and went on my way. I had been hidin' some things under the bleachers the week prior. Gas containers and shit like that. Nobody had found it since it was so hard to get to.
Anyways, I got there and went to the office after waiting for more students to arrive. Eventually, I went into the principles office. I chloroformed her ass and slit her throat, then I found that little intercom machine thingy and pressed the button for the automated lock down drill announcement to play. Since I was a student, of course I knew what students would be doing during the lockdown drill, and where they'd be hidin'.
I left the office and went to cut the power. The school I went to was pretty fancy, so when the lockdown happened, metal covers went over the outside windows to keep gunshots from coming in. The problem was though, is that the shots were coming from the inside. Bad design choice, on their part.
Danny: "Did you start shooting right away after that?"
(Y/n): "Oh, no. First thing I did was fuck up the security cameras and take out the resource officer. He was a lard-ass so it wasn't too tricky. Then I picked up the gas from where I had been hiding it. I poured it all over the place, and Then I went in and started shootin' people in classrooms. Sometimes I would have to use my knife, Though.
Man, it was funny. Some jackasses, especially teachers, always wanted to play hero. Sometimes I'd kill 'em first just because they were annoying, but... sometimes I would kill everyone else first and make them watch how powerless they were."
You were baffled. You didn't know what to say. You just watched with widened eyes.
Danny: "How did you get your hands on those weapons? I was told that the type of gun you had isn't used for hunting."
(Y/n): "I got the knives as gifts overtime, since my family knew I liked 'em so much. As for the guns.. my dad was in the freemasons. Every now and then they would have a little event where they could win guns or somethin'. Those guns were more for shootin' for fun.. Semi-automatics and shit like that. They weren't of much use to him in life or death, so I took the liberty.
I did buy a pair of handguns online. I would practice my aim at the junkyard near my house. I never got caught cuz that's around where the druggies stayed, they weren't gonna rat on me cuz they'd get in trouble too so.. yeah. Pretty convenient.
But jeez, Imagine me tryin' to shoot that place up with just those fuckin' handguns. Like hell that woulda worked."
They chuckled.
Danny: "Okay then, what happened after?"
You could hear the smile in his voice. He was hooked on every last word they were saying.
(Y/n): "I left some 'survivors', mostly just the people I hated the most.. but everyone was either dead or fatally injured.
I left the building, setting it on fire first, of course.
Man, what a high that was. I had finally done what I had wanted to for such a long ass time. I don't regret it a bit."
They closed their eyes, feeling content.
(Y/n): "When the police finally showed up and I was one of the only surviving students they could find, I was taken in for questioning. I tried to act all innocent, but.. I was just too damn giddy. I ended up letting a laugh slip up. Emabrassin', I know, but they covered up a lot about it on the news surprisingly. I guess they thought the trauma fucked me up and I lost it.
Now, I'm here. I'm being treated differently than I figured... I guess it's 'cause I'm a kid or whatever, right? 'My frontal lobe isn't fully developed', haha, izzat it? I'm sitting here bein' questioned every day just so you nosy fucks can figure out why the hell little ol' me ended up like this. Let me tell you now, there isn't a fuckin' reason."
Danny: "No one forced you to do or say these things?"
(Y/n): "Hell no. I know you'd love to pin this on somebody else- maybe not some little ill student and rather some old sketchy guy, but it was all me. I did everything, and I'd do it again in a god damn heartbeat."
Danny: "Can you tell me about your hobbies?"
(Y/n): "Ha? I didn't know this was a little sleepover party.. Truth or dare? You got a crush on anyone~?.. What's with these weird questions 'doc?.."
Danny: "Heheh, I promise it's relevant. Tell me about the jars in your room."
(Y/n): "Oh, those things? I dunno.. I just liked puttin' animals in jars to preserve. Pinning bugs, too. It was such a cool thing to me, to be able to stop the process of rotting. It was almost like playin' God. That animals body was in my hands, and I can do whatever the hell I wanted to do with it. It's like I made it mine.. I finally had some control.. Ugh. Actually, you know what? that made me wanna throw up just now. How textbook. I take it all back and say it's cuz looks cool."
Danny: "Did you ever kill any of these animals, personally?"
(Y/n): "Almost all of 'em, yeah. I'd drown 'em in the alcohol. Nobody knew that part, though. Not many knew about my collections anyways.. Ya don't just tell people that ya kill animals and collect knives.. I woulda been in here a lot sooner."
Danny: "I suppose you're right. What about other hobbies, the ones people did know about?"
(Y/n): "I just liked to make stuff. It didn't really matter what."
Danny: "That's very interesting...I see you liked to have things you could control and call your own... things you could.. abuse..."
Danny walked over and bent down next to
(y/n), getting way too close. He had a slight tint to his cheeks, and his eyes were half-lidded. It made you cringe.
Danny: "My mother, she took her life, all because of me. My eyes killed her. It's the whole reason she's gone. And your eyes, they look just like hers did the last time I saw her."
He kept getting closer and closer to them, caressing their face. They looked like they were about to punch him, while also looking very uncomfortable.
Danny: "Endlessly dark and silent, and so beautiful, too! Oh, how I adore those peepers. Lifeless and brilliant at the same time! They'll forever be-"
You shattered the TV screen with your scythe in anger at Danny.
Zack: "So by watchin' this tape, does that mean I know everything about (n/n)? What's the point of showin' me all that crap?"
You busted out of the room, and trudged down the hall.
Zack: "Man, I can't wait to get my hands on that eyeball-crazy sicko!"
You banged on the door to the living room.
Danny: "There's no need to be so rough. Come in, it's unlocked."
You growled and harshly pushed the door open.
There they were, safe and sound. Their head was hanging low, dejected.
Zack: "Ok, look. First off, tell me something. Do you kill everyone who comes to this floor like all the other clowns here?"
They didn't reply.
Zack: "Jeez, (n/n). Answer already! Do ya or don't ya-"
There was a gunshot. Danny was holding a smoking handgun, pointed at the ceiling.
Danny: "Please be respectful of my patient, they've been through a lot."
You readied your scythe.
Zack: "You little-"
He fired the gun at your feet to stop you.
Danny: "Well, well. You know the whole story now."
Zack: "That was some pretty sick shit you made me watch."
Danny: "I do apologize. Counseling can be upsetting work."
Zack: " I didn't come to hear you complain. I still want (n/n) to answer my question. I'll ask you again, do you kill everyone who comes to this floor, or not? And if so, does that mean you're gonna kill me, too?"
(Y/n): "No, of course not, Zack. I could never hurt you. I just-"
Danny: "Ah-Ah-ahh! He saw it all. You can't change that!~"
He pointed the gun at your head.
Danny: "When they got here, Reverend Gray made (y/n) the resident angel of this floor at my request. However, they underwent a serious change. they became calm and reserved. They got bored of their job..."
He frowned like a child. He then smirked and gripped their face.
Danny: "That's why you were trying so hard to get Zack to kill you, right? You found no joy in anything at all anymore. Much less, ever felt love for anything in your life- And you ended up forcing that desire to feel love onto someone here without even knowing it! Oh, this is so wonderfully awful! What do you think, Zack?! Do you understand now?! It's time for you to choose. You can do nothing and die right here, or you can give up and leave this building, alone. So what's your call?"
You looked into their eyes. They looked so sad, it hurt you. They was painfully quiet.
(Y/n): "Zack...please escape, okay?"
Zack: "Is this guy tellin' the truth about your past or not?"
Danny: "I told you, they've been deceiving you this entire time!"
Zack: "I asked them. Have you been keepin' all this from me?"
(Y/n): "I- ..I didn't remember at first, but...yes...I didn't want you to think less of me... because.. I'm a liar..."
Danny: "Why does it matter? He's just a worthless human scum bag! You don't need him! You can go back to being your old self again! I'll happily grant you any wish you have!"
(Y/n): "No, he isn't. I've done terrible things, that I don't even truly regret. That can't be changed-"
Danny: "No it can't! But that's no matter! I'll accept you anyway! I can kill him for you! He could never accept you the way I do!"
(Y/n): "I don't want that...I want to know what he thinks now...I don't want him to die..."
Danny: "Nonsense! He will only get in our way!"
(Y/n): "What...?"
Danny: "My, look at that! Just when I thought those peepers of your couldn't be more lovely! Ah! (Y/n), dear. It's too much!
...And Zack, one thing. I'm sorry, but I can't let you go free. You see, my number one priority now is fulfilling their every desire! Even if they don't know it yet, the only way they can be happy.. is if you're dead!"
(Y/n)'s head shot up, their eyes flashed with despair. They knocked the gun out of Danny's hand and swiftly grabbed yours. They then dragged you through the kitchen and down the hall.
Zack: "H-HEY!"
Danny: "I-It's over. I'm becoming a slave to those immaculate (e/c) eyes! I'll make sure they get what they need, no matter what!"
They ran frantically, all the way to the office. They tried to pull you inside but you stood fast at the door.
Zack: "(n/n), listen to me a sec!"
(Y/n): "No! You have to-!"
You felt the barrel of a gun on the back of your head. They gasped.
Danny: "Your guard is down, that is quite out of character for you, Zack."
Zack: "Watch it!"
Danny: "I'm the one holding the gun. and
(y/n)? Usually you keep things a bit more simple than this. Why don't we wrap it up?"
They sighed, slowly pulling out their gun and aiming it at your head. It was definitely loaded.
Zack: "What the-"
Danny: "Of course, we are dealing with a monster, so we can't be sloppy. But don't worry, dear. If you shoot him in the head from here, there's no hope of survival. Go ahead."
Zack: "You're a friggin' nut case!"
They moved and squeezed the trigger.
The bullet flew out of the barrel.
You gasped.
Everything was still for a moment, until Danny started coughing up blood. He fell to the floor, hacking.
They quickly retrieved their satchel from him and backed away.
Danny: "...Why...did you do that, (y/n)?"
He rasped.
(Y/n): "I had to, doc. I know you wanted me to come live with you forever and all that, but I refuse. I would never hurt Zack. Ever. And I would never let anyone else do it either."
Their face was so doll-like in that moment, it was unsettling.
Zack: 'Jeez,...they're serious..'
He reached out to them as he gasped for air, before falling limp.
You trained your gaze back to them. They were looking at the floor, still in despair.
(Y/n): "...You can kill me, if you want...I wouldn't want to be around someone like me either...or...I could just save you the trouble..."
They held the gun to their head.
You couldn't believe it. Seriously? They thought you hated them because of who they are? Because they lied? And now they were holding a whole ass gun to their head because of that?
Zack: "What's wrong with you? Don't be stupid! I don't care what the hell you did, just 'cause you kill different than me, it
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