The Doctor

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(Y/n): "Doctor, Is there any more medicine?"

Danny: "You seem so relaxed, (y/n). Aren't you happy to see that I'm alive?"

He leaned close to your face, clearly fixated on your eyes.

Gray: "Danny! Are you planning to testify, or just waste our time?"

Danny: "Of course I'm going to testify, sir. After all, I'm the only one in the room who knows the defendant for who they truly are inside. If I don't speak, how will everyone know what a charming young person they can be? Though, if you ask me, I think it's silly that I have to explain something that anyone with eyes can see. All of you have been blind to what makes them so special.
It all began in the counseling room where they and I met for the first time... A day I won't forget. All my life I've been searching for the perfect pair of peepers. The kind that are dead, but forever alive. And that was when I first saw them."

He became increasingly enthralled by the topic of conversation, to an eerie degree.

Danny: "Thinking back on it now fills my heart with happiness. No other eyes in the world have ever been so enchanting. Like peaceful oases in a dark void. Their brilliant, yet muted color absolutely stole my heart. I knew as soon as I saw them. Those peepers of theirs, living and lifeless at once, were exactly the priceless treasures I'd searched for all along!"

He was fully raving at this point. You watched in disgust.

Danny: "Anybody with a pair of eyes like those has to be abnormal! I'll agree with you on that! Their soul is damned beyond salvation!"

Gray: "We've heard quite enough, Doctor."

Gray's voice didn't reach his ears.

Danny: "Their soul is damned beyond salvation!"

Gray: "Settle down!"

Danny: "Their soul is damned beyond salvation!"

Gray: "DANNY!"

Danny: "And I'll tell you why, it's because the soul of (y/n) (l/n)-"

(Y/n): "Stop it."

He abruptly paused, and went back to his normal demeanor.

Danny: "...Their soul can never be redeemed. After all, (y/n) consumes everything they see. They're merciless, endlessly taking from the people around them in hopes of satisfying their own emptiness."

You were affected by these words.

He walked over and bent down close to your face again, whispering in your ear.

Danny: "All their soul can do is take.... Ah, those (e/c) eyes. Let me look into them. Strikingly lovely. Now, this is the real you. Spend your days with me, (y/n). I'll keep you safe, I swear."

He reached to cup your face, but was stopped by the loud striking of a gavel.

Gray: "You're out of order, Danny."

Danny: "Sorry."

Gray: "Have you completed your testimony?"

Danny: "Well, if you're still curious about their charms, I would be happy to explain them to you in deeper detail."

Gray: "Hold your tongue. I've heard everything that I need to hear. This witness is hereby dismissed."

Danny looked hurt.

Danny: "Don't worry, (y/n). Just remember what I said. The true nature of your soul is to steal from others, not to be stolen away..."

He spoke quietly as he walked past you.

Gray: "This concludes the witness statements. Now then, (y/n) (l/n), I have determined your fate. The testimonies we've heard have been most informative. Dr. Danny's was especially revealing. And I suppose he has known you longer than the other two. He spoke nothing but the truth and didn't refute a single thing you said. The man is desperately infatuated with you."

(Y/n): "I haven't done anything to make anyone think about me in such a way, and I don't understand your reasoning behind it.. Do you just need someone to blame? Is that it?"

Gray: "Are you denying that you were the one who acted selfishly in all this? Eddie's statement illustrated it perfectly. He claims you live according to your own desires, without any regard for others. Not to mention Catherine. You got her to surrender to your spell, like the foul witch you are. What a shame to see such a proud woman reduced to that."

(Y/n): "That isn't-"

He struck the gavel again.

Gray: "And now for the verdict...

(Y/n) (l/n) is found guilty of sorcery.

I sentence them.. to be burned alive!"

Sick burn

After the trial chapters should get longer and better again.

P.s. Danny has never looked better

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