Home is where the hearts are

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Cathy's boisterous laughter rang through the loudspeakers. You fell to your knees, you couldn't take it much longer. Sheer will can only get you so far. Your body grew exceptionally weak. You could barely hold up your head. You were abruptly yanked up by your arm, and the familiar feeling of a gas mask being slammed against your face greeted you.

Zack: "You're so damn stubborn, y'know that? We're both gonna make it out alive together remember? don't give up just yet (n/n)..."

Concern laced his voice and adorned his features. Yet he looked away, as if it was a means to take back what he had just said. He then replaced the statement with something that he thought would further bait your interest.

Zack: "How am I supposed to kill ya if you choke to death in here first?"

(Y/n): " No, you're right.. I-I can do this, I have to do this... for you."

He chuckled a bit. You then noticed something in the corner of your eye.

(Y/n): "Look!"

You pointed at a square piece of metal on the floor. In the ceiling above, there was now an open duct of which the panel presumably fell from.

(Y/n): "Neither of us are tall enough-"

Zack: "You can move now, can'tcha? So...

He took you by your waist and launched you towards the open duct. The gas mask fell from your face and shattered on the floor below. You instinctively grabbed the edge and pulled yourself to the safety of the inside of the duct.



You hurriedly crawled through The duct and arrived at a dead end. It was wall with three shelves.

Zack's POV

You heard shuffling coming from the duct. You looked up to see (y/n) had come back from their little adventure.

Zack: "Well, any luck?"

They wearily smiled as they held up a keycard. You put your arms out to catch them, and they hopped down into your hold. They fit perfectly. You reluctantly let them down.

Zack: 'Geez they don't seem to weigh a damn thing.'

(Y/n): "W-we should hurry up and open the door..."

Their voice was hoarse and quiet. They fell to their knees once again.

Zack: "Ah, great. The poison's really gettin' to ya. Give it."

The feeble being shakily handed you the keycard. You took it and located the slot. You tried to put it in, but your impatience overcame your grace.

Zack: 'You can do this (n/n), just hold on a little longer...'

Zack: "DAMN IT! Why won't it go in?!"


(Y/n): "Are you..*cough* o-okay?"

You slowly turned your head to them, holding up the broken keycard.

Zack: "I, um, kinda broke the card..."

Cathy: "AHAHA! I don't believe it! That was so funny, I can't stop laughing! AHAHAHAHAHA!"

Zack: "We figured it out, it might as well be open!"

You looked worriedly at (y/n), who was doing their absolute damndest to get to their feet. They were struggling just trying to do that simple task.

Zack: "HURRY!"

You yelled at the obnoxious woman with upmost urgency.

Cathy: "But Zack, that would be against the rules. And criminals simply must abide by the rules. So, you're out of luck.......Oh my! Looks like it's that time! And now, here comes the grand finale! The moment you've all been waiting for...The poison gas you're about to be breathing is my secret recipe!"

Fake crowd: *cheers*

Cathy: "Well, bye forever you two!~"

A green gas started leaking from the walls.

Zack: "That obnoxious bitch! C'mon, get up and do somethin'!"

Your voice was a shaky.

(Y/n): "I h-have and idea but *cough* it's really unsafe..."

Zack: "It's worth a shot, right? Go for it."

You gave them a reassuring smile, masking your worry.

Zack: 'Thank god, they have a plan!'

(Y/n):" A-as soon as I throw this, get into the safe..."

They searched around their satchel And pulled out a flashlight. They took the batteries out of the device and located the metal wire you had thoughtlessly tossed away earlier. You watched intently as they bent the wire around the batteries and tossed the craft near the door. They attempted to run away but fell unconscious. You dashed over to them and grabbed them up, carrying them with you to the safe. You embraced them tightly and shut the door, making sure your back was to it, and you made sure to completely sheltered their frail body.

Zack: "I sure hope your right, (n/n)."


You felt a heavy impact against the safe's door.

 After a bit of time, you opened it. you could hardly make out anything for the smoke, but light was coming through the doorway. You carried your weakened partner bridal style through it triumphantly.
You looked down at their form. They were still breathing, and their eyelids were slightly parted.

Zack: "Ha! Hell yeah, you blew that door right off the wall! Good goin' (n/n)!"

You gently sat them down on their feet. You then flipped-off one of the security cameras.

Zack: "How do you like them apples, prison queen!?"


(Y/n) fell face-first onto the floor, seemingly unbothered by the pain inflicted to their attractive visage.

Zack: "Ah, geez. S-stay with me (n/n)!"

You tried to sound tough as always, but the façade faltered.

(Y/n): " I hope I was useful to you..."

Zack: "Y-yeah! If it weren't for that quick thinkin' of yours, we'd still be up to our eyeballs in poison gas!

(Y/n): "I'm...glad..."

Zack:" We've come this far, you better not die now!"

(Y/n): "R-right... I haven't completely got you out.. y-yet..."

They slowly attempted to stand, managing to do so though unstable.

Cathy: "HAHAHAHA! You're still hanging in there after all that? color me surprised. As a special courtesy, I've opened the next area."

Zack: "We did what you told us. How is that a courtesy? And quite talkin' down to us, bitch."

You felt a slight tug as (y/n) steadied themself. They leaned on you a bit.

(Y/n): "W-we sh-should go..."

You made your way to the next area, with
(y/n) lagging far behind.

Zack: "Jesus, can't you walk any faster than that?"

You fast walked back to them.

Zack: "Hurry your ass up or I'm gonna kill myself!"

(Y/n): "Just leave me.. for now..."

Zack: "Well I wish I could take you up on that and all, but whatever's waitin' for us... I'm gonna need your help to beat it..."

You had trouble maintaining eye contact. You'd never really needed anyone before now, and  you certainly weren't one to admit it such things so casually.

(Y/n): "I'll...try..."

Zack: "I told you it's not about tryin'. If you're gonna die, your gonna die. And I know that's kinda your plan and everything, but my plan is to get out of this hellhole. And I need you alive to make that happen, so shut up already!"

You came off as if you were angry at them, but in reality, you were just frustrated about how worried you felt. It pissed you off, so you just chalked it up to being concerned for your own well being. 

You couldn't stay mad for long, though. Not with them looking at you like that. You had to keep looking away from their (e/c) puppy-dog eyes just to finish a thought. Maybe you would feel better when you finally killed them. They make you feel weird, anyway.

(Y/n): "I'll try extra hard for you..."

Zack: "Look, I know you're smart, but when you say the same crap over and over you sound like some stupid doll, you know?"

(Y/n): "..Then what do you want me to say?..."

Zack: " I don't know! use your damn brain! you got one, dontcha?!"

They looked at their feet to avoid your harsh gaze.

(Y/n): "...If it isn't too much trouble, I think if I rest a bit.. I might be able to keep up with you again..."

Zack: "You think so, huh?"

You looked around for a proper place to rest, there was an area that no security cameras seemed to reach. You put out your hand for them to take, and they did ever so gently. You pulled them over to the fore-mentioned area and sat down against the wall.

Zack: "The cameras can't see us over here. So try to get some rest."

(Y/n): "..Thank you..."

They laid down on the cold, hard ground and fell asleep.

Zack: 'They even look like a freakin' doll when they're asleep.. Not that it's a bad thing I guess....ugh this is so boring! For some reason I'm more irritated than usual... Everything's weird...'

Your vision was noticeably blurred, and your eyelids felt heavy.

Zack: 'Man this sucks, it's cold as balls in here...'

You looked over to (y/n), who was sleeping relatively soundly despite the conditions, save for the occasional shivers. You carefully lifted them up and laid them onto your lap like a heated blanket. They curled up and gripped your blood stained hoodie. You smiled and rested your head against the wall. They were like a big baby. 

The Last time they clung to you like that, they thought they had killed you. Even though the situation sucked, it still made you feel kind of nice that they cared that much for some reason.. If not regretful for how you've treated them in comparison. Sleep overtook you as you chewed on the thought.

Flashback (dream)

Rain pelted the windows from the outside. Lightening flashed, and thunder followed. A little boy dressed in bandages was sobbing in the attic, surrounded by trash bags, and stuffing his mouth with questionable raw meat. A man was watching TV in the living room downstairs, sitting lazily on a couch. A woman stood beside him.

Woman: "The brat was only here a month, but once I noticed the stench, I saw it'd been dead for a while."

Yet another child in the orphanage had died.

Man: "Bury it outside with the rest."

Woman: "I'm not sure that would be wise."

Man: "These kids get dumped off here for pennies. No ones comin' to see this place anyway."

Woman: "I know that, but I'm getting sick of burying corpses."

The man picked up a glass of  whiskey and brought it to his lips.

Man: "Oh, so it's all about you, is it? Why don't you relax, and let the runt with the bandages do it for ya? We'll have the garbage take out the garbage for a change."


The woman stood in the rain, an umbrella protecting her from the elements as she observed "the runt with the bandages" dig a new grave.

Back to present (y/n)'s POV

You woke to find Zack fast asleep. He was grimacing and shuffling uncomfortably. You could feel how tense he was, since you were laying in his lap for some reason(?).  You petted his head as a means to smooth him.

(Y/n): "Zack? Hey, it's okay it's just a nightmare..."

He stirred for a Moment before opening his eyes.

Zack: "..What?"

(Y/n): "Sorry, it seemed like you were having a nightmare..."

He growled.

Zack: "So, feelin' better are we?"

His voice was even more harsh and impatient than before.

(Y/n): "Ah, yes, thank you aga-"

Zack: "Then let's go."

He stood up, shadows covering his heterochromatic eyes.

Zack: "I just had a dream that got me all pissed off, thanks to you."

You wanted to apologize, but knew it would only anger him further. He immediately started walking off without you.

Zack's POV

Zack: 'Crap, I'm such an asshole. I better not talk too much or I'll end up blowing up on them. Shit.. why the hell do I even care how I make them feel...?'

have a good day, Pooper scooper.

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