The elevator started to ascend slowly, adding to the suspense and anxiety. It was all too much, and you began having an anxiety attack.
Your body started shaking lightly. Your knees buckled and you collapsed. It was hard to breathe.
(Y/n):"This cant be.. it doesn't make any sense, I- am I in Limbo? "
Tears welled your in your eyes
(Y/n): 'Damn I'm such a pussy... but this is a normal reaction right? just like anyone else would have?.. I don't care. I don't want to be like this.. it's pathetic.'
You tried to steady your breathing and keep your body still. Your chest still felt like it was being weighed on, but it was better than being practically immobile.
(Y/n): 'Okay... okay that's better. Just breathe...'
you paused for another moment.
(Y/n): 'This doesn't feel like the first time I've dealt with something like this...'
Your trip to memory lane was interrupted when the elevator came to a halt. The doors opened quickly, managing to startle you a bit.
(Y/n): 'Shit, I'm all jumpy now.'
You heard static from the loud speaker, followed by another ominous message.
"ᵞᴼᵁ ᴬᴿᴱ ᴺᴼᵂ ᴱᴺᵀᴱᴿᴵᴺᴳ ᵀᴴᴱ ᴾᴸᴬᵞ ᴬᴿᴱᴬ. "
You took a minute to collect yourself and prepared for whatever it was that awaited you.
(Y/n): 'So is this some sort of game? Like an escape room?'
You stepped out of the rickety elevator. To your surprise, and also to your heavy confusion, you found yourself in a extremely expansive room that was filled with buildings. It looked exactly like a part of a city, minus the bright lights and people. It made you sick how unnatural it was. It was extremely dark and quiet. The only noticeable sound was from artificial wind that was blowing around tattered papers in the 'streets'.
(Y/n): 'If the other floors are anything like this, then wow.
This is an actually incredibly impressive feat...'
You decided to take this as nothing more than a game, and tried to ignore the details of your situation. Fears about things such as what you could and could not remember- or what it meant to be a 'sacrifice'- had to be momentarily ignored for the sake of progress.
(Y/n): 'All that matters is getting out. Keep. moving. forward.'
Clink tak tak tak
You spun around at the noise. It sounded like someone had kicked a glass bottle. There was nothing there to be seen.
(Y/n): 'Fuck it, I'm not dealing with this bullshit. I'm out.'
You began to jog ahead, trying to conserve your energy whilst still gaining more ground than normal. After turning a multitude of corners, you decided to take a break. You hadn't seen or heard anything else out of the ordinary since. You walked over to a wall and pressed your back against it.
You jumped from the sound without processing that you were the cause of it. You looked down to see a newspaper under your foot, soaked in what appeared to be blood. You couldn't make out much of the text other than the headline.
'𝔦𝔫𝔡𝔦𝔰𝔠𝔯𝔦𝔪𝔦𝔫𝔞𝔱𝔢 𝔪𝔲𝔯𝔡𝔢𝔯𝔰 '
(Y/n): 'Oh... heh... great mood setter...this is some.. game. '
You shook your head in denial
(Y/n): 'You know what? No breaks. I just need to focus on getting out.'
Turning yet another corner, the aroma of iron and rot assaulted your senses, making you gag. In front of you stood two road blocks, which were positioned in front of large splotches of fresh blood. A half empty chip bag sat juxtaposed in the middle of the scene.
(Y/n): 'What the hell?'
Chirp chirp chirp
(Y/n): 'A bird???'
Sitting on a windowsill above you was a
white dove with an injured wing.
(Y/n): 'Why is a bird in a building like this? And why is it hurt? I have so many damn questions...'
You attempted to coax the bird off of its perch to no avail.
(Y/n): 'Maybe if I...?'
You carefully stepped around the fetid puddles of blood and retrieved the bag of chips. You poured the remaining crumbs into your hand and ushered them toward the bird.
(Y/n): "Come on little guy, I could really use a friend right about now."
The bird hopped down onto your hand, grabbing the largest chip fragment within its beak. It then jumped from your hand to the ground below, and bounced away to the front of a boarded up ally way. You slowly followed as to not spook it too badly. About a foot away from the small creature, you bent down and offered your hand as a perch.
(Y/n):"Aw no- come on, it's okay...I'm.. a friend, we can get out of here together, yeah?"
Time nearly stopped.
Suddenly there were splinters of wood flying everywhere, unpleasantly mixed with fresh droplets of blood and feathers. A bloody combat boot was now in the birds place.
???:"EEYAHAHAHA! Y'know, you almost looked hopeful for a second there! But now all I see is despair."
You looked up to see a tall lanky man about your age holding an abnormally large scythe. He wore a dark grey hoodie adorned with odd arrow designs and bloodstains, red jeans, and -now bloodied- black combat boots. Nearly every inch of his visible skin was covered in bandages. All you could do was stare in shock.
???:"You got 'till the count a'three. Go ahead! Try to run away!"
(Y/n): 'What 's going on- just a second ago I-'
???:"OH YEAH! ..."
The heinous creature bent down and stared into your (e/c) eyes, piercing them with his glowing red ones. You could feel his breath on your blood spattered face.
???:"-I wantcha to cry and scream and beg for your life every step. I can't get enough of that SAD PATHETIC FACE!"
He shouted, growing closer to you with an increasingly large grin.
(Y/n): 'Who is- did he- ?'
(Y/n): 'Fuck I- I have to run!'
You broke from your shock and bolted in the opposite direction, hearing his giggles grow farther behind you with every step.
You pushed yourself as hard as you physically could.
(Y/n): 'I can't go any faster!'
(Y/n): "s-SHIT!"
You could hear rapid footsteps behind you, he was gaining ground fast. You turned a couple of corners aimlessly until You finally spotted a usable door.
(Y/n): 'I don't know what else to do!'
using a burst of energy, you sprinted towards the door.
(Y/n): 'Thank god it isn't locked!'
You rushed inside, closing the door behind you. You quickly scanned the room for a place to hide. You spotted a large trunk.
(Y/n): 'Yes!'
You bolted over to the newly found hiding spot, and got in as quickly and quietly as possible.
(Y/n): 'He broke down the door!'
You covered your mouth so your breathing was barely audible, and laid in a fetal position. The trunk was very large and fit you perfectly inside. However, you were aware of how obvious of a hiding place it was. Your heart thumped against your ribs.
(Y/n): 'He's right outside!'
???:"...*sigh*...WHERE ARE YA LITTLE BITCH?! We playin' hide and seek now?"
(Y/n): 'He's gonna find me this was such a stupid idea.'
Tears spilled from your eyes, and it took everything You had to keep from audibly whimpering.
(Y/n): 'His foot's on the Lid! Shit he's gonna open it! I don't understand what's going on- why is this happening to me?!'
Yeah, I guess I wouldn't come out either.. hehehe..."
The end of a scythe penetrated the lid of the trunk, missing you by about a foot.
???: "DAMMIT! missed..."
(Y/n): 'He knows I'm in here!'
You heard his boot stomp on the lid again, but with notably more force this time.
The scythe broke through once again, this time even further in, missing your face by mere centimeters. Small strands of your hair fell to the the bottom of the trunk. You couldn't even shake, You were petrified.
???: "Welp, not in there..."
Disappointment laced his voice.
The blood stained weapon was pulled from your godsend of a hiding spot, and his foot was taken off of the lid. You waited with baited breathe as the bandaged psycho's footsteps grew distant.
Finally it was silent.
You took large breathes to make up for restricting your oxygen intake for so long. The trunk was hot and stuffy, and even the new holes in the lid weren't granting enough air flow.
(Y/n): 'I have to get out... I can't stay in here forever...!'
You stifled sobs as you carefully lifted the lid. The coast was seemingly clear. With light steps, you ran out of the room and back into the indoor streets, still without any proper sense of direction.
(Y/n): 'If that THING finds me...I'm as good as dead... I have to fucking hurry!'
While running you caught a glimpse of the bird from before, or at least what remained of it.
(Y/n): 'I'm so sorry...'
You eventually arrived at a doorway with a plaque next to it.
(Y/n): 'an elevator!'
???: "Ehehuhah!"
(Y/n): 'Oh god- no-'
???:"Peekaboo I found you~
No head start this time...
you don't even get ONE SECOND!"
He dashed at you at full speed, scythe reared back and ready to slice you in half. You tripped and fell from your shock, causing the weapon to hit the plaque above your head rather than the intended target. You scurried away with what little time was granted from the scythe being stuck in the wall. Not long enough.
you slammed your hand onto the button to open the elevator and dashed inside, rapidly hitting whatever button that was available to close the door. You saw the psycho sprinting at you with inhuman speed. Reaching the point with you in range, he brought down the blade.
The weapon was stopped by the elevator's closed metal door, leaving a noticeable dent from the impact.
You shakily fell to your knees and stared at the dusty ground of the elevator.
(Y/n): 'This can't be real.. It just can't... this makes no sense...!'
You held yourself as you lied down on the rusted elevator floor, refusing to blink.
The elevator begun its ascent.
I know this is slow roasting but that's how I like it. Also (y/n) is in fact crass but that's more during thought.
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