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"Hey baby, how was school?" Roni and Ainsleigh board their last bus home together. The young girl was stomping her way to a seat, immediatly putting her headphones in.


"What happened?" Leigh stayed silent, causing Roni to huff in frustration. "Leigh, c'mon talk to me."


"You did so good!" He kissed her forehead. As soon as the baby was delivered she was taken away and placed in an incubator. She was three weeks premature. Danny stayed by Roni's side after delivery. "What do we name her?" He asked to stay optimistic, pushing a strand of sweaty hair off her face.

"We should see her first. See what she looks like." Roni mumbles, laying down further in the hospital bed.

The baby stayed in the hospital for three days before she was ok for them to take home. Finally holding her tiny body in her arms, Roni knew. "Ainsleigh."

"It's perfect." Danny agreed.


Roni remembered the day her daughter was born like it was yesterday, hell it felt like yesterday. Nothing has been the same since. On tougher days like this she willed herself to remember the really great times.

They got off the bus and walked up the two flights of stairs to their apartment. Leigh dropped her bag just inside the door and went straight for her room. Roni huffed and went to hers. Halfway through changing into lounge clothes her phone rings. "Hello?"

"Roni? Hi its Harry." his accent was low and slow like always.

"Hi, sorry I didn't return your text. I was picking up Ainsleigh from school."

"No worries. I just wanted to know if the two of you wanted to visit the studio."

"I don't know Harry."

"Leigh can come and watch us record." Harry offered. He sounded excited and Roni couldn't say no and disappoint him. Plus she did want to see him. 

"Ok. What's the address?" Once she had the address from Harry, Roni changed. The only thing in her clost that she could find that was acceptable was a long sleeved lace black dress. "Leigh, I know you're upset. But I think I have something that might cheer you up." She knocked on her daughters door. 

"What?" The door opened and Ainsleigh steps out.  

"Want to go to a recording studio and see Harry?" Leigh's face lit up and she practically ran out of the apartment. 

ugh. i feel like this sucked. 

I hope you guys liked it anyways. 

vote/comment- it means a lot <3 xo -Rachel 

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