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The pair wonders across the park with Ainsleigh running in front of them. "She is something." Harry remarks. 

        "Yea. I kinda love her. It's hard on my own sometimes." 

        "Your husband doesn't help?" He questions, silently cheering to himself that she is unnattached.

        "Ex-boyfriend. And no. Getting him to be in her life is like pulling teeth." Roni confesses casting her gaze to the ground, smoothing out her skirt. 

        "Well he's an idiot from what I can tell."  

        "Mum! Look there are street performers!" Leigh excitedly points to where a boy sitting on a cajun drum next to three others holding guitars. Saving Roni from having to go into detail about Leigh's less than helpful  father. 

        "Do you sing or play any instruments?" Harry quizzes the young girl. 

        "Um well I sing. But yesterday I ran off stage at the talent show." Ainsleigh sits down on a park bench with Harry. 

        "Stage fright?" She nods her head. "Wanna know a secret?" His voice dropping an octive lower, if that's even possible.  Leigh's ponytail bobs with the movement of her head. "I get stage fright too." 

        "Really?" she gasps. 

        "Of course. We all do. Even the other guys! We play to thousands of people every night. That's a lot of pressure." 

        "How do you do it then?" 

        "Well here's a trick, just picture everyone in their underwear!" A cheeky smile spreads across the singers face. 

        "That only works for you because all of your fans are gorgeous females!' Roni huffs. 

        "Ok, ok. I was only joking. But here's some real advice. Just close your eyes, and picture yourself at home in your room just singing for yourself or just for your mum." 

        "You really think that'll work?"

        "I can even help you if you'd like." With another excited nod of her head, and a tight hug for Harry, Leigh runs off towards the playground. 

        "You really didn't have to do that. I assume you're a very busy person." 

        "I don't mind. We are staying here for a while so we can record at a studio in town. Maybe she'd like to come and see how the recording process goes."

        "You're being far too kind." Roni blushes and shakes her head. Her eye catches something across the park, a man with a camera. "I'm really sorry but we have to go. Ainsleigh, let's go baby!" It was all too much. The lying, the stealing. She couldn't be photographed with him. If anyone at the hotel saw, she would be fired for sure. 

        "Alright. Will I see you again, Cara?" He calls after them as they hastily exit the park. 

        "We'll see." 


for once i have like nothing to say in this authors note.

except please keep voting. and I love reading through comments, so if you have a comment, even if its as dumb as saying "hi" i will love you forever. 

xo -Rachel 

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