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~ 3 years later~

Something was keeping Veronica up that night. Maybe it was the fact that she was turning 19 the next day. It felt weird, celebrating birthdays you already celebrated once, ages ago. She turned 16 and 17 for the second time, she turned 18 for the second time and now, she was turning 19.

Veronica wasn't very keen on the idea of celebrating her birthday. That's why she always had just a small dinner with Caspian and some of her closest friends. She never liked being the centre of attention, and that was the reason why she hated celebrating something that basically already happened. Though the thought of her celebrating her 17th, 18th and 19th birthday for a third time made her uncontrollably happy, for one obvious reason. She would be with Peter again. She would be back from Narnia, in his arms. And she wouldn't have to leave again.

She lit up the candle on the nightstand and got up from her bed. She put on her slippers and left the bedroom. The hallway was dark. It almost seemed scary. Even tho Veronica had been here for 3 years, she still wasn't too familiar with the castle. Especially at night. It didn't feel like home anymore, it wasn't like Cair Paravel.

She trailed through the corridors to find Caspian's office. She could see that Caspian still had the lights on. He kept working on something. It was like this for the last couple of weeks.

Veronica didn't even knock on the door and entered the room. Caspian jumped as he noticed her unexpected arrival. He was sitting by his desk, with books and parchment all over it.

"Jesus you gave me a fright!" He laughed, placing his hand on his chest.

Veronica laughed. "Sorry," she said.

"What are you doing up so late?" Caspian asked her. Veronica sat down on the other side of the desk. "What are you doing up so late?" She asked in return.

"I'm just, doing research." Caspian closed the book in front of him. "Now your turn. Why are you still awake?"

"I honestly, don't have any clue," Veronica sighed. "Probably because of my birthday. I always have trouble sleeping the night before my birthday," she smiled.

"Oh right, your birthday! And look, it's already midnight!" Caspian exclaimed as he pointed to the clock on the wall. He stood up, proudly and took Veronica's hand into his. "Happy birthday Roonie. I wish you all the best for your 19th birthday," he said.

"Thank you, but I still don't see a point of us celebrating my birthday when I already had celebrated it once," Veronica laughed.

"You might've celebrated it, but I wasn't there. So, I feel like I have to give you a proper celebration to fix my absence," Caspian explained with a smile.

"Stop it, It's not your fault that you were born hundreds of years later!" Veronica joked. Caspian went back to his seat. "You should go, it's a big day tomorrow!" Caspian exclaimed.

Veronica stood up. "Just so you know, I have trouble falling asleep because of the big day so I guess I will be tired one way or another tomorrow," Veronica jokingly informed Caspian.

He stood up once again. "Well, in that case, I feel like I should help you," he said as he walked away to one of his cupboards. "I'm sure some dwarfs have given me some sleeping potion in case I have struggles," he mumbled as he was looking through the bottles inside the drawer.

Veronica smiled and then looked at the books lying on Caspian's desk. He didn't want to tell her what he was researching yet, and even tho Veronica begged him to show her, he always refused.

She immediately thought about using the advantage of Caspian not looking and so she quietly walked up to the desk and opened one of the books.

Seven lost lords of Narnia...

That was all Veronica could read before she heard Caspian clearing his throat right next to her.

"Sorry, I thought-" Veronica choked out in shock.

"No, it's okay, continue. I won't interrupt you no more, reading my private things," Caspian whispered, disappointed.

"Caspian I'm really sorry, but is there a reason why you don't want to tell me what you have been working on for god knows how long? I thought we were so close we could tell each other everything!" Veronica spat out.

Caspian sighed and buried his face in the palms of his hands. "God, alright. Apparently, there are seven lords of Narnia that my lovely uncle sent away so he could fully take the throne. But the lords have not been seen since then. I've been planning a voyage for weeks to find them and I knew that if I told you about it, you would want to come too. And I can't let you go because I've made my promise to Peter that I would protect you from any danger!"

Veronica was confused and angry at the same time. Of course, she would want to go with Caspian on the voyage. She wanted to help Caspian. But she knew nothing about Caspian's promise to Peter. She was kind of happy that Caspian did remember it, but there was no way Veronica would listen to his commands. She had been through so many similar situations that she didn't care anymore.

"Screw Peter right now! He's not here and I can tell you that I can keep myself safe without your help. I'm going on the voyage with you, end of story."

Caspian stood speechless. He has never seen Veronica like this. He slowly nodded in approval.

Veronica walked towards the door before stopping and turning around. She grabbed the bottle from Caspian's hands. And then she stormed outside.

She heard Caspian walking outside of the room and yelling: "Just two drops, or otherwise you will be knocked out for days!"

So! Here it is. The epilogue. I'm very excited to get into writing the last part of this story. Anyway, I don't have much else to say so enjoy and hopefully see you soon with updates on the third book. I would be very happy if you voted for any of my stories and commented on your opinion or followed my account. Bye bye xoxo

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