Nico POV
It was the Halloween party. I do not like party. But, Will forced me to go. We had to dress up. I just put on my regulard clothes. Black shirt with a skull, black pants and a lether jacket. Will dressed up as a pumpkin. He had a cute little orange hat and a pumpkin suit. "Well, what an original costume" I said to Will. "Says the guy who is wearing his usual clothes." "Shove off." I responded. If you are wondering, Will was with me in the Gryffindor common room. The whole groupe was in the Gryffindor common room. Let me tell you our costume. Percy was dressed as nemo. Not impressive. Exepte for the cool make up Piper did. Annabeth was dressed as Athena, her mom. She was wearing full on battle armur with her dagger on her leg. Piper was dressed as a demon princess. She was wearing a beautiful black dress. She had fake blood driping from her eyes. Black lipstick. It was the best costume. Jason was dressed as super man. Obviously. Leo was himself. Like me. He was wearing his usual suspender and a white blouse, an orange shirt under it, jeans and his magic tool belt. He had grease on his face. Claypso was dressed as a goddess. She had this beautiful white gown with some gold chaine to hold it up. She had very light make up that Piper did for her. Hazel and Frank dressed up as animal. Hazel was wearing a black and white hoodie with black leggings. She had a panda hat on her head. Frank was a teddy bear. He had a fluffy brown hoodie and brown leggings. On his head was a bear hat. "Really Nico, no costume" Said Percy. "What about Leo!" I said "Don't bring me into you're mess" he said. Calypso gave him a little nudge. "Lets just go befor I change my mind" I said. We started walked to the great hall. When we arrived, the hall looked amazing. Pumpkin were flying in the air, skeleton every where on the floor, a punch and snack table and it looked very dark. My kind of party. "Hey Will, look." I said pointing up. "Its your friends." "Haha, very funny." Lary came jogging towards us with his girlfriend Marlie. "Hi guys." he said. Lary was wearing a weird skirt with a hoodie. He has a long stick in his hand. He also had fur boots. Marlie looked a bit like him. She was wearing a white and red dress. It looked very tight. She had a white wig and fake fire in her hand. "What are you guys supose to be?" I asked. "We are mage" "What are mage?" Leo asked. "They are powerful human being with magical powers" Lary said. "Cool" Leo responded. Lary left with Leo, Marlie and Calypso to dance. The star twin right after us. "Hi" they said. Both of them were wearing a red dress. Under their eye, they had black and gold tears. It did not match, but it was cool. "Hi" I said to them. They just stood their. The other got creeped out. Will dessided that we should go dance. Do I like dancing? Alone, yes. In public, no! Will draged me to the dance floor. Spooky scary skeleton started playing. What a good song! Will was moving my arms. I did not like it so I started to dance. Did my friend look shook, yes. Did I care, no. Oh, and by dancing I meant, moving my arms and feet a little bit. I was dancing for like, 2 minutes when I had a weird feeling in my spine. I knew it meant a monster was comming so I stoped dancing. "Nico, are you ok?" Will asked. "Some thing is comming. Get everyone" I said while I went to find Hazel. "Hazel!" I screamed when I found her. "Do you feel that to?" She asked. "Yes" I responded. My stupid self desided that I should go on staged. I took the mike and said "Can every wizard stay in the back. Half-bloods" Oops "Come to the front!" I droped the mike and went in front. Mika and Jaz were there too. "What is it Nico?" Percy asked. "Their is a monster comming." And then we heard a big boom. We got all of our weapon out. Even the twin. They had impirial gold blade, two each. Then, plenty of hellhouds arrived. "Lets hope none of them is Mrs. O'leary" I said and I went staight to battle. The other followed me. We slashed throw every single one of them, but they kept comming back. Mika and Jaz were crazy. They were throwing knives that they had under their dress, slashing like crazy. Frank turned into a bear but, got scratch real badly on the cheek. Annabeth had a hellhound on top of her. Percy was trying to kill it. Piper and Jason were flyig around while slashing. Hazel was poping gem out of the floor to try and protect Frank while proteting her self. Will was glowing. He tried to distract them from the others. I relised something. I left the great hall. I followed the hellhound who was hurt. And I saw a portale. It kinda looked like what Hecate did. I dessided to throw my sword in the portal. Just as it was touching it, the portale exploded. It was so big, it knocked me off my feet. I crashed into a wall. Black spot started dancing in front me. I prbably had a concussion. "Nico! Nico!" I heard someone scream. It was Will. I was half awake. Will took me in his arm. It felt really good. He took me to the great hall. He gave me some ambrosia. I felt like I just woke up from a long nap, witch was rare. "Nico, what happended" Will asked. His voice was so calm. "There was this portale. It looked like the one Hecate used to get us to the Leaky cauldron. I threw my sword in it and it exploded." I said. Percy looked scared. "Do you know what this means, a portale from magic and hellhouds?" I relised that The dark lord and Kronos where comming back. "Oh no" I said. "Not again" "I am affraid so." Percy said. "Exuse me!" Harry said from the croud of wizard. "What was that!?!" "I guess we have some explainig to do. But we need to heal. Tomorrow we will tell you what happend. And I think you must all go to bed." Will said. He took me back in his arm and took me to the Huffelpuf common room. Mika, Jaz and Marlie followed us. He put me on the sofa. My ambrosia was comming to its end. I passed out.
This is my favorite chapter. I hope you enjoyed it! Have a great day and night!
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