Chapter 3- Hecate's message and Diagon Alley

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Everyone was so happy to see me. ATTENTION GOES TO ME BABY!!! But of course Hecate had some big quest. "Lady Hecate" Percy said while bending down to bow down to her. "Don't bow to me. I am not like one of these selfish god." Percy got back up. He looked very embaressed.  "Soo" I said. "What are we doing here?" "Well children I need your help. My relem of magic just went through a terrible war." She said. I just tought for a second. 'Lady I blew myself up' "I need your help to help them to go back to normal life. " She continude. "Sadly, I think that there is a chance that The Dark Lord might come back with the help of Kronos. Please protecte them." She finished. "Is there any chance that this dark lord have no nose?" Percy asked. What a stupid question. "Yes" Hecate responded. And now I take my comment back. "How did you know?" Hecate asked. "I saw him in a dream." Percy said. Everyone (exepte Annabeth) was looking at him. "And that confirms my suspicion. The Dark Lord is rising." "Wait" I said. "Does that mean we are going on an other quest to save the world form the nose less guy and Kronos?" "I fear" Said Hecate. At this point I new we did not have a choise. So for the reste of the day we learned about wizards. Who they were, where we were going and other stuff. So, by what I learned, we are going to a school name Hogwarts(weird name). There was 4 house. The snake house, the bird house, the lion house and the weird badger house. We were sorted by a magic hat that talks and by our personality. We also learned a few spell. But, we had no wand. Hecate gave some gold coins and a list. "I will teleport you to the leaky couldron. You will sleep the night there and in the morning you will go buy you're equipments." Hecate said. "So there is no prophecy?" Jason asked. "No. Just a request." Hecate responded while waving her hand. I disapeared. It was the weirdest thing ever. I was teleporting. When I was back on land, I felt sick. We all did. The guy from the conter was named Tom. He gave us room keys. We all went upstairs. Now that we were all together, we socalised. For the year I was gone, Nico and Will started dating. Thats all the crazy that happend. After the hello, the groupe desided that we should rest for the rest of the day. Thats what we did. But we were all to exited for tomorrow. 


Annabeth POV

We woke the next moring ready. We went downstairs, ate breakfast and asked Tom how to get to diagon alley. He showed us a brick wall. Sudently, it started to open. We walked through the wall. When I walked in, it was the most beautiful thing I ever saw. Plenty of building on the side of a long path. All the building were different colors. The path was made of brick. I am pretty sure that Jason blushed(brason). "Ok groupe" I said. "Lets stick together and find what we need" And we all started walking. Because most of us had dyslexia, it was really hard to find where we needed to go. The only thing I could really focus on was the desinging on the buildings. Beautiful! After 2 hours, we got all our books, cauldron and other stuff. We only got our wand left. As we went to get our wands, Percy was walking backwards. Bad idea! He was talking about some spell. Then, he crashed into some one. "Sorry dude" He said while he helped him up.  They looked at each other. "You are the guy from my dream" They both said at the same time. "You're seaweed brain?" A girl asked asked. She was about my height. She had curly brown hair. I could totally tell she liked Percy. She started to blush. So, me who was jealous dessided to say. "So thats Harry. You did not describe him well." "HEY!" She screamed. "Don't talk like that about my friend!" "Then, don't use my boyfriends nickname!" The girl really looked shook. Did I smile, maybe. "Annabeth," Percy said "You will always be the only one I will ever love." Of course Leo had to ruin the moment. "The is some weird sexual tension. I will go with Calypso get our wands. You want to come, come!" Leo and Calypso left. But before, Calypso mouthed :Sorry for my boyfriend. Jason, Piper, Hazel and Frank left with them. "Will, NIco, why are you not going with them?" I asked. "This is going to get good" Nico replied with. "So um, my real name is Percy. Seaweed brain is a nickname for only Annabeth." I am pretty sure I blushed when Percy said that. "Oh, well I am Harry Potter." "I know" Percy said. "So, you guys are the exchange student?" A guy with red hair asked. "Yes we are" said Will. "Can you intruduce us to you're frinds?" Harry asked. "Yes sure" Percy responded. "This is my girlfriend Annabeth. The guy with blond hair is Will. The guy next to him is Nico. The one thats left are Piper, Jason, Hazel, Frank, Leo and Calypso. What about you?" He finished. "Oh yeah. The girl is Hermione." "Weird name" I said. "And the guy is Ron. Harry continued as if I said nothing. Piper, Jason, Leo, Calypso, Hazel and Frank came back. "I think we should get our wands" I said. "Good idea" Percy said. Me, Percy, Will and Nico went to get our wands. We got our wands, and of course, Ron, Hermione and Harry were wating for us. They were talking with the others. "Oh, Welcome back." Harry said. "Hi" Percy said. We talked for a few minute, when a girl that looked like Ron came. "Hi Harry, Hermione. Who are they?" "The exchange students." Said Harry. "Guys, this is Ginny, Ron's sister. Ginny this is..." He said all our name while ponting at each of them. Ginny looked really amazed when she saw Jason and Percy. Me and Piper went to our boyfriends and tell Ginny with a small kiss, they were taken. "So um" Ginny started to say. "Who else is in a relashonship?" We all told them who was dating exepte Will and Nico. They did not want they relashonship to be public. "Cool" Ginny said. We spend the whole day talking. We had to create a fake school from where we came. And of course by we I meant me. "What school are you guys from?" Asked Ginny. Everyone looked at me. "We come from a school name Thelia." It was the first that came into my mind. "It was a school for people who had weird powers. We also were not allowed to have any mail. So, our letter to Hogwarts never came." "That's sad" Harry said. "Its not the worst." They could kinda see we had scars. So I had to make something up dor that. "They made us do hard work. Wich we would often get hurt from doing. Thats why we have all those scar. And luckly, this summer, we were freeded. This groupe of people found out what they were going to children." "Wow. Thats really sad." Ron said. "How old are you guys?" "Me and Percy are 18, Jason is 17, Piper, Calypso and Leo is 16, Frank, Nico and Will are 15 and Hazel is 14." I said. "Me, Ron and Hermione are 18 and Ginny is 17." "Is any of you guys dating?" Jason asked. "Me and Hermione are dating" said Ron. "Me and Ginny are single." Harry said. "Cool" Jason replied. We spent the whole day talking. It was night time. We ate souper and went to sleep. But right befor, Mrs.Weasley (Ron and Ginnys mother) told us that they will send us to platform 9 and 3/4 in the morning. Me and Percy shared a room. We fell asleep in each others arm. 



Yay! A longer chapter. Next I will do in the train. Have a great day and night!


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