Chapter 14- The plan

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Hermione POV

Ok, let me get this straight. The gods are here, they will help us, if they can't, we are dead. Got it! Anyway, we were able to meet some of our new friends parent. Will, Leo, Annabeth and Percy godly parent. An other one was also there. "So, what is the plan?" I asked. All the gods came to me. It was really scary. They were all taller than me. Plus, they were waring full on battle armour! "Annabeth" Said one of the goddess. I think she was Athena. Annabeth came next to me. "Everyone listen up!" she said. "I know we lost so many, but we need to keep fighting. It will be hard. But, I have an idea. We could try to make Voledemort and Kronos attack each other." "So that Kronos kills Voldemort. Witch makes Kronos die." I finnished for her. "Voldemort is Kronos life force." "Exactly" Annabeth said. "All we need is to figure out who will go out and what to say." "Maybe, we can say something about how they look" One of the god said. I think it was Apollo. He was really hot. "No" Athena and Annabeth said at the exacte same time. "So, what if we make them think the other one is going to betrail the other" Harry said "Good idea" Athena said. "So who will go?"  "Me" I said "I am pretty good at lying." "Thats not true" Harry said. "You remeber when I told you that I needed a special medicine, it was a lie. You belived it." I said. Harry had a shook look. I may or may not used that exuse for them to do homework. "You" Ron said. "For, what!" The hall looked at me. "I can talk to Kronos, make up a lie and tell about Voldy." "Did you just called Voldemort Voldy?" Ron asked. "Yes its easier and funnier"  "Well Voldy it is" Harry said. "We are gatting out of line" Athena said. "My daughter has a plan for us god, but, we still need someone to go see Voldy. It is better saying it like that" She finnished. "Thank you" I said. Hazel spoke up. "I will go see Voldy." "No" Frank said. "Let me explain. I can pretende to surrender, fake some tears, pray for mercy and other. And I tell him" Everyone looked at her. It was a great plan! "Ok" Frank said. "Just, don't die." "I promisse" "Ok, feelings later, now, you will need to separate them." "Ok" I said. "Lets go" Me and Hazel went into the woods. We followed Rachel's cries. It was horrifing, but, we needed to continue. We arrived to see Kronos sitting down next to Rachel. Voldy was not there. "You go find Voldy, I will stay here." Hazel noded and left. I slaped my face, and I started crying. The slap was barly hard, it just reminded me of bad memories. I ran and fell in front of me. "I give up" I cried. "Please, the half-blood are killing me. They think they own the world!" "I know" Kronos said. His voice was scaring me, but I was able to stay calm. "And knowing that the Dark lords want to kill you and rule alone. Ahh. Hard" I said "WHAT!" He screamed "Oh no" I said. I tried to look innocent. I think ot worked. "Well, I aslo came her to tell you that. Because you know his plan, you can try to kill him insted. He is weaker." I said. "Good idea girl. Now, I want you to pretende to like the half-blood. But tell me one thing. Are the gods here?" Should I lie? I asked my self. "Yes" I responded. Kronos laught. "They will not deffet me. Leave" He said. And I left. I heard him say. "Oh that Dark Lord will regret this" I smiled. The plan worked! Hazel meet me back. "Did it work?" She asked, "Yes" I responded. And we went back to the castle.


Hazel POV

After me and Hermione separated, I saw Voldy only a few miles away.  I started fake crying. Rachel was not there. She was with Kronos. I fell on my knee. I cuted my knee when I fell. It husted, but I needed to hide the pain. Now, the crying was not so fake. "Please, let me join you. I have enough of the wizards." "Well, well, well" His voice echoed in mt head. "Give me your arm." Befor he could take it, I said "Why do you want to put it? I could spy for you" "Good idea" He said. "Oh my god, thank you. Now, I can help you with Kronos's plan" "What plan?" He asked. I tried to do a shoked face. "Oh, eh, Kronos wants to kill you." I said. I tried to sound scared. "Well, Kronos" He said. At the same time I heard a huge scream. "WHAT!" The scream said. I guessed it was Kronos. "You will have the same price." He tried to leave but I stoped him. "Wait, pretende to work with him. So at the least expected time, you can kill him." "Good idea" Voldy said "Now go back to the school." I left him. I meet up with Hermione on the way back. We exchange our story. "What happend to your knee?" She asked. I started to limp. "Don't worry, I just slip on the grass and cut my knee." I have been throw worst. Somehow, it really hurted. "Do you know Annabeth's plan?" Hermione asked me. "Honestly, I just know she is using the gods as a distraction. I don't know why." "Oh" She said. We walked in silcent up to the castle. When we arrived, Frank ran by my side. "Are you ok?" He asked. "Yes, I just cut my knee"  Will came to me and gave me some Ambrosia. Camp half-blood hade brought an extra batch of it. He also fix my knee. "So, did it work" Apollo asked. "Of course it work" Athena said. "Yes it did" I said. "You see" Athena said while looking at Apollo. He roled his eyes. "Anyway," Artemis said. "Why do you need us?" "I need you to be a distraction" Annbeth said. "Voldy and Kronos hate each other already. It was not in their plan that gods will be here. Also, I need you guys to help us kill any monster that tries to break Voldy and Kronos." "Very well" Artemis said. Demeter was still healing with her plants. Hephaestus was with Leo. Trying to figure out what to build to stop Kronos. "YOUR TIME IS UP" Said a voice. The one that were not harm that badly went outside. Voldy and Kronos were walking up to the castle. They had Rachel next to them. She had red puffy eyes, her skin was as white as snow. She looked dead. I had an idea. "Oh my god." I said not to loud but loud enough for Voldy and Kronos to here me. "I can't belive this. Kronos is still alive, I tought Voldemort was going to kill him." Annabeth figured out my plan. "I tought Voldemort would of died. Kronos is way stronger" "NO" I said. We kept batelling. We could see in the bad guys eye they wanted to prove who was stronger. And I said. "Then lets prove it here right now." "Yes!" Annabeth said. Becasue they already want to kill one and other, they push Rachel out of the way and start attaking. Monsters are every where. We try to kill as many posible. Piper took Rachel inside. All they others were fighting for their life. Spell were shoting everywhere, swords clashing, blood and screaming. I was really scared. Then, I heard s a scream. Kronos started laughing over Voldemort broken body. "You tought that this idiot could stop me I am the m-..." He did not finnish his phrase. He relised Voldy was his life surport. "What, you tricked me!" He said. "Wisdom is power" Athena. He was dying slowly. Annabeth pulled out her dagger and jumped on Kronos



OMG!!!! This is an amazing chapter. Have fun with this cilf hanger! Anyway, have a great day and night.


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