Cautious Assignment

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AN: Oh boy... I don't know why this one took me quite a while. Then again, I've been busy trying to finish things up for the semester. >_<" I'm willing to try new scenarios!
Preview Picture:

—Cautious Assignment—

"I am going with you to your workplace." The Celtic sternly said as his companion glared at him. "No! You cannot! I can't have my senior know I suddenly summoned a servant to the world without the higher-up's consent!" He narrowed his eyes as he folded his arms. "Come on Milady. What harm can that do? If I recall... Your incantation wasn't for the Grail but rather..." He lightly tapped his lip with his index finger in slow motion. "...what was it? Something about your sole desire?"

The raven's cheek flushed as she muttered under her breath and looked away. "That's... because it was my last attempt to getting you." The male smirked, lazily placed his arm around her shoulder and tugged her toward his chest. "Was someone missing me that much during that time?" She didn't say a word, just giving a nod as she hugged the male tightly. He chuckled, returning the gesture.

"Okay there, princess. We can agree on that at least. I guess we're both lucky that it was me who agree on that summoning call." He gently rubbed the top of her head as she continued to cling onto him. "I'm not going anywhere this time, Yuuki. You don't need to tighten your grasp." He lifted her chin up as he leaned in close. "If you want to stay with me that close, how about I take your breath away hmm?"

Her emerald orbs looked away as a blush ran through her cheeks. "...that isn't going to convince me in bringing you with me." She heard a chuckle as he let go of her chin and embraced her once more. "Damn. I thought that would certainly work. Are you having resistance against my charms?"

She shook her head, giggling before kissing his cheek. "Not at all, love. I'm... still weak to them." She muttered the last part under her breath. "But if you continue to pester me like this, then I guess I'll just let you. Just stay invisible when you follow. I can't have anyone notice your overwhelming appearance."

"Not because I'm your love but I'm a servant right? Gotcha." He nuzzled his nose into the crook of her neck. "It's boring being here when you're out for most of the time. Can't help it but feel lonely milady." She lightly patted the male's head. "Sorry, Cú. I have a job to fulfill since... Well, since Lord El-Melloi II in a way took me in. He took care of me in the state that I was."

The Celtic's brow rose as he kissed her temple. "Is that so... Looks like I'll pay a visit to him and appreciate what he has done. All the more to follow you." She sighed. "Then at least suppress your mana aura if you can to make it similar to mine."

"Who do you think you're talking to, hmm Yuuki?" She blinked a few times before the idea hit her. "Oh... haha, right. Sorry, mo ridire. I'm used to you being my knight that you're a magic-based class right now." The male facepalmed himself, sighing before patting her head and glanced into her orbs. "I am still your knight, regardless of what servant-class I am. Don't forget that, princess." She lightly smiled as she cupped his cheek. "I won't ever forget that."

--- --- ---

The raven wore the notorious Clock Tower uniform—a black cape tied loosely around her shoulder with matching shorts and leggings, and a sea green dress shirt underneath the cape. She also wore the moon pendant and the silver earring as well as parting her hair in a specific way... which made the Celtic happily hum. She sighed, disliking how the uniform looked on her. It felt too... breezy and unusually tacky for her taste. She would rather wear a jacket, long pants, and sneakers. The male, however, was quite satisfied with how she looked. The outfit allowed his eyes to drink in her precious lines on her body. She smacked her companion for making her feel self-conscious.

He shrugged and hugged the female before dematerializing and staying close to her. "No worries milady, I'll be around you at all cost. Heck, you can sense me through the pendant if you have to." She shook her head. "I know how you are, Cú. I don't need to worry. You have my full trust." Yuuki heard him chuckle before she felt a light tap on her shoulder. "Let's get going before you're late."

She left her apartment and headed towards the Mage's Association vicinity, passing through the gates and heading into the classroom buildings. Eyes followed the raven as she passed through the hallways, some in which she quite disliked. Even the Celtic felt the wary glares toward the direction of the female. If he didn't promise the female earlier not to make a commotion, he would've snapped his fingers and have those wary glares disappear by burning their hairs off. "Just keep moving before I burn these daggers in public, Yuuki." The raven giggled to herself softly as she felt reassured with him watching her back.

She knocked on double doors before hearing a muffled "come in" through the other side. She opened the doors and entered the room, seeing a long-haired male within his early thirties sitting in front of a desk. Multiple pages of loose paper spanned across his desk while a stack of about seven books were neatly within the corner. Bookshelves were filled to the brim with information as the sun shined down upon them. He looked up before returning his glance back at the paper. "Ah. Welcome back, Yuuki-kun. I was about to ask someone to send you here."

"Hello, sir. What is it that you want to speak about?" He motioned toward the couches to have her sit down to which she complied. "Regarding your next assignment. I will need you to head out to investigate a certain location. Out of the students and staffs here, you are by far the most reliable here. Can I trust you with this task?" She nodded, slightly smiling. "Of course. How soon do I need to leave?"

"Within a day or so." He looked up from the pages, frowning as he knitted his brows together. "Shit. Yuuki Satou... What are you doing with an uneasy presence nearby. Can you care to explain?" She hesitated before speaking. "...what do you mean, Lord El-Melloi II? I'm not understanding what you mean."

The male placed the reports down and stood up from his seat. He clearly sensed something unusual within a three-foot radius of the female. The male recognized the type of presence... a feeling he had not felt in almost a decade or so. "Either you explain or have this servant explain for you."

"Ho? He's not stupid as he looks, milady." The female instantly felt sweat drops forming on her temple. "I'm not careless enough to not see an elephant in the room. Might I need to remind you that I had participated in the fourth Holy Grail War and survived? Come out whoever you are. I need an explanation for this."

The Celtic materialized, leaning onto the edge of the couch right behind the female. He wore a casual navy blue t-shirt along with black jeans that had a chain hanging from it. His blue hair sprawled across his back and small locks of it laid upon the couch. "What explanation do you need? Just letting you know that I'm grateful for taking care of milady over here."

Her senior narrowed his eyes at the female and the Celtic. He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "This is serious business, Yuuki. Why in bloody hell is a servant, out of all things, here? There is no war occurring during this time." The raven tried to gather her thoughts for an explanation. She wasn't the type to particularly lie to her superiors, especially if it was someone who was this kind to take her in after the holy grail war.

"U-Um... Lord El-Melloi II, my apologies." She bowed quite low towards the older male as she spoke. "It was not my intentions to summon him. I have no excuse on this wild behavior of mine." The Celtic pulled his companion up from her bowing and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "The heck you mean 'not my intentions'? I think it's more like 'if you didn't, you wouldn't be looking much better now', don't you think so?"

The older male thought about what the servant had said. In a way, the servant was right. He had never seen the raven look more lively until about a few weeks ago. The light that was far too dim within her eyes two years back lit up like the lights on a Christmas tree. During the years she had worked with him, he had never seen the female with such enthusiasm until now. He sighed, eventually sitting on the opposite side of the raven as he pinched the skin between his brows.

He could most likely make a hypothesized guess with what he saw in front of him. He trusted the raven and with how the servant was acting... They seemed rather close to one another. What confirmed his guess was the matching pendants that fell upon the two's clavicle. Another sigh left the older male as his junior had a questionable expression on her face. "I got... the general idea of the situation. May I assume that no one else knows about this, lady?"

"Um... No." Well, besides the fact that the random ladies around town tried to swoon her companion a few times... It wasn't really out of the ordinary in regards to other mages finding out. She definitely kept this away from her senior. "Okay. I am going to only warn you once. If this information about you summoning him is exposed, you will be tracked down. I will not have any jurisdiction about this. Do you understand?"

"Are you saying...?" The female unconsciously tilted her head as she tried to understand her senior's words. "He's saying that he's not gonna expose us, milady. Isn't that great?" Her eyes widened before she frowned in such a questionable expression. "Wait... Lord El-Melloi II, why? I thought you would be against this sudden situation and that you would report it."

Her senior held his head with his fingertips as he spoke. "Am I that of an arrogant person to remove your happiness in your life? Those who pursue societal achievements rather than personal happiness may as well rot in hell! Yes, the mage society may want to obtain greatness but that doesn't mean to sacrifice your own happiness for it." He stood up and returned toward his desk. "Get yourself ready for your assignment, Yuuki Satou. Bring your friend with you if you must."

The couple looked at each other before a grin appeared on the Celtic's while a small smile appeared on the raven's. "Th-Thank you, sir!" She quickly bowed toward her senior. "Yeah, thanks."

"Take caution, lady. Don't say I didn't tell you." He motioned his hand for her to come over before picking up the envelope on the table. "Take this before you head out. Send a notice before you take off once you completed reading that."

"Okay," she replied as she took the envelope. "Heh, a task isn't it? Finally, I get to move around. Thanks for the heads up, old man." He waved at the older male before dematerializing as the female bowed and left the office. Waver's eye twitched before his hands balled up and slammed onto the desk. "Insolent servant! I am not even more than six years older than the lady!"

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