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°Matthews P.O.V°
I carry Addi into the kitchen and look for cookies. I found some and gave them to her. "Thank you Matty." She says taking the cookies. I pour some milk in a glass. She doesn't like milk and cookies but I do. We sit down on the couch and I grab some. "Heyyy Matt. Those are mine." She says. I hold them in front of her face. "Want them?" I ask. She licks one. "Ha! Now you have to give it to me." She says.

"Nope." I say sticking g it in milk and eating it. We eat all of our cookies and its passed 11pm so I tell Addi its time to go to bed. I walk her upstairs and she gets changed. When she comes out of the bathroom I tuck her in. I end up going to sleep to. I wake up to a horrible dream.

Dream: I was in a abandoned hospital. It was all dark the light were out and I couldn't here anything. I hear Addi. "Matty where are you?!" She screams. "Matthew where are you!!" She screams again at the top of her lungs. I run to the sound of her voice. She's in a room with dead bodies all around. "I'm right here. Addi its ok." I say. "Matty please!" She screams again. I'm right in front of her. She can't see me. I hear something. Its a person. Its Cameron. "Addi I told you stop screaming!" He yells at her. He goes and slaps her I the face. I scream "Cameron stop!!" As loud as I can. Nothing he keeps hitting her. And then she stops screaming and crying. Its quite. Then Cameron says. "Addi, Addi!! Answer. Addi. I'm sorry!"

I wake up screaming. I start crying I look for Addi and see her sleeping in her bed. "Matty are-are you ok?" She says getting up. "Yeah I-I had a bad dream. Its ok Addi go back to sleep." I say. She gets up and crawls in bed with me. "Was it about me?" She asks. "Yes." I say and tell her the dream. She snuggles up to me. I kiss her on the forehead and go to sleep.

I wake up at 12 in the morning. Addi is still sleeping. I went and got Squesh and put him in my bed. I went downstairs and saw the boys gathered around a camera. I decide to jump in but I put soap on my hand. Smack cam! I look to see who I could get. Nash he's the one talking. I go behind him and smack him as hard as I can on the cheek. "Good morning Nash." I say.

"OOOOOOOHHH He got you!!" Everyone yells. I try to say something but I can't make out the words. I fall on the floor laughing. "Ok Espinosa. Watch your back." Nash says. I just laugh even more. Addi comes down. "What happened?" She says. "Your favorite brother just smacked Nash." Shawn says. That's true. I am her favorite and I did smack Nash.

"And I missed it!" She says back. "Sorry sis but they'll be more." I say. "Ok so what time is it?" She asks. I look at the stove. "Uhh 12:30. Are you hungry?" I say. "Yeah can I have bacon?" She says hoping down the last step. "Yeah. I can make it for you." I say. "Thank you Matty." "Your welcome." She goes and sits next to the boys. Carter turns on the TV to Pretty Little Liars.

"Keep it! Carter don't switch it!" Addi says. "Ad I really don't want to watch this." Carter says back. "Well to bad!" Addi says jumping over Cameron and grabbing the remote from him. By the time I'm done cooking Carter and Shawn are screaming at the TV "Yes Aria!! You tell that bitch!" I laugh and they didn't even want to watch. "Addi come eat." I say putting the plate down on the island. "Thank you." She says taking a bite.

Its about 2pm when she finishes. "Want to go to the beach or do you and to have a lazy day?" I ask her picking up her plate and washing it. "I just want to stay here. Hang out with the boys." She says back. "Ok we can do that." I say back.

Follow my Instagram @ hannaswiftt

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