It's been two months. Vanessa is pregnant with the baby but since it hasn't been long no one knows but Madelaine, Oliver and Chloe.
"When are you announcing you're pregnant?" Oliver asks "Oh yea I forgot about that. I'll post it on Instagram then text my friends" Vanessa says getting out her phone. Madelaine kisses Vanessa's belly "My little lump of cells is in there" Madelaine laughs.
"You have a baby in you?!" Camila yells bursting through their front door. She touches Vanessa's stomach "I don't feel anything" She says "There isn't a baby in there yet. It's just small cells right now" Vanessa laughs at her friend. "Congrats" Everyone says to Madelaine and Vanessa "Thank you all" They both say "I got you some baby clothes" Cole says, KJ gives them a small bag. Madelaine takes the outfits out the bag "It has your faces on them" Vanessa says "Yes. You're welcome" KJ smiles. Madelaine laughs "Thanks guys" She hugs them both. "Our present comes later" Lili tells them "Can't top ours" Cole challenges "Wanna bet?" Camila challenges back "Show us" KJ says. Camila pulls out her phone and shows them a whole set of baby things "Is that a crib?" Vanessa asks "Yup" Lili smirks "No fair. You had to have had help" KJ whines "Nope just raw talent" Camila tells him. "It's not a competition. We like both gifts thank you" Madelaine tells them. "Now what did you get us?" Chloe asks "What do you mean?" Lili asks "We don't get presents too?" Oliver asks "No?" Vanessa says confused on why they would get presents "In starting to not like this whole baby thing" Chloe tells them "Well she's coming so too bad" Madelaine says.
Oliver invites Lincoln over while no one is home "Are you sure this is okay?" Lincoln asks "Yea" Oliver shrugs "You look cute" Lincoln tells Oliver making them blush "Thanks" He smiles.
They watch a movie for a while then Oliver finally gets bored "Just make out with me already" Oliver giggles "Fine by me" Lincoln smirks. He gets closer to Oliver then they start to kiss, it's slow and tender at first then it gets hot and heavy.
"We wish you a Merry Christmas. We wish you a Merry Christmas. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy new year" Chloe sings in the car "The singing is bad for the baby" Madelaine tells her sister "Not to mention it's not Christmas" Vanessa laughs "So fucking rude sometimes" Chloe huffs "I love you" Madelaine tells her little sister "I love you too" Chloe mumbles. "I do forget you're 19 with the way you act" Madelaine laughs "I act like a mature adult" Chloe tells her "Definitely not" Vanessa laughs.
They pull into their driveway.
"Who's car is that?" Chloe asks "I was about to ask you the same thing" Madelaine says. They get out the car, grab their bags quickly then rush to the front door. Vanessa unlocks the door then they walk in. Lincoln quickly rolls off of Oliver hitting the floor with a loud thud "Hey Lincoln" Chloe says playfully, teasing Oliver "Shut up" Oliver blushes "Uh hi" Lincoln says getting up after fixing his clothes "That's your car in the driveway?" Vanessa asks "Yes ma'am. I'm sorry if I'm in your spot" Lincoln says "No just making sure" Vanessa smiles at the nervous boy "Well introduce us Oliver" Madelaine suggests "Oh yea ummm...This is Chloe, Madelaine and Vanessa...This is Lincoln...My boyfriend" Oliver tells them "Congrats" Madelaine smiles nicely "Nice to meet you all" Lincoln goes to shake Chloe's hand but she backs away and shakes her head "Definitely not. Your hands could have just been on their dick" Chloe tells him, making both boys blush "I get that" Lincoln puts his hand down "Well we're going upstairs" Vanessa grabs Madelaine's hand.
"Dinner!!" Madelaine calls the teens down. They all sit at the table with their food "So how did you two meet?" Vanessa asks "Uhh well he was sitting across the room and I saw him so I asked him to dance" Lincoln says "What randomly made you want to talk to them?" Chloe asks "I honestly don't know what made me want to talk to him" Lincoln chuckles "Oliver's pronouns are he/they" Madelaine reminds him "I know" Lincoln shrugs, Oliver shakes their head at Madelaine so she lets it go. "What made you want your hair like that?" Chloe asks "Chloe" Madelaine warns "Just making conversation" She smirks "Um my sisters like doing hair so I grew it out so they could practise with mine" Lincoln tells her "Aww that's so cute" Vanessa says "Yea yea yea. How old are they?" Chloe asks "Eleven and fifteen" He tells her "Names?" She asks "Ally and Dani" He says "Stop investigating him" Oliver whispers to Chloe "I'm not" She shrugs staring down the boy.
They all clean up the dishes and Lincoln goes home.
Chloe goes to her room and shuts her door.
"Chloe!!" Madelaine calls "What?" Chloe asks "Want to watch this movie with us?" She asks "Nope" She shuts her door back "Be back" Oliver runs up the stairs.
"What are you doing?" They ask coming into the room "Nothing" She shrugs while she types on her computer "Let me see" He says turning the computer around "Why are you researching Lincoln?" Oliver asks "There is something off about him. He won't ever use your they pronoun" She says focusing back to her computer "It's fine" Oliver tells her "No it's not. I hate when you change your pronouns every two seconds but I respect them because I love you" Chloe tells him "Well he doesn't love me" Oliver tells her "So break up with him" She tells them closing her macbook "He's the only person who has really paid attention to me. I'm not letting that go that easily" He tells her "Fine but just know I will hurt him" Chloe smiles "I know you will" They gives her a hug "Now come on and watch the movie with us" He pulls her down the stairs. They sit down beside each other and share a blanket.
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