Chloe and Oliver are holding Fay and Emme while Vanessa and Madelaine make the babies food.
"Hola humans" Trinity says coming through the front doors "That sound is horrible" Trinity says referring to the babies crying "Yes I know. Take it" Chloe hands Trinity baby Emme "Shhh" Trinity says to the baby "It's hungry" Oliver says "Our babies aren't it's" Vanessa tells her sibling. She hands them bottles and they give the bottles to the babies "Well she's hungry" Oliver says.
Trinity rocks Emme to sleep after she finishes her bottle "Oh thank god" Madelaine sighs looking at her daughter "They have been crying all night" She says exhausted "It's really just Emme" Vanessa tells her "Fay was sound asleep" Oliver says rocking Fay "My little red headed angels" Vanessa puts her hands on the babies tiny heads.
"Shut up!! Make her shut up" Chloe whines "Get her a bottle then" Madelaine tells her "You get it" Chloe tells her "What happened to you saying you would always help?" Madelaine laughs getting up to get the bottle "I didn't think she would cry this fucking much" Chloe tells her "She's a baby" Madelaine reminds her "And you're going to have to stop cussing so much so when she gets a little older she won't start repeating it" Madelaine adds. Oliver comes down the steps slowly with Fay in his arms "You're attached to Fay" Chloe laughs at the boy "No she's attached to me. When I try to give her to Vanessa she cries. See" He tried to give Fay to Vanessa but Fay grabs his necklace "Off" Oliver tells her "She's not a dog" Vanessa laughs taking her baby. Fay starts crying, Vanessa gives Fay back to Oliver and she stops crying "Oh god" Madelaine sighs "Told you she loves me" Oliver says "Give her to me" Chloe says, he hands her to Chloe and she starts crying again. Chloe quickly gives her back "That sound is just horrible" Chloe says putting her hands up. Madelaine takes Fay from Oliver and she starts crying "Nope. You have to stay with me" Madelaine tells Fay. Fay gives Madelaine a look "I swear she just glared at me" Madelaine laughs. She gives her a kiss on her forehead. Madelaine pulls up Fay's shirt and blows on her small stomach causing the baby to laugh. Vanessa smiles at her wife and daughter, she kisses Fay's head, then Emme's head, then she kisses Madelaine's lips "I'm going to take a nap" She says going up the stairs to her room.
"She's pulling my hair. Ow ow ow" Chloe says trying to get her hair out of the grasp of Emme "Let me see her" Trinity says grabbing Emme "Hi Emme" She smiles down at her. Emme just stares at her "Sleepy?" Trinity asks, she rocks Emme back and forth. After only a few minutes she's asleep. "Oh thank god" Madelaine says looking at her daughter "They're so cute when they sleep" Oliver says "They should sleep more" Chloe sighs "And so should I so good night" She says going upstairs "You should be getting home. It's getting dark" Madelaine tells Trinity "Yea. Thanks for letting me see them" She says giving Madelaine the baby "No problem. Come back whenever" Madelaine smiles. Trinity leaves and goes home.
(I'm going to skip to toddlers because babies are boring all they do is sleep, eat and cry)
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