date: 9 / 2 / 2021
word count: 1362
warnings: strong language, injuries, burns.
summary: bakugo doesn't understand what 'ask him out' really means, but everything still works.
(y/n) was considered the class's loner.
almost everyone liked him and he was well known, but he always chose to sit alone, politely declining every offer to hang out or sit with anyone. he was also quiet and mysterious, having a way with words that made you spill your life story out while not speaking a word about his. he was also always calm and soft spoken, his face blank of emotions with a gentle smile every now and then.
so, he was slightly confused when he was met by bakugo's glare the entire day of school. he hadn't spoken to the boy before, yet since he first entered the kitchen this morning, bakugo scowled at him harshly and narrowed his red eyes.
he did his best to avoid him, but even then, bakugo was always somehow where he was.
(y/n) was seriously confused. he have had a small crush on him since the school year has started so he made sure not to get into his way so the explosive male doesn't hate him, yet with his constant glares, (y/n) thought he did. bakugo, on the other hand, was lowkey panicking. he had just realized what his feelings were for the (h/c) haired male, so he had tried to keep an eye on him to be sure of his feelings, unknowingly scaring the boy.
"uh, bakugo, you might want to dial down the glaring." kirishima finally spoke, furrowing his eyebrows as the two stood in the kitchen. the angry blond turned to him with a scowl, but kirishima continued before he could. "many people asked me why you don't like him, and i'm honestly confused too. i mean, (y/n) may be kind of emotionless, but he's kind and polite. did you fight him and lose or something?"
bakugo sneered. "hah?! i wouldn't lose— wait, what? i don't hate (y/n)!"
"then why are you glaring at him so hard?" kirishima questioned, as confused as bakugo felt. they both turned to the male they were talking about, catching him typing something furiously on his phone. "you have been giving him a death stare since the morning!"
"i wasn't glaring, dumbass!" he snapped, his eyes remaining on the spoken of male. (y/n) lifted his head for a brief second before their eyes met and he flinched, returning it to his phone. "i was fucking staring! oi, why did he flinch?"
"maybe because you look like this when you 'stare'." the fake red haired boy deadpanned, using one hand to eat while the other held up his phone, showing the photo he had just taken of bakugo glaring. the blond male stared at the phone for a few seconds, before huffing, his face visibly softening. "why are you even staring at him in the first place?"
bakugo made sure kirishima swallowed his food first. "i fucking like him, dumbass."
somehow, kirishima still choked. it took about three minutes of bakugo ignoring him as he stared at the loner boy before he could finally breathe again, his eyes wide in surprise. "like romantically?"
"fucking obviously!"
"so what are you going to do?"
"ask him out." bakugo blurted out, pushing himself up. kirishima's eyes widened again, but he couldn't catch the wild blond in time before he was stomping over to where (y/n) sat. "oi! (y/n)!"
that gained the attention of the entire class as they watched carefully as the male jumped up slightly at the mention of his name, before blankly glancing over at bakugo, who had to suck in a deep breath as their eyes met before he reached over, grabbing the collar of (y/n)'s hoodie, pulling him off the couch. "fight me."
"oh my god." kirishima face-palmed.
(y/n) blinked in confusion. "what?"
"fight me, you worthless extra." bakugo snapped. kirishima leaned on the counter, sighing in second hand embarrassment as (y/n) slowly nodded with a small frown, still confused. "what the fuck is even your quirk?"
"guys, you two shouldn't fight, it's late and—"
"let them fight." mr. aizawa, who had suddenly appeared, spoke, leaning on the common room's doorway with a raised eyebrow despite his bored face. "i want to see how this will go. everyone, outside. do you two need your costumes?"
(y/n) shrugged, still waiting for bakugo to let go of his collar. the blond grunted a loud 'yes' as he dragged the male behind him, who gave kirishima a questioning look. kirishima only waved awkwardly.
"start." mr. aizawa spoke once the two were ready. (y/n) swiftly dodged an explosion, taking advantage of the smoke to kick bakugo's leg without the boy seeing him. bakugo's quickly turned around, about to throw another explosion, when (y/n) blinked, his eyes turning silver, and then he disappeared, appearing from behind him. with a simple harsh kick, he brought the blonde to the ground face down, (y/n)'s knees on his back as he tried to stifle a yawn. one side of his arm and his leg had been slightly burn, but that was all his injuries, unlike the thrashing blond underneath his knees.
"nice job, (y/n)." mr. aizawa nodded approvingly. the boy jumped up, adjusting his pajamas. he offered his hand out to help the scowling male, and much to everyone's surprise, bakugo gripped it tightly, pulling himself up with a grunt. "you both should go to recovery girl. bakugo, can you stand?"
bakugo stumbled. "yes."
"(y/n), help him to recovery girl."
"don't touch me." bakugo scowled. (y/n) gave mr. aizawa a look, one that he got a small sigh in reply before shaking his head. all the way to recovery girl (y/n) had just been ahead of bakugo a for a few steps, and the blond cleary didn't appreciate that. "oi! why are you so fucking slow?"
"my leg." (y/n) answered blankly, pushing his hands into the thick sweater he had managed to throw over his pijama before he was dragged outside. bakugo glanced down at the sight of one burned pijama leg and grimaced, before looking away with a huff and catching up with him.
"what's your fucking quirk?
"i can stop time, and i can control bones, as in break them and sometimes heal them." (y/n) answered, yawning after, his hand going to cover his lips. bakugo hummed, his eyebrows furrowing as he limped beside (y/n). "hey, do you want me to carry you?"
bakugo's eyes widened. "what the fuck did you just say? do you want me to fucking blow you up?"
"i'm pretty sure your ankle may be broken, and not the type i can heal." the male stared bluntly, his face blank of emotions as he stared at the explosive blond. "do you want me to carry you? it would be easier for both of us."
"fuck no!"
(y/n) shrugged. "suit yourself."
five minutes later bakugo ended up in (y/n)'s arms, getting carried bridal style with a heavy blush on his cheeks. the hallways were empty, quiet, and dimly lit, creating a soft yet creepy atmosphere.
"why aren't you asking?" bakugo suddenly blurted out.
"asking what?"
"i've been staring at you since the morning. almost everyone questioned it, and I fucking know you noticed, so why the fuck haven't you asked?"
(y/n) shrugged. "we never spoke before, it would have been weird to ask. but, now that you have brought it up, why did you?"
bakugo stared blankly at him, before huffing as he looked away with a scowl. "i like you, nerd, if that wasn't obvious when i fucking let you carry me."
"cool. i like you too."
"you what?!" bakugo yelled, his eyes widening. "since fucking when?"
"beginning of the school year." (y/n) let a small smile grace his lips. bakugo's cheeks flushed at the sight. "you're cute, bakugo."
"fucking whatever." he cussed despite his darkening blush. "are we fucking dating now or what?"
"do you want us to date?"
"okay then, boyfriend— why are you letting out small explosions?"
"I'm fucking nervous!"
"don't be, this hurts."
"then stop touching me!"
"then get off me."
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