acting | kentarō kyōtani

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date: 2 / 2 / 2021
word count: 700
warnings: strong language.
summary: in which (y/n) is the only one who can calm his boyfriend that easily.

the angry delinquent stomped out of the gym, ignoring oikawa's yells as he did so, the doors slamming loudly beside him. he was more than just frustrated, which only meant he had the one destination only another person knew.

as he expected, the calm (h/c) haired male was sitting underneath their trademark tree, where their initials were carved by a pocket knife that surprisingly, kyotani wasn't the one to get. the tree was large, shadowing the figure of the taller male as he leaned against it, his backpack beside his legs, which were slightly spread apart.

he didn't jump when kyotani threw his backpack beside him with an angry grunt, but instead only spread his knees further apart, his eyes still shut. kyotani easily sat beside them, letting his head drop against the younger, yet taller male's chest, who only quietly wrapped his arm around his waist in reply.

it was silent for a few seconds as kyotani took the time to breathe and calm himself down, before looking down at the soft black-manicured fingers drawing circles into his torso, before intertwining them with his own, hearing the younger male hum softly. "oikawa again?"

"yeah." he grumbled angrily in reply, huffing while he kept his attention on their intertwined hands. "he's such an asshole sometimes."

"he's older than you," the younger male reminded calmly. kyotani was about to snap that he didn't care, but he continued before he could. "i know you couldn't care less, but at least act like you do, it would save you a lot of trouble."

"you seem know a lot about acting like you care."

"of course, i'm hugging you right now, am i not?" he teased, yet tightened his arm around the blonde boy, who turned to give him a harsh, yet playful glare. (y/n) just smiled, opening his eyes as he reached over to peck kyotani's cheek, ignoring how his boyfriend's face flushed darkly. "do you wanna get coffee after you finish practice?"

"but i don't want to go back!"

(y/n) gave him a small smile. "how about we make a deal? if you go back to practice and apologize for your oikawa, i'll actually wake up tomorrow early and we can go grab breakfast together."

kyotani blinked blankly at him. "i don't believe you're even capable of getting up early?"

(y/n) raised both eyebrows. "that's fair, but i promise I'll try my best to actually do. how does that sound?"

"fine, i'll go apologize to that oversized baby." kyotani huffed, pushing himself up. (y/n) gave him a lazy smile, one that faded as the male yelped when he was pulled up suddenly, almost toppling over his shorter boyfriend. "you're waiting outside the gym for me, practice ends in ten minutes."

"is there somewhere to sleep there?" (y/n) yawned. kyotani's lips visibly twitched up, and (y/n) smiled at that even when he ignored his questions. when they arrived, (y/n) leaned against the wall outside, watching as his boyfriend angrily slammed the door open.

"i'm fucking sorry or fucking whatever." he grunted, the doors slamming behind him. (y/n) let out a small chuckle, unlocking his phone. true to his boyfriend's words, the shorter male stepped out around ten minutes later, zipping his jacket with a scowl. "let's go."

"oh, mad dog-chan, who's that?" oikawa popped up from behind him, humming casually with his trademark smile. he opened his mouth to introduce himself to the taller male, but was cut off with an angry huff.

"you better not fucking flirt with my fucking boyfriend, you fucking loser." kyotani muttered angrily. (y/n) chuckled softly when kyotani pulled him down by the collar of his shirt and pressed their lips together, smiling softly when his boyfriend finally pulled back, his scowl still present as they both glanced at the shocked team. "we're fucking leaving. let's go, (y/n)."

(y/n) sometimes wondered how he, who was known to be the most chill guy in their school, ended up with kyotani, who had an exact opposite reputation. but, it didn't matter. they balanced each other, and they were so, undeniably in love.

"what the actual fuck just happened?"

author's note;
this may not be the best one i wrote, so sorry about that, it's a little old. i'm currently on my fourth sero hanta oneshot because i really want to write about him but i can't get a perfect plot, but it's probably going to be out soon. thanks for reading!

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