Eddie Dennis vs. Erza Scarlet

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Some clips of Eddie Dennis and Erza Scarlet were being played now as the LWF staff shared their thoughts on the match.

Nigel: If you look back at this whole thing, this all started when FSU called out The Beautiful People, and then went on to beat them at End of The Line. But in the midst of all that, there was something boiling in between the Welsh Dragon, and Titania herself.

Mauro: The last few times we saw Erza Scarlet, she was the Beautiful People's muscle of the group, and in the last few matches we've seen from her as part of that group, I sensed that there was hidden potential hiding all that armor. And that wasn't more evident then when Eddie and Erza first squared off against each other.

Highlights from their match in Episode 13 played, as more people shared their thoughts.

Beth: Erza Scarlet has proven that she's so much more in the numerous times she's been here as a visitor. But now that she's an official member of the LWF Roster, and flying solo, it's gonna be interesting what she can bring to the table!

More clips of Erza Scarlet played.

Mauro: This is gonna be an even matchup. Both Erza and Eddie can be agile if they want to, they can be technically sound if they want to, and they can be powerful and hard-hitting if they want to! For Erza Scarlet, you can't find a better opponent for your first match as an official LWF Star, than Eddie Dennis!

Mirajane: As someone who knows Erza very well, I can tell you that now that she's over the Beautiful People and on her own, she’ll definitely be stronger than ever. This is her first match as an Official LWF Star, and tonight she's gonna show us who she REALLY is in this match… but Eddie Dennis, I don't think he will make it easy.

The video package then ends with a shot of Erza and Eddie staring each other down.

The camera cuts back to ringside, and the Wrestlepalooza theme plays as the camera pans around the Sports Festival Stadium, then cuts to the commentary desk, where Mauro was joined by Beth Phoenix, Nigel McGuiness, and Wrestlepalooza host Present Mic joined him once again.

Mauro: Ladies and gentlemen in just mere moments we are gonna witness the most awaited rematch in Night 1, as Erza Scarlet takes on Eddie Dennis in her first match as an official LWF Star!

Beth: This is definitely gonna be interesting now that Erza Scarlet is flying solo!

Nigel: No more Beautiful People by her side, Erza's on her own, and that just means she's gonna walk in at her fullest potential, with NOTHING AND NOBODY to hold her back!

Present Mic: This should be a clash for the ages!


The crowd boos, and Eddie Dennis makes his entrance. 

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this next contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, representing FSU, hailing from Swansea, Wales, he weighs in tonight at 230 pounds, "The Welsh Dragon", EDDIE DENNIS!!!

Mauro: Eddie Dennis was put in this match on orders from Chard, and as you can see, no assistance from Mark Andrews! This is strictly a One on One match, and Chard has directly enforced that there will be no outside interference whatsoever!

Present Mic: I'm not sure Eddie will need Andrews' help for this one, considering his rep! But he's definitely not happy about being stuck in a match like this when FSU wanted a tag match in the first place!

Beth: Well the last time Erza and Eddie fought, Mark Andrews got involved. Now, Eddie's gotta go at this all on his own.

Eddie then enters the ring, and pokes out through the ropes, and screams at the top of his lungs.

Nigel: Well regardless of the circumstances, Eddie will still give this match all he has! For he aims to stop his opponents career before it even starts!

Eddie Dennis then awaits for his opponent, all the while, antagonizing the fans.

Then after a minute of pause…

The crowd cheered as the lights went out and the music started. As the song plays, the flag of the Fairy Tail Guild faded into the LED screens.

Once the chorus started, Erza Scarlet, with sword in hand, made her entrance. She held her sword up high as she looked at the fans with a confident smile on her face. Once the chorus ended, she drove the sword into the ground, and pyro went off. Once the pyro was done going off, Erza made her way to the ring.

Jeremy Borash: And his opponent! From The Kingdom of Fiore, residing in Magnolia Town, She is Fairy Tail's “Queen of The Fairies”! "Titania"... ERZA SCARLET!!!!

Present Mic: Ladies and Gentlemen, the REAL Erza Scarlet, Fairy Tail's strongest woman, Master of Requip: The Knight, The Queen of the Fairies, has entered the building! And boy, does she look ready to show the world what she's really made of!

Mauro: And what better place to do it, than at Wrestlepalooza, and in front of a packed Sports Festival Stadium!

Beth: If you think about it, FSU made the big mistake of starting the events that would break up the Beautiful People, because now Eddie has to deal with Erza as herself, with nothing holding her back to be something she's not, and nobody to give her orders! I can't wait to see what Erza can do on her own, in her own way!

Erza then entered the ring, and then stood in the middle of the ring, looking back at Eddie Dennis who had a sneer on his face.

Mauro: No love lost between these two individuals, as we get set for this battle!  

The bell rings, and the match is underway. 

Erza and Eddie then meet in the middle of the ring, and they just looked at each other as the crowd cheered. 

After a few seconds, the fight popped off! Eddie started by trying to punch Erza straight away! The punch connected, but Erza quickly responded with a Forearm, and this knocked Eddie back a bit!

Eddie looked at Erza a bit perplexed, but quickly refocused, and charged at her. He goes for a clothesline, but Erza ducks and goes behind him and grabs him with a rear waist lock. Eddie counters with a standing switch, and then slams her down with a mat return. Eddie then lands some hammering blows on Erza on the back of her neck, but after landing a few blows, Erza rolls over, shoving Eddie off of herself. 

Erza gets up, and so does Eddie, but Erza hoisted him up onto her shoulders, but Eddie was able to escape and slide out of the ring!

Mauro: And Eddie, averting disaster, and now looks to regroup!

Present Mic: He's safe unless Erza decides to take flight! If she can do it wearing her armour that is!

Eddie then cautiously gets back in the ring. Once he was in, Erza and Eddie then locked up in the middle of the ring, then Eddie locked Erza in a side headlock. Erza shoves Eddie to the ropes, and tries to use the momentum of the rebound to push him off, but Eddie keeps his hold on her. 

Erza then elbows out of the hold, and then gets Eddie in a hammerlock. Eddie then uses his free hand, and counters into a Snapmare. Both individuals got up, and then Eddie grabbed her by the throat!

Mauro: Uh oh, and Eddie Dennis gets Erza by the throat!

Present Mic: Chokeslam coming!

Eddie then goes for a Chokeslam, but Erza counters out of it, and turns it into a side Russian Leg Sweep!

Mauro: And Erza! Side Russian Leg Sweep to The Welsh Dragon!

Erza goes for the cover, but Eddie kicks out at 2! 

Erza then picks him up, but Eddie grabs her and creates distance with a jawbreaker. Erza staggers back, and then Eddie goes for a clothesline. Erza ducks it, hits the ropes, but then Eddie shuts her down with a back elbow!

Mauro: Oooh, Eddie Dennis!

Nigel: Just blasted Erza Scarlet with that elbow!

Eddie then starts to punch away on Erza Scarlet, and then quickly covers her. Erza kicks out at 2, and then Eddie picks her up, and throws her into a corner. He then lands a few shoulder barges before throwing her out of the corner. He then lays her flat on her back, and then connects with a knee drop. 

Mauro: And Eddie continues the assault!

Eddie covers Erza again, but she kicks out at 2 once more. He then picks up Erza, and locks on a Cravate.

Nigel: Eddie now locks in the Cravate to wear Erza down. She may be fighting in armor, but her neck is unprotected!

A couple minutes pass, and Erza tries to fight out of it with some punches to the gut, but Eddie responds with knee strikes to the face! After a few knee strikes, he throws her with a Cravate Suplex!

Mauro: And Erza's not looking so hot right now!

Present Mic: Eddie Dennis is hell bent on not letting her get outta the box, or ever showing her stuff!

Eddie covers her again, but Erza was still able to kick out at 2. 

Having enough of Erza's resiliency, Eddie stood Erza up in the corner he threw her into, and just continued to hammer away with Forearms, and some kicks to the gut. Erza slumps down, and then Eddie stomps away on her. The referee enforces the 5 count, and Eddie stops at 4.

Beth: Eddie isn't stopping his assault on Erza at all, just continuing to pummel her!

Eddie drags her to the center of the ring, covers her, but Erza kicks out at 2.

Present Mic: But Ezra's still fighting out! She's a real tough girl!

Eddie then picks her up, and then takes her down with a Snapmare. Eddie then hits the ropes, goes for a boot, but Erza falls back to avoid it and then rolls him up!

Eddie kicks out at 2, then they both get up. Eddie goes for a wicked hook punch, but Erza blocks it, and starts to land some knife edge chops!

Mauro: Oh, and Erza finally fighting back! She's lighting up Eddies' chest with knife edge chops, and they must hurt even more because Erza's wearing metal gauntlets!

As he said that, Erza tears one of her gauntlets off, and lands one big chop that echoed throughout the Stadium!

Present Mic: OOOH! You could hear that one across the stadium!

Eddie stumbled back from the blow, and then Erza ripped off her other gauntlet. She then delivered a chop with her other arm, and then tried to throw Eddie to the ropes. However, Eddie changed the momentum around. 

Erza then hits the ropes, Eddie goes for another back elbow, but Erza saw it coming and ducked! Erza hits the ropes one more time, and then Erza connects with a Lariat so hard, it made a loud thud on Eddie's chest on contact!


Beth: Everyone in the stadium FELT it! Not just Eddie Dennis!

Present Mic: I'm gonna need an ice pack for that one, and I wasn't wasn't the one who got hit with it!

Nigel: She did that better than I ever could! Wow, am I impressed!

Eddie gets up, wincing and clutching his chest, then Erza shoves him into a corner. Eddie staggers backwards out of the corner, Erza hits the ropes, and then drops Eddie with a neckbreaker! Erza goes for the cover, but Eddie kicks out at 2!

Mauro: And the Welsh Dragon, still in this match!

Beth: But it looks like Erza's starting to get way into it and then some!

Erza then picks up Eddie, and then pulls him into a clothesline! Eddie gets up, and then Erza charges and knocks him down with an axe-handle attack!

Erza then picks up Eddie, and throws him to the ropes. Eddie rebounds off them, and Erza sends him flying with an overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex!

Mauro: And Erza! What a feat of strength!

Beth: Just tossed Eddie Dennis like he's nothing!

Eddie gets up, and Erza clotheslines him over the top rope, and out of the ring. 

Mauro: And now Erza Scarlet, sending Eddie to the floor below!

Erza then began to eye the ropes, and then looked down at Eddie. 

Mauro: And it looks like Erza Scarlet's got something crazy in mind!

Erza then hits the ropes, and when Eddie got up, Erza soared through the air, and wiped out Eddie with a Tope Con Giro!

Nigel: Oh, WOW! Mic, what were you saying earlier about Erza flying while wearing her armour?!

Present Mic: I take it back! Erza can pretty  much do it all, even if she's wearing armour!

Erza then throws him back into the ring, and then climbs to the top turnbuckle. 

Nigel: And now looking to fly again!

Eddie gets up, and then Erza leaps, and then lands another clothesline!

Mauro: And Erza with another clothesline!

Erza goes for the cover, but Erza only gets a 2 count!

Erza then gets up, and waits for Eddie to get up too. Once he was back on his feet, Erza lifted him up onto her shoulders, but Eddie elbows her in the face and escapes her grasp!

Mauro: Oh, and Erza was looking to end it, but Eddie had other plans!

After escaping, Erza turns to try and grab Eddie, but Eddie grabs her by the throat!

Mauro: Uh oh!

Present Mic: Erza got goozled!

Eddie then goes for a Chokeslam, but Erza was able to counter it into a Crossface, which she calls the "Robe of Yūen"!

Nigel: Whoa, but look at that counter! Right into a Crossface!

Beth: The Robe of Yūen is locked in tight!

Present Mic: Eddie didn't expect that at all, and now he's got nowhere to go!

Erza had the hold in deep, and it looked like Edddie was going to tap out soon. However, Eddie showed amazing resilience, and after a few minutes, Eddie pried off her fingers to escape!

Eddie then elbows Erza in the face, and then Eddie gets up. Eddie then picks up Erza, but then all of a sudden, Erza blasts out of Eddie's grasp, and then connects with a headbutt!

Mauro: Oooh, what a headbutt!

Present Mic: A Magnolia Kiss! Or some form of Kiss! I’ll workshop that!

Erza then lifted him up, and slammed him down with a Death Valley Driver, which Erza calls the "Holy Hammer"!

Nigel: And Erza's not done there- Death Valley Driver! She calls that the Holy Hammer!

Beth: Looks like she's been adding new moves to her arsenal!

Mauro: Or maybe she's using moves she has yet to use!

Erza goes for the cover, but Eddie kicks out at 2!

Erza stands up after the cover and readies herself to take down Eddie again. Eddie gets up, and Erza moves in for another blow, but Eddie ducks it, and then from behind, Eddie gets her in an inverted face lock, and then plants her with the Neck Stop Driver!

Mauro: Oh Erza aimed for another blow on Eddie, but Eddie was able to turn around- oooh no!

Nigel: Neck Stop Driver! That's it, so much for Erza's first match as part of the LWF Family !

The crowd booed as Eddie hooked the leg, but the crowd quickly cheered when Erza kicked out at 2.5!

Present Mic: OH, WAIT! Erza kicked out of the NSD! She's still in it!

Beth: Eddie Dennis is now witnessing firsthand what kind of warrior Erza Scarlet really is!

Eddie was frustrated, but he was determined to finish Erza off with one more big move. He wasted no time and set Erza up for one more Neck Stop Driver, but when he lifted her up, Erza flipped over him, and then hits the Neck Stop Driver on Eddie!

Present Mic: WHOA! Eddie was looking for another Neck Stop Driver, but Erza gave him a taste of his own medicine!

Erza then retreated to the corner, and the crowd cheered as they knew what she was setting up for. Smiling and giving them the satisfaction, Erza eyed up Eddie as he got up, and then Erza went for her patented Claymore Kick, called the "Moon Flash", but Eddie caught her in mid-air and in the right position for the Severn Bridge!

Nigel: Oh, Erza was looking for the Moon Flash, but Eddie caught her! Erza might be going across Severn Bridge in a moment…!

Then with a running start,

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