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I had to change a few things about the other you's so you're the only one now sorry.

Lust POV
After a few of explaining,catching up,and puns we all got bored and decided to play a games.
All of the Sans' POV
When I saw Y/n I fell in love . I HAVE to have her. She's so...... beautiful. (Oh shit here we go)
Your POV
After everyone got bored they suggested we play a game. Then that's when I noticed everyone was looking at me weird except for Lust. "Um is everything ok?" They all stoped looking at me in that way and said " Oh! Uh yeah definitely!" "Ok...... so what game should we play?" " How about Truth or Dare~" SL Sans said. "SURE!" All of us said together but with a little nervousness in our voice. (We all know why)
Lust POV
Oh god I hope nothing goes wrong.
Your POV
"Who's going to start the game?"I asked. "I will since I suggested it~" "Ok..." " Y/n T or D?" " I'll pick... dare." "I dare you to give all of us your number." As I gave them my number Lust growled and mumbled something under his breath. I gave him a sympathetic look and his tone softened. "Ok Lust Truth or Dare ?" "Truth." "Is it true that you've ever regretted dating someone?" "Yes." "Who!?" "Well I didn't technically date them but I regretted letting them do what they wanted......" "I-I'm so sorry Lust!" "I-it's fine y/n. It's just a very touchy thing to talk about." "Ok Sans T or D?" "Truth." "Have you ever liked a guy before~" "WHAT NO!!!!!!!!" "Are you sure~" "O-of course I'm sure !!!!" "Ok~"  " Ok I'm done let's play something else!!!!!!" Sans said."Ok Sansy~" "Lust!" I yelled. "What! I never said I liked him~" " Yeah let's play something else before someone else gets as uncomfortable as Sans and me." "What should we play now?" Blueberry asked. "How about tag?" Fell said. "Ok!" Everyone said together. We went outside and Fell said"I'm it!!!!!!" We all ran around,laughed,and screamed. Every time Fell ''tagged''me, he would grab anywhere on my body. When Lust saw it he would growl,mumble,and curse under his breath. One time he grinded me in a way and Lust almost punched him.After hours of screams,laughs,and touching we went inside. "It's getting late we should go to bed." "SLEEPOVER!!!!!" Blueberry yelled. I giggled he's so cute. After we gathered our stuff we set it up and I asked, " what should we play now?"

I'm going to have to stop here and finish it in the next chapter or so. I know it's bad but this is all I can think of right now. I'M SOOOOOO SORRY!!!!!!!!!

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