The mysterious cultist

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Monday, 8 October 2018, Cavendish family mansion, Edinburgh, Scotland

While Hellene continued in her season in the United States, on the other side of the ocean the situation was focused on the reconstruction of Luna Nova, where they were focusing on training, improving the equipment and so on the construction of the place, where they were thinking about every detail of how to rebuild it, since they are raising money for the place to be back to how it was before, part of it was already starting to come thanks to Hellene's presentations that gave a good part of the money she earned to help in the construction of the place.

That was a routine afternoon, some girls arrived from school, others went about their reconstruction preparations, even Constanze was improving the MGE so that it could last much longer and consume less magic, so that it could better perform the mission, with a little help from Diana and Akko who were kind of testing to give some improvements and adaptations.
On the outside a person was watching everything from afar, a man with very apparent wounds on his arms, legs, face and chest, with some stripes all over his body, also with torn clothes and carrying a backpack.

" This is it... This must be the place, I hope that after everything I've been through on the sly no one finds out about me " Said the man who was getting closer to the outskirts of the mansion.

He kept walking around, sneaking past the security, arriving at the door, where he entered the place, the boy took a few steps being approached by Laura and Bernadette who were talking to Lucy and the Cavendish twins, who noticed the presence of the boy.

" Boy are you all right?" said McLaren.

" I have arrived... " Said the same one who then fell faint.

In this they all went in haste giving the first aid, with Bernadette including using some spells that were healing the wounds that were very apparent, filling the bandages with blood, then the boy was having the bands taken off his face as well as the mask and it was what caused a huge shock for the blond hair.

" I know this boy, I've seen him somewhere before " said the Irish girl.

" Frank, it's Andrew's friend, but why is he like this? " Said the Scottish lass until they noticed the boy's torn clothes.

He is wearing the typical garments of a cultist, at that moment all of them move away getting more apprehensive, while the boy is kind of waking up and he notices the shock for all of them that are still in the defensive position, then he passes his hand on his face noticing that his disguise was revealed.

" Please don't hurt me, I have valuable information, I want to help, I was betrayed by them, Pulcher Magus got us killed at the hands of a witch "
Frank said.

" And how can we trust a cultist? " Laura said suspiciously.

" I know how, you know me before, I'm Molly's son and... I was attacked by my own father... Pulcher Magus is my father, he never revealed to his family that he was hiding it, but when I went to find out everything I was already very old and on top of that he didn't have the slightest mercy when he was in the throne room with Daryl... Now I don't know what to believe anymore... " Said the blond boy.

" Pulcher Magus? Who is Pulcher Magus? Tell us more " said Croix who was also there.

" He is the leader of the whole Order of Floyd Appleton, we are an order of cultists that are for centuries worshipping the figure of Floyd Appleton, a witch that escaped from the hands of Beatrix Cavendish and hid himself in the shadows, he was our first Pulcher Magus, each generation we have a different one, being that our mission is to be the dominant magical force, to have the total contempt for witches, my father was the leader, I owed to him all the obedience and unlike everyone I could even walk around as a normal person, I even stayed a good time being a spy for them, watching you and the Hanbridge behavior, I was made of a bridge, but everything came in handy because of the Luna Nova fire mission, as we failed in killing all of you, we were condemned to fight against Daryl for our lives, unfortunately that cursed is too powerful and threw me in the middle of the carnivorous fish tank, where I could even escape alive " Said the boy in a very summarized way.

" You can tell everything else, no need to summarise, it was already expected that Daryl would have hands in this " McLaren said sitting down to listen to the boy.

" Let's call everybody because this is of utmost importance," said Bernadette.

" I tell you everything I know, we break up with fucking Daryl, because I don't know what to believe anymore, you mean... We're the evil ones? " Said the blond.

There was having a call for a more important meeting, where all were gathering in the middle of the room, with Frank there getting even new clothes that even surprised Andrew by the presence of the boy, getting a little bit blushed to see him around, as even Hellene and Marianne marked presence through a video call.

From there the blond was explaining the summarized way that he had told the older ones what was leaving a huge shock including with Andrew who got all emotional when he knew what happened.

" So you were secretly one of them? I expected that from Louis, but not from you, all that time we were friends and everything, I was nothing but.... " Hanbridge said indignantly.

" I know it can stay that way anyway, I was just a mere object of espionage, Louis himself is a very low level cultist, his father is secretly one too, but that everyone kind of already had suspicions about, I am the son of the ancient Pulcher Magus " Lancaster said.

" What do you mean old? " Some said in shock.

" Because my father was also killed, a betrayal happened, I could see everything while sinking protecting myself the little fish, my father falling into the tank while being devoured the water turning red and me fighting for survival, That witch caused me an existential crisis and on top of that she took the throne for herself, she is the current Pulcher Magus, I was trying to escape disguised from the place and nobody but me noticed, I saw the scene with my own eyes " Frank said.

" What? So you mean that's the current identity of the cultist leader? " Laura said in shock.

" Are you using some kind of magic so that no one will listen? Because they are here in the surroundings trying to get information " said the blond.

" Yes, that's the usual thing to do, but then what's going to happen? " McLaren said.

" Daryl intends to come here, I took my last moments before the escape to steal some objects, but I was called to the throne room, where by little Daryl did not suspect anything, just wanted to resolve some issues ... I had to do that with her then she killed me for knowing too much, only that of course knowing that I used a spell to elude everything, even if I ended up all wounded, where from there I went on an escape, taking some evidence " Said the boy showing some papers of plans.

" And when was that? " Croix asks.

" It's been a good few days, I've been away from the order for a fortnight now, so it could be that the information is dated," said the boy.

And with that the plans were being shown, some where had risks showing the attack to Luna Nova, such as later the plan to attack the Cavendish mansion, it was still the basic part without the planning of the day, only that already had a good technical idea of how to execute, such as information that were caught and acquired about the routine of each one.
Very precise details, even with weak points, ways of affecting each person, such as ideal places of the mansion to perform the attack, not only that but they had information about some defenses, such as the level of magic, the attack movements and pattern of each one, detailed maps of the city where to distract everyone so that the attack on the mansion would not attract the authorities.

" Hmmmmm, so she already had the plan in hand, next, we will defend ourselves from this attack and from there we will go to their base, Frank, where is it? " said the Irish girl.

" I will make a point to help, but tell me, at least the truth, what do you witches want with this? Why do you want to attack these witches? Why not be equals? " said the boy.

" But that's exactly what we want, if you exist it's great that we have witches and wizards working together as equals so we can change the world, I barely knew of your existence for years until what happened in 1999 " McLaren said.

" The day of the great victory, when we show the witches that we exist, at least what they tell us," said the blond.

" Did they tell you about the persecution and murder of hundreds of witches around the world as a way of eradicating every witch family from existing in this world? " Laura asks.

" They don't talk that way, but rather, they tell it as if they were missions to cleanse the world of evil witches, which we had to do in order to make the world a better place for witches to prevail... I never understood why the motivation for that," he said.

" Cleansing as you say, they want to make a genocide of witches until there are none left, they are supremacist witches, what happened in 99, was a great massacre and occupation of a whole system that we intended to change to bring more equality, what I imagine you must have learned that we are old"fashioned and all that, only that some of us were wanting to change that so that the vision about witches changed " Bernadette explains.

" We just wanted to bring a better world for everyone, witches, wizards, mundanes, we were going to bring innovations where everyone would help each other, where everyone could be open to learn these things and who knows maybe bigger problems like global warming and famine with all our help and teamwork can be reduced " Croix said.

" So you want the good of everyone? I don't know how, from what I learned we have to go over some people's heads, because we are different, you can't please everyone, but I always thought that the side I was on was the right one " said the boy until he received a hug from all of them.

" There always is, the whole majority will benefit from everything, I know it is not possible to please everybody, but food, house, health basic things like that is the kind that we cannot question that everybody should have, anyway, we will still build more of that, but we have many plans in mind, first we need not to be afraid of going out in the world without being killed, that is what this order has been doing and that is why we are fighting against them " Laura said.

" Ahhhh, now it all makes sense, you just want to survive and have basic rights, we were all the time believing in this thing, there's even the matter of Daryl controlling everyone, anyway prepare your defenses, let's try somehow to stop these bastards " said Frank excited.

" Then welcome to the group " McLaren said.

With that the boy gets a smile on his face, then everyone goes halfway to planning a defence against what might come, since they don't have the slightest awareness of the day when the attack might take place, but defences were being prepared, to avoid the worst, with Croix already arriving in Constanze showing the papers regarding how the cultists' version of the MGE works, including even the weak points.

" They may have the advantage to attack, but they won't come close " Croix said.

" I hope that now we can really win," Diana said.

" Now with everything in hand what's left is this, to finish off the cultists once and for all, this very year we can bring about our new revolution of magic," Akko said excitedly.

" I'm pretty anxious too, now I really feel we have a way to go " Cavendish said.

" I'll even stop skateboarding a bit, focus 100% on this fight, because if I win from here Shiny Akko up front will be able to move on in peace " Kagari said as she went to try another MGE.

" And you three try to find more words, we managed to beat up Margareth thanks to one more word, also recover the Luna Nova books with this, try to find one more by going to Arcturus " Meridies said.

" The axe saved us in the fire, the hook opened the doors and served to grab Margaret, what will come next? And can the magic of changing the world also be achieved? " Atsuko said.

" According to the legend, the staff has such a great power that it can bring about peace, yes, all you have to do is find all the words and we will be able to put an end to this problem that has been caused by these cultists", said the witch.

They were sort of continuing to talk about a trip to find another one of the words, as well as also testing the versions of the MGE that Constanze was rapidly building giving more updates to the device to achieve perfection. Elsewhere
there was Laura talking to Frank and Andrew, with the dark
haired boy still outraged and very much by what the blonde had done.

" How can you Frank, all these years you were just fake with me, I was a real friend with you man " Hanbridge said.

" It wasn't my fault, I was born being his son, I didn't know he was that kind of person and I had to be taught to be that way... For me it was the right thing, I just couldn't show too much hostility to witches because my father also made me disguise that so as not to spoil his bigger plan " Lancaster said.

" Easy there guys, look Andrew, Frank had no choice try to understand a bit from his side " McLaren said relieving the situation.

" I want to try Mrs McLaren, but you don't know what it's like to live since childhood having a friend who never genuinely acted like he was, I feel like I'm not having a best friend, a friend who was the only one who understood and knew I'm gay and didn't stop talking to me because of it " Said the dark haired one.

" And I still support it a lot, because I am bi, I know what it is to be repressed for liking men, I know how it is to go through this, I also had to hide from my father, but you never stopped to think why you never see my father directly? He always hid " said the blond.

" Yes it was really suspicious, but then you mean you really are the Frank I've known all these years? " asks the Englishman.

" Of course you did, I'll never stop being one, I just hid my role in the order, but everything I said to you was genuine, everything really, you were one of the few people who allowed me to open up a lot, sorry for hiding about my connection, but if I didn't do this I would die " Said the Scot who then received a hug from his friend.

" That's it boys, that's the way you should be, you've built a beautiful thing and you're not going to let something like that bring you down, all the more so as it might be what makes you stronger " McLaren said giving them both a cuddle.

" Now let's think of a way here people, since you have made up we have to think of defences," said Bernadette.

Together they've been designing a map where they're going to sort of build some air defences in case the group keeps using MGE's to attack from above as well as some traps in the forests, so they've been drawing a lot on the map, all to impede better, but in a stealthy way too.

" The problem will be this, we have to place this in a moment where they are not spying on us, so they will be taken by surprise by our defenses, as well as we will put magic sensors to better detect the presence of their coming and any attempt to attack " Said the redhead pointing to the places on the map.

" They'll probably come flying in, that equipment of theirs is pretty good, they were made by two witches made slaves " Lancaster said.

" What are their names? " Cavendish asks with his hand on his chin.

" Roxanna and Anastazia, they were considered to be the most intelligent in the world, my father said that we can work with witches if they serve us for our purposes, he just didn't understand why enslave them " Frank said.

" Love! Constanze's mothers are really alive! Let's take advantage and save them too " said the platinum haired one.

" You're right! At least some of ours are alive. Frank, what about the others? Even though I see them dying in front of me, they're really gone aren't they? " said the redhead.

" Unfortunately yes, I have only heard of these two witches when they talk about this subject, I have never heard of others, since they are always killed by ours, well anyway let's end it all, I want things to change " Frank said.

" Thanks for showing up for us boy, you saved us " Laura said giving the boy a pat on the head.

From there they went on talking, devising a better strategy to find a way to pull in order to find the ideal points for the best defence, as well as devising a counter"attack map, where they would carry out a mission to directly attack the cultists' organisation, everything to be able to put an end to this terror.

Another ally arrives to the group, Frank Lancaster, ex cultist, son of the former leader who was murdered by Daryl, which brings another hope that the plans may perhaps work out.

See you, new wizard...

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