Chapter 15

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Luz was bored out of her mind and couldn't go back to work for another thirty minutes so she decided to go to the walking park that was across from the cafe that she worked at, she instantly regretted it, there were people everywhere, there were kids throwing things at the ducks ignoring the signs telling you not to throw things in the water or at the animals, there was garbage everywhere, there was a couple arguing on a dock, an old man feeding who Luz assumed was his wife, kids running around yelling, Luz was about to leave when she heard someone yell her name, she turned and  cursed under her breath once realizing who it was.

It was her ex boyfriend they broke up after he found out that Luz was bisexual, he said that he was fine with it but he then started to ask if she was attracted to any of her female friends and didn't believe her when she said she wasn't, so they didn't exactly end it on good terms, but despite all that Luz put on a big smile and started lying through her teeth. "Julian, so nice to see you again." Julian smiled and stepped a bit closer to Luz. "It's so nice to see a familiar face for once." Julian said sitting at a bench. "Yeah, w-what are you doing here though?" Asked Luz. "Just visiting my uncle, he's pretty sick and the doctors said that he probably won't be alive by the end of this week." Julian said looking down at the grass. "Oh, I'm sorry." "Don't be, he's had a pretty nice life." Julian said looking back up at Luz who was still standing. "Come sit." Luz shook her head no. "I need to start heading back to work." "Oh, well I hope I see you again soon." Julian said standing up. "Me too." Luz said walking away. Once Luz made it back to the cafe she worked at she noticed that she still had twenty minutes left to which she groaned at and decided to sit at an outside table.

☆I could've made it longer but I really wanted to post another chapter today☆

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