You and Luke were just sitting eating dinner at your kitchen table and talking. "(Y/N) ! Did you see the puppy that (your friend/ luke's friend) got?" Luke asked. "Yes!! It's too cute " You replied stuffing food in your mouth. "Do you want to get a puppy together?" Luke asked. "Um yeah obviously" You said smiling. "Yay!" Luke said.
The next day you and Luke went to the adoption center. You and Luke got a corgi. You'd heard really great things about them. You brought it home.
"Are we going to send it to obedience school?" You asked. "Yeah I guess, I'll find the best one around!" Luke said. The dog was like your child.
"Luke what are we going to name it?" You asked. "What about... Lucky" Luke said. "No... I feel like so many dogs are names lucky" You said. The corgi just stared up at you two blankly, panting. "It is a boy right?" Luke asked, bending over trying to check "Yep, defidently is" Luke said nodding. You giggled. "What about Poppy?" You asked. "Nah..." luke answered. "I got a good name. Michael Ashton Calum Hemmings-(Y/Last/N)" Luke said. "The dog will be goofy, sweet, but tough like them." "I love it!but That's too long, also will they be weirded out?" You said. "For short, we could just call him Mac! Get it? M, A,C, and no they'll be honored obviously. Just look at him." Luke said excitedly. as the dog rolled on its back.
"Well, great dogs, should be named after great people." You said. "I'm so happy, I got a dog with you." You say. "I know, it shows that we're in this for the long run." Luke said. You kissed him. "Or at least like 16 years" Luke laughed. You gave him a playful whack on the arm.
You kissed his lips passionately, then his neck, and his chest. He let out a soft moan. "Not in front of the dog, we only just got him, we can't scar it for life." Luke said. You laughed. And scooped up the puppy.
"Hi mac, were your adoptive parents." You say. "I didn't know we were going to be telling him he was adopted so soon." Luke said smiling. "Now let's call the boys, we have to tell them we names our dog after them" Luke said running into the other room. Mac would live in a happy home.
yayy guys! i love dogs so much. i love all animals tbh. lol i'm totally naming my future dog clam (calum luke ashton michael) đlol but i've always liked the name tater for for a dog. idk i'm a weird person
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