When you get Petty

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This is a request from a friend on instagram (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤ She's been petty all day and she wanted to feel loved


Your Pov

What is a petty person?

According to google, a petty person is someone who gets caught up in small details. An example of petty is a person who gets very angry when someone accidentally steps on their foot.

Sometimes I'm that kind of person.

Its a bad habit of mine, i tend to fixate myself on the littlest of details. Lately, Luka hasn't been around as much due to his responsibilities as Viperion, and his education. And don't forget about Kitty Section.

He has alot on his plate, I understand that. But sometimes I can't help but have these petty feelings bubble up. I get overwhelmed and I start to overthink and it puts me in a bad mood.

I gently flipped the pages of my book, trying to immerse myself in the story and it's plot. Trying to distract myself from these vicious and endearing thoughts that keep running around my head in circles.

I grumbled in annoyance, no matter how many books I've read or Youtube videos I've watch, the feeling that's dwelling inside me stays close.

Fluttering my eyes to a close, I placed the book back at my desk and had myself fall onto the bed. I rolled onto my stomach and heaved out a small sigh.

This is going to be a very long weekend.

I try to block out the eerie noises in the background, the sound of rumbling and rustling could be heard as Hawkmoth tries to take Ladybug and Chat Noirs miraculouses once again.

Its actually getting tiring by now honestly. When will he ever give up?

A few minutes later I could hear the fluttering of ladybugs miraculous, indicating that the damages the akumatized villain has caused is already being fixed.

I looked outside my window to see thousands, maybe even millions of small ladybugs fixing all the havoc and messes, and turning everything back to the way it was before. Hawkmoth is probably cursing his butt off right now.

I'm guessing that Luka would probably pass by to check and see if I was alright, that's what he usually does after an akuma attack. It makes my heart flutter knowing that I'm one of his priorities, and that he cares deeply.

But I'm still petty.

A few minutes later, and as I guessed, Luka came barging in my room. Politely, of course. He gently tapped on my terrace door, before letting himself in.

I didn't bother to look up because I was already immersed in my own world, and I was trying to ignore him.

Reaching out, I grabbed the book back and flipped open some random pages, it's as if I was actually reading but in reality I literally have no idea what this book is all about.

I softly mumble incoherently to myself, making my reading act seem more believable.

I heard him de transform, calling out for Sass to come out. A dash of teal light illuminated my bedroom for a brief moment.

"Sass, scales rest."

I could hear his faint footsteps, it's as if he was trying to be like a sneaky snake. My back was turned behind him, and I didn't even bother to turn around and greet him.

I thought that Luka was just going to ask the usual "Are you okay?, Does anything hurt?, Are you and your parents okay?" kinds of questions. But I was suddenly caught off guard when I heard the side of the bed creak.

Luka hopped in on the free space beside me, slowly engulfing himself on my teddy/plush pile (Do you guys have a plush pile on y'alls bed? I have xD).

My breath hitched, my heart started beating fractionally against my chest when I felt his hands gently wrap around my waist. He softly nuzzles his face on my back, which had me in a blushing mess. I didn't know what to say.

"I'm so tired." Luka groaned out, a small sigh escaping his lips afterwards. I didn't bother answering, my lips in a small pout as I continue to scan the words on my book.

"Honey?" He shifted a little bit, resting his head higher on the bed to see what I was up to. I heard a small hum escape his lips, indicating that he saw what I was doing.

Luka then grumbled under his breath. "Again? You remembered what happened the last time you ignored me for a book." He then said.

I had this sudden urge to giggle, the memory of him peppering me with kisses all over because of his jealousy was just hilarious. Out of all the things he could've gotten jealous of, he was jealous of the book.

But I had my lips sealed, I haven't spoken a word to him since he came here.

"Baaabyyyy." Luka then whined, his arms wrapping tighter on my waist. I could only let out a small huff, the petty feelings welling in my chest were slowly bubbling to the surface.

"Talk to me, please." He said. I didn't flinch.

"Pleaseeeee?" He was practically whining like a deranged child at this point, and it had me slightly annoyed.

"What?" I then sharply said, turning to look at his direction. I could see the shock on his face when he heard the tone of my voice, it was quite unusual for me to use that type of tone.

"Are you feeling alright?" He asked, which he only received an eye roll from me. I sassed at him and he asks if I'm alright, which obviously I am not.

"Perfectly fine." I merely said, turning back to continue reading my book. But Luka isn't the type to give up that easily, he's always been such a nosy dork.

A small squeak escaped my lips as I felt his hold on my waist tightened. Luka then layed on his back, gently placing me on top of him.

I could see that genuine smile of his plastered on his face, as he looks into my eyes with sincerity.

I merely huffed and averted my gaze, my hands placed on his chest as I steady myself in his hold. Luka raised a brow at me, then heaved out a small sigh.

"Yeah, you are not fine. I'm not falling for that one again. Now, tell me all about your day while I engulf you with cuddles."

I couldn't escape the cuddles, I'm not complaining anyways.


School and bermonths has given me nothing but headaches ┻┻︵ヽ('Д')ノ︵┻┻

I've been piled up in schoolwork all month and I haven't even decorated my room for the holidays yet.

Also, I just got my second doze of pfizer vaccine (◕દ◕) My arm hurts.

Halp ಥ╭╮ಥ

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