When you and him spend the night Together

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Yas. I am alive 🐳
I'm sorry for the long hiatus readers lol. School, job, and a boyfriend keeps a girl busy!

Anyways let's get on with this chapter 🐳

Your Pov

It's been a long while since Luka and I started dating. We've had lots of ups and downs, misunderstandings, and loads of troubles. But surprisingly, were still standing high and proud.

I ever so gently played with the tip of Lukas hair. They were a pretty blue highlight, that looks as if they glow in the night. He nuzzles his face closer to my stomach, his head resting lazily on my thighs as we look up the stars together.

"Look at those stars align. They look like a heart." Luka then exclaimed, his mesmerizing teal eyes gazes at the stars.

His hand pointed to the direction where he saw the heart shape. I look up to see, indeed they are aligned into a heart.

"They look like a butt to me." I joked, emitting a small chuckle from Luka. I look down to see him staring at me, and I couldn't help but gaze into his eyes, my lips tilting into a smile.

"Why are you giving me that look?" I then asked him, my cheeks flaring and becoming flaming hot as I heard his answer.

"I'm just gazing at the most beautiful star of all. Why'd you ask?" He said.

I couldn't help but blush even more, Luka sure knows how to make me feel giddy. A small huff escaped my lips as I then give Luka a pinch on the cheek.

"Would you stop being adorable even for just a second." I then managed to squeak out, my eyes darting at everywhere but him.

"I can't do that love. Your sorta stuck with me and my adorable-ness." He then said, emphasizing the word adorable as he continues to nuzzle his face closer to my stomach.

I didn't bother answering for my mind started to turn foggy, tonight is the night that we take this step in our relationship. It's nothing big, but I think it's a good step to take.

Lukas mum was happy to let me sleep in with them tonight, but my father wasn't so adamant with the idea. The idea of me sleeping in with Luka seemed so horrid to him.

But thanks to Lukas charm and casual personality, he was able to woo my dad and win him over. And here we are now, wrapped around each other as we watch the stars from below.

"It's getting late, do you wanna head inside now babe?" I then heard Luka said. I couldn't answer back, there was this lump on my chest stopping me from answering him.

I would love to be wrapped around Lukas warm embrace as we snuggle together on his bed, but there's this string that's tugging down on me. I can't pit my finger on it, I guess this step in our relationship is just making me feel jitters.

There was a moment of silence between us, I didn't bother answering because my mind was filled with tornado of thoughts. Each of those thoughts getting more intense than the last, and it had my cheeks flaring.

My breath was suddenly knocked out of me when i felt as if I was flying in the air. And I sorta was.

Luka had his arms firmly wrapped around me, his eyes warm and luminous as he started to walk down the deck and into his room.

"L-luka?" I then called out, my voice slightly hoarse and my cheeks were as bright as an apple.

He looked down on me and I immediately averted my gaze.

"What's up cupcake?" He asked, making my cheeks flourish even more at the adorable nickname he got for me.

I just couldn't muster up the courage to tell him, that I'm nervous.

"I.. I love you!" I then exclaimed, giving him a small kiss on his chin. Luka looked surprised, but nonetheless he smiled down at me and kisses my forehead.

"I love you too baby, that's why I'm gonna take it slow. You don't have to be nervous." He then said, making my eyes widened.

How'd he know?

"Yeeaah, you sometimes blurt out your thoughts." Luka then answered for me. A small huff escaped my lips as I averted my gaze once more, embarrassment avail in my face.

We got into the Couffaine siblings room. Juleka was out on a slumber party with the girls, so it's just me and Luka tonight.

The thought of being alone in a room with Luka terrifies me for some odd reason, being alone with him wasn't that big of a problem before.

Luka gently placed me down back on the solid hardwood floor. A shiver went down my spine as I sat on the edge of Lukas bed.

My head hung low as I look down on my feet, trying to avoid the gaze that Luka has on me.

"Hey.." I then heard him say. The bed creaked as Luka sat beside me, his warm soft eyes never leaving my frame. I could feel his arms wrap around me, making me forget all the little worries I had swirling in my head.

"It feels nice doesn't it? Being in each other's arms." Luka then said, his hold on me growing tighter as he nuzzles his head on the crook of my neck. I finally decided to give in and planted a kiss on his forehead.

"It's nice." I merely answered.

A small chuckle escaped Luka as he then plops both of us into his bed.

"L-luka!" I then squealed, my eyes widened in surprise. Luka then nuzzles his face back to the crook on my neck and softly hummed a soft melody that had my aching heart ease.

"Relax baby girl, were not doing anything big. Let's just cuddle." Luka said. 

I nuzzled my face on his neck and let out a small sigh. A smile went up my lips as I felt his warm touch, his hands softly grazing my back as he sang me a sweet lullaby. We held close to each other as we fell down to the sleepy abyss.

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