My love

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At this point I'm just making up titles cause I dont know what to put so im just making them up as I go

Ella's POV
I woke up and seen a sleeping luke next to me with his arm around my waist 'hes cute when hes sleeping' I said to myself. I slowly moved his arm from around my waist and stood up looking back at him one more time smiling then exited the door and slowly closing. As I turned around I saw ivy and greeted her with a smile we walked downstairs to see Luke's mom, Lucy and Shizu's mom, Izuki

"Oh girls glad your up, do you mind helping us make breakfast for everyone" Ms.Lucy said smiling, we smiled as an agreement and went into the kitchen and started making breakfast (They are all in their boyfriends and husbands shirts with no pants on) (Weirdos 😒😒)

Luke's POV
I woke up and noticed ella wasn't here, so I got up and walked out my room to see my dad, shizu, and uncle todoroki walking towards me. We greeted each other and walked downstairs to smell something good, we went into the kitchen to see the girls (Ella, Ivy, Lucy, and Izuki) cooking with their backs towards us we looked at each other and smirked. We slyly walked behind them and wrapped our arms around their waist earning a jump from surprise, they turned towards us with a cute little pout

"You idiots dont do that you scared us" we laughed at their reaction then went to sit down at the table, then our sisters came in and sat down aswell

2 minutes later
Breakfast was served and it was so good, after we finished eating we all washed our plates.and headed to our rooms to get dressed
Luke and Shizu's POV
3 minutes later
We were done getting dressed for us to hangnout but.................

"What the hell are you wearing!!!!!!!!!!" Me and shizu said looking at the outfits our moms gave to Ella and Ivy



"Oh calm down you two these are the outfits me and Izuki wore on our dates with your dads" our eyes twitched from annoyance, we sighed and looked back at the girls who had that cute embarrassed face which made them look so cute and sexy we sighed again

"Let's just go come on" we said grabbing their hands and walked out the house

"Bye have fun" our moms said, that damn woman what the hell were they thinking putting them in these outfits, then we felt a hand touch our shoulders we turned to see the girls with a sad expression

"What's wrong" we said they looked down and fiddled with their fingers

I-I think w-we sh-should br-break up" our eyes were wide open they wanted to break up
Just kidding I bet y'all were like 🤯🤯🤯 bish what, but any this is what the girls really said

"A-are you m-mad at us" they said still looking down fiddling with their fingers, we lifted their chins up and kissed them

"No were not mad we just dont want any assholes looking at you guys in wierd ways" we said the girls hugged us and just smiled and so did we. We were at the amusement park the girls grabbed our hands and ran to almost every booth to play games and we also went on the Farris Wheel. Seeing the girls happy made us happy and we hope they always keep that smile when their around us.

We were going to get something to eat then all of a sudden the girls stopped and their faces showed pure fear, they were shaking and having trouble breathing, we were worried so we hugged them to calm them down, they calmed down but was still scared

"What's wrong" we said in a worriedly tone, they pointed at two boys we were confused onto why they would point at the boys

"What about them" but what we did know they must've did something horrible to the gis to make them act like thos and just thinking about what they've done pissed us off.

And we were right the girls told us everything those Jack asses did and how they are still raping them, our bloodlust and killing intent were seeping out we scared the girls a little but we calmed down enough to stop our BL and KL

"Let's go before we end up killing those two and you guys are living with us from now on, no buts your staying and dont worry about clothes we'll buy some new ones tomorrow, let's go" we grabbed their hands and stormed out the amusement park and went home.

We entered the house and our moms stormed in front of us and pulled us all to the couch with sparkle in their eyes

"Sooooo how'd it go" we looked at them and sighed in annoyance

"We had alot of fun" the girls said with a forced smile which was bad because our moms noticed it was fake

"What happened" our moms said with a serious look we sighed cause their was no use in lying, so we told them well the girls told them and our moms got up and and hugged them cause they experienced the same thing when they were young

"Of course you girls can stay we would love to have you live with us this gives us time to get to know our daughter-in-laws" the girls were blushing we did the same and looked away.

After an hour of our moms talking about marriage we all went to our rooms, we gave the girls a t-shirt to wear to sleep gave them a good night kiss and went to bed.

Somewhere else
??? POV
I hope you all are ready cause starting  tomorrow there will be hell to pay so nighty night and prepare for a fight.

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