Chapter 4-Natsu's Control
Natsu soared through the sky as Star held Natsu, going max speed. Natus started to add power when fire came out of his feet for more speed. Suddenly Natsu could see Erigor, He smirked and let go of Star as fire wings formed beside him.
"Fire Dragon Wing Attack!!!" Natsu yelled as the attack hit Erigor making him fall off course. Erigor collapsed onto the ground/railway as he growled and quickly got up, and shot a gust of wind at Natsu and Star. Star quickly grabbed Natsu and dogged the coming gust and set them down.
"Natsu you have to be very careful, He uses wind and fire is weak against wind!" Star warned Natsu as she stood behind him.
"I'm going to beat him to a pulp, No need to worry Star!" Natsu said with a smirk as his hands Ignited on fire. Erigor just laughed and sended a side gust of wind making the flames disappear. Natsu's eyes widen as he looked at his hands. Natsu's surprised turned into anger as his hands turn back into fire as he growled.
"You're going to think it's funny when I beat your butt!" Natsu jumped up and started going down with his fist on fire.
"Fire Dragon Iron Fist!" Natsu yelled as he went to punch Erigor in the face. Suddenly Natsu fell face first as he collapsed to the ground. Erigor just laughed and smirked as he kicked Natsu in the stomach. Natsu coughed as he tried to get up but only got kicked again.
"You fairy scums are so weak! Ha!" Erigor said as he grinned and grabbed his scythe and bring it down to Natsu's neck.
"Time to die fairy!" Erigor said as he went to slash Natsu but was stopped as Natsu started to melt the metal of the scythe. Erigor quickly backed up and flew up into the sky.
"Stupid fairy! Die!" Erigor screamed as he sent a high gush of wind at natsu. He let out a yell as he flew off the train tracks and down into the deep pit underneath it. Natsu closed his eyes as he could feel the wind past through him as he plummeted down into the deep pit.
'"Natsu wake up you lazy bum!!!" Natsu could hear his older sister screaming at him and groaned.
"Luchyyyy~ Let me asleep just for 5 more minutessss~" Natsu said tiredly as he moved away from his sister or Lucy. Lucy just sighed and started to cover Natsu's leg with Ice, Making him yelp and instantly wake up to start to melt the ice off his leg. His fire went everywhere as it started to set the grass near him on fire making him yelp and back away a bit. Lucy just sighed dand before setting out the fire with her water dragon roar.
"What have I told you about controlling your fire! Your fire isn't all about destruction, you can stop destroying/ setting things on fire if you control your flames Natsu its will work with you and you won't destroy everything thing in your path. Let your fire be apart of you, control it, don't let it control you." Lucy said as she pointed to his chest and smiled.'
Natsu smiled as flames came to life as it looked like a wing hand and grabbed the train tracks without destroying or burning the wood.
'Thank you Lucy! I understand now!' Natsu thought as he landed back onto rhe train tracks with his famous grin.
"Think you could get rid of me that easily! Now chew on this!" Natsu yelled as he jumped in the sky, fire wings started to form behind him. Erigor turned around to late as he was hit with Natsu's dragon fire wing attack. Erigor flew few feet away from Natsu looking pissed off.
"You messed with the wrong person fairy scum!!!" Erigor screamed as he started to float in the sky as a tornado wind surrounded his whole body. Natsu went to lite his hands on fire but the instantly blew away as the gust around him got stronger.
"Shit... this is intense, it's like standing in a typhoon." Natsu muttered as he planted his feet to the ground and puts his hands near him in defense.
"Natsu!! I don't have much power left! I can try and get you out hold on!" Star yelled as wings appeared on her back but as Star started to get up the wings instantly went away.
"Can you see! Your fire can never defeat my wind! It's time to blow you away fairy!" Erigor said in a snarky voice as suddenly the winds got stronger making Natsu get off balance.
"Now STORM SHRED!" Erigor screamed as he sent many slices of wind at Natsu. Natus luckily quickly jumped in the air and dogged the incoming attack as he screamed in anger and went to hit erigor as his fist become hot flames. Erigor just chuckled and put his palm out making Natsu stopped because of the winds that surrounded Erigor. Natsu was sent slamming back into the train tracks with a grunt as he got onto his knees panted heavily.
"I can't even get close to getting a punch on this guy.... Now what...." Natsu said as he looked down trying to think of a plan.
"Feeling a bit frustrated? Don't be too hard on yourself, You never had a chance against me," Erigor chuckled, "But don't worry I'm going to put an end to this now! My soaring phoenix magic rips everything to shreds! Scatter to the wind!!!" Erigor yelled as 8 magic circles appeared as they moved in a circle and started to glow purple.
"Natsu!! Don't let that spell touch you!! It could kill you instantly!!" Star yelled as she put up her paw stop stop the wind from blowing in her face. Erigor smirked as he put his two fingers on top of each other as it started to glow brighter purple. Suddenly a huge side tornado of wind gusted through destroying everything in its path. Natsu grunted in pain as he fell to the ground barely dodging the attack but getting half of it as his body is covered in bruises and cuts. Natsu laid there as Star came over to him and shook him.
"N-Natsu get up!! Hurry!!"
"Oh, He's body is still in one piece... I'm surprised~ Not to shabby for a wizard so young," Erigor continued, "After I play a melody on the lullaby for those old guild fools, They will be joining you in your eternal rest~" Erigor said as he smirked. Suddenly Natsu's fist hit the ground hard as he slowly got up, holding his right arm a bit while anger building up inside him.
"All you talk about is that stupid Flute!!!" Natsu yelled as he took off his shirt as his chest is completely shirtless.
"If you want to kill the guild master's you're going to have to get past me!!" Natsu yelled out as he clenched his fist and glared at Erigor.
"I-Impossible! How are you even standing kid!!!" Erigor yelled as Natsu lite his hands on fire as they didn't blow away like what they normally did.
"It's time to start fighting!" Natsu yelled as he jumped into the sky as he went to go attack Erigor but was flung back again because of the wind surrounding him. Natsu growled and grabbed the metal train track as flames shouted out of his body as he yelled in anger.
"NO WHAt'S WRONG WITH ME!! I CAN'T EVEN GET CLOSE TO HIM!!!" Natsu yelled at himself as more flames shout out of him. Natsu screamed louder as he bent the metal, Instantly flames shouted out in many directions as the fire started to change the direction of the winds coming from Erigor. Suddenly Natsu screamed louder as he broke the metal railing in half as more flames shooted out of him.
' H-How is his flames growing stronger!? W-Wait... Flames of emotion... B-But that's an ancient spell!!! Where did this boy learn about this!' Erigor thought as he looked at his hand to realize Natsu was pulling the wind away from him.
"Natsu!!!" Star screamed as she had a master plan and was smirking.
"Ugh You stink, you should just let Gray handle this... you never going to win this." Natsu stood there for a moment in shock before screaming louder as hotter and more fierce flames shooted out of him as his eyes dark.
"WHAT DID YOU SAYYYY!!!" Natsu screamed as the flames became more intense. Erigor stook in shock as the winds were pulled towards Natsu as he grew more angrier. Suddenly the winds disappeared as Erigor just stood there shocked and surprised. Natsu had intense flames surrounding him as he bended down and shot through the sky and hitting Erigor in the stomach with all of his body. Natsu grabbed Erigor as he sent him flying in the air as his fire burned him to a crisp as Erigor feel to the ground.
"Did you like that Star?" Natsu said as the flames disappeared as he was panting softly.
"You showed him that if you mess with a dragon slayer you're going to get toasted!" Star said as she jumped up with a smile.
"Really because you weren't so sure of me earlier..." Natsu said with a side glare to Star as she just nervously laughed.
"Cats have a bad short term memory you know that right?"
"You said that I could never beat him and you said that I should leave it to Erza or something!"
"Gray," Star corrected while giggling. "Well It doesn't matter any way because you won Natsu!"
"Hump... Yeah I did, But I still wonder how I pulled off that last attack."Natsu said as he put his hands on his head as he grinded.
"Natsu!!" Natsu heard someone say as it sounded like Erza as he turned back to see them rolling up in the magic mobile.
"Hey guys!! You guys just missed me betting Erigor!!" Natsu said as he keeps his signature grin on his face. Erza was holding Lucy as she looked tired and weak but was able to stand.
"I'm proud of you brother..." Lucy said in a tired voice as she leaned against Erza as she felt like she was about to die.
"Are you going to be okay Lucy?" Erza asked as concerned and worried laced her voice.
"Yeah... Don't worry about me Erza.. but thanks.." Lucy said as she could feel her strength coming back to her but still felt weak and lightheaded. Kageyama just stared in shock as his mouth hung open a bit.
'No way! Erigor never losses!' Kageyama thought as he heard a sound and looked to see the Flute making a smirk become on his face. Natsu and Gray started to bicker as they both were shirt less and glaring at eachother.
"You look stupid without a shirt on and just a scarf." Gray said as he crossed his arms and chuckled. Natsu growled and looked over at Lucy,
"Lucy Give me your clothes."
"In your dreams pervert!" Lucy screamed as she glared at Natsu as a tick mark appeared on her head. She sighed as she leaned against Erza still as her body felt like it was on fire. Erza laughed and smiled a bit while holding onto Lucy tighter as she could feel Lucy barely trying not to fall.
"Well done Natsu, Thanks to you all the guild masters will be safe now." Erza said in a proud voice as she smiled softly. Lucy nodded while smiling softly while starting to feel her strength come back to her again.
"While we're here, we should stop by the guild master's conference to tell them what happened, and how to properly dispose of the lullaby flute." Erza said as she smiled and looked around as she started to set Lucy down. Suddenly shadows launched the magic mobile as someone started to drive it while smirking.
"KAGEYAMA!!!" Erza shouted as she quickly moved Lucy behind her so she didn't get hurt by anything.
"WHAT IN THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!!!" Gray said as he held a shocked face as he tried to catch up with the kangeyam.
"HAHAHA! The lullaby flute is mine now!! Shouldn't have let your guard sown flies!!!" Kangeyam yelled out as he held the flute with his show does and drove away. They all just stood there shocked and disappointed in themselves as their mouths were dropped wide open.
Night Fall
Kageyama leaned against a tree as he had a perfect view of the guild hall.
"Perfect~ This will work amazing!" Kageyama said to himself as he smirked and held onto the flute tightly. Suddenly there was a sound of kissing and fangirling over something behind him. Instantly Kageyama turned around to see Master Makarov looking at a magazine that had a lot of hot girls in them.
"Ohhhh~ They look so good these days, why better than my days. Wait, I don't have time for this! I have to catch up with these fools of mine before they reck up a whole town!" Master Makarov said before stopping in his tracks and turning to see Kageyama before freezing as his jaw drops.
"A-AHHHHH!! I-It's not what it looks like!! I-I was doing research on female wizards!! It was innocent!! I-" Master Makarov continued to make excuses while shaking his hands before being stopped by Kageyama.
"I don't care old man." Makarov stopped and looked at Kageyama and his bandages.
"You have been hurt boy. You shouldn't be wandering around the woods at this time of night, especially in your condition." Makarov said as he had a worried face and looked at Kageyama in concern.
"Yes sir, you're right." Kageyama said in a stern tone as he straightened his posture. Makarov sighed as he looked away and wiped the sweat that was coming down his forehead.
'That's Makarov... The master of the fairy tail guild! Why do I keep running into theses stupid flies.' Suddenly Kageyama got and idea and quickly stopped Makarov from leaving.
"E-Excuse me Sir, I-I don't suppose you would want to hear a song? They wouldn't let me play my flute while I was in the hospital. It would mean alot to play for someone again..." Makarov turned around a smiled as he went back to the rock he was sitting on.
"I suppose... But that's one creepy flute you got there."
"I-I know but it has an amazing sound." Makarov nodded as he looked back at Kageyama as a signal to play. Kageyama bowed and smirk but hide it well as he slowly started to put the flute to his lips.
'This is it...' As images went through his mind, it was first his members the people he trusted. Then the four fairy tail members that helped him.
"Killing innocent people isn't going to get your rights back!"
"Kageyama we need your help!! Stay with us please!!"
"You should focus on the bright side... you and your buddies."
"He is part of your guild, AND YOU BETRAYED HIS TRUST!!"
Kageyama started to shake a bit as he looked down still holding the flute to his mouth.
"There he is!" Erza said as he was on a hill near Master Makarov and Kageyama. Suddenly Bob the leader of the Blue Pegasus guild jumped in front of them as the three of them screamed a bit in superized.
"Shhhhh~ were just about to get to the good part~" Bob said in a creepy voice as he kept watching what was going on.
"Really bob, Way to be creepy..." Lucy said as she was standing up, she felt better from before.
"Ahhhh~ Lucy dear, and Erza dear!" Bob said as he slightly bowed making Lucy look away while glaring at him to keep his mouth shut.
"Well I can't take all day boy..." Makarov said as he folded his arms back and stared at Kageyama as he stood there frozen. Kageyama sighed and brought the flute to his lips as he took a breath.
"Oh no!" Ezra said as her eyes widen, Natsu and Gray were being held by Bob and Lucy just leaned against a tree watching the show. Suddenly Erza was interrupted and stopped by Goldmine.
"Don't It's about to get to the good part." Goldmine said as he looked at Lucy in confusion only to look away instantly when Lucy glared at him. Makarov grunted and kinda glared at Kageyama as he sighed from inpatient.
"Well..." Kageyama started to pant heavily as he shook and started to shake.
'Just one song...... That will change....everything.' But Kageyama kept shaking, he stood there.
"Nothing's going to change... You can't change the fact that the weak will forever stay weak, now maybe it's just me but I don't think that's a bad thing. I mean humans are naturally weak, our incuciriturs is the reasons guilds expect to this day, and that's another reason why we have friends. When we're surrounded by allies it's easier to stay positive about the future. Think of this if we're clumsy we may stumble and bump into things, but as long as we have faith we continue marching forward and our inner strength emerges on its own. But we have to choose and plague our path and live our lives to the fullest. Don't let that silly flute get in the way!" Makarov said in a strong but soft voice as he smiled. Kageyama instantly let the flute fall as tears started to fall down his face, He got on his hands and knees and looked down in defeat.
"I surrender..." Erza, Natsu, and Gray ran towards Master Makarov as they clapped and smiled brightly. Lucy just shaked her head and crossed her arms as she smiled but instantly froze as she felt a familiar presence.
'N-No... it can't be...' As the three started to praise Makarov a blinding purple light came from the lullaby flute.
"HAHAHAHA! I HAVE GROWN TIRED OF YOU COWARDLY WIZARDS!!" The flute said as a huge purple magic circle appeared close to them as purple smoke and lighting came from the flute. Suddenly Lucy noticed the military and gasped a bit, A huge monstered appeared as it had three glowing purple eyes. Its body
was twisted and made out of wood as he was huge.
"IT'S TIME FOR ME TO FEAST ON YOUR PITIFUL SOULS!!!" The monster said as he clenched his fist.
"W-What is that thing!! E-Erigor never said anything about this!" Kageyama said as he stared at the monster as his mouth hung wide open.
" It's a demon... from the book of Zeref..." Lucy said as she kept in her position and staring at the demon.
"W-Why did it turn into a monster!" Kageyama said as his eyes were wide as scared filled her.
"That's lullabies true form looks like in the flesh... It's forbidden black magic, Living magic...Zeref's specialty." Lucy said as she got off the tree and headed next to Goldmine while staring at the demon.
'I remember now... he did survive...'
"Living magic?" Erza asked as she tilted her head in confusion.
"Zeref? Wasn't he an ancient wizard?" Gray asked as he looked at Lucy.
"Zeref was the evilest wizard to ever live, he was very powerful in his day... but I would have never thought that his legacy would pop back up." Bob said speaking for Lucy as Lucy looked down and clutched her fist tightly.
'He didn't mean to be evil...'
"Now then... which of these delectables souls should I dine on first~." The flute said as it got on his hands as he looked at Natsu, Erza and Gray but not noticing Lucy.
"Delectables eh? Hey Gray? Do you think souls are that tasty?" Natsu asked as he grinded and his stomach growled a bit.
"How should I know flame brain!!!" Gray yelled while glaring at Natsu. Suddenly Erza turned around glaring at the
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